080 – Student Final Grade (Snapshot)
This extract includes a record for each final grade that matches a specific store code (S1, S2, Y1 etc.) and is awarded to students during the current school year for grade levels 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. The extract is designed to run district wide, building an Add transaction file. The report should only be run for a selected group of students when doing corrective work, otherwise the extract should be run for all students in the district. 080 transactions are a snapshot of data at the time that the extract completes.
Grades should be reported from the student’s home school for university, technical, summer school, and courses completed at other schools. Summer school grades should be reported with the previously completed school year. For example, if summer school ends August 5, 2011, the grade should be reported in the 2010-2011 school year.
Note: To properly report classes enrolled at other schools (concurrent enrollment classes) the permanently store grades process must include the following options under the “Options for classes enrolled at other schools”:
- Store grades for classes enroll at “All schools”
- Record the name of “This school”
The extract should be run for the following two scenarios:
- Report final grades at the end of each term, as opposed to during the term, as required by the state. Note that PowerSchool will not track updates to stored grades, which is another reason to report grades once at the end of each term.
- Report final grades whenever private or out-of-state transfer grades are entered for students.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Stored Grade Selection
The report selects records from the [StoredGrades] based on the following criteria:
- The historical grade must be associated with a State Department of Education (SDE) course code.
- The historical grade must be associated with a store code selected at extract runtime on the Create Student Final Grades page.
- The historical grade must be associated with a grade level of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.
The grading scale to determine the historical grade for the 2022 - 2023 school year EOY process is as follows:
A: 90 to 100
B: 80 to 89
C: 70 to 79
D: 60 to 69
F: 0 to 59
Report Input
To generate the extract, do the following:
- On the Start page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
- Click Interfaces to other systems. The Interfaces to Other Systems page appears.
- Click Tennessee Education Information System (EIS). The Tennessee Education Information System (EIS) page appears.
- Click Create Student Final Grades. The Create Student Final Grades page appears.
- Enter information in all of the required fields.
- Click Submit to create final grade records. The page refreshes with the following message: Alert: Extract File is Complete
Field | Description |
Store Code | Choose a store code to associate with the final grades from the pop-up menu. The values in the menu are derived dynamically based on the term selected at the top of the page and the store codes used at the school. For example, if the term at the top of the page is S1 10-11 and grades have been stored for S1 10-11 using store codes Q1 and S1, then Q1 and S1 appear in the menu. However, if the term is Full Year 10-11 and no grades have been stored for that term, then no store codes appear in the menu. See field 13, Term Class was Taken, in the report output below for a list of possible values. |
Student Selection | Indicate which students to create final grade records for by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Record Type | Choose a record type from the pop-up menu to indicate how to modify the state data to match data in PowerSchool. The data in this record either needs to be added to, modified in, or deleted from the state data:
Cutoff percent for quality points | Enter a value to determine at the cutoff for deducting quality points from a grade. For example, if the cutoff is 69, then grades at or below 69 do not have quality points deducted and are reported separately. |
Extract Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Track |
1 | Record ID | The identifier of this record. | Always “080” | 3 | N |
2 | Record Version | The version of this record. | Always “01” | 2 | N |
3 | Record Type | One of the following is reported, based on the selection at runtime:
| N/A | 1 | N |
4 | Filler | N/A | Always “00” | 2 | N |
5 | District ID | The district number. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | 3 | N |
6 | School ID | The school number. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number - if populated Otherwise: [Sections]SchoolID | 4 | N |
7 | School Year | The four-digit year that the instructional program will be operated to provide instructional services to students. This is the current full year term, as defined using the special operation. See the District Setup > Years & Terms section for more information. | [Terms]FirstDay [Terms]LastDay | 4 | N |
8 | Instructional Program Number | The number used to uniquely identify the program within the school. Valid values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, or 06. | [Students]Track | 2 | N |
9 | Student Social Security Number | The student’s social security number. | [Students]SSN | 9 | Y |
10 | Student PIN | The student’s PIN, if the social security number is not provided or reported. | [S_TN_STU_X]StudentPIN | 9 | Y |
11 | Local Student Key | The internal ID assigned to the student’s record in the PowerSchool database. | [Students]ID | 10 | Y |
12 | Year Class was Taken | The four-digit school year when the class was taken. For example, 2010-2011 is reported as 2010. The value is based on the term associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]TermID | 4 | Y |
13 | Term Class was Taken | The term the class was taken. The value reported is based on the store code entered for the historical grade. Valid values:
| [StoredGrades]StoreCode | 2 | Y |
14 | Grade Assignment When Class was Taken | The grade level the student was enrolled in when the final grade was awarded. If the Transitional Grade checkbox is selected for the student or historical grade in PowerSchool, then the grade level is extracted with a “T” as indicated by the valid values below. Valid values:
| [StoredGrades]Grade_Level [S_TN_STU_X]TransitionalGrade [S_TN_SGR_X]TransitionalGrade | 2 | Y |
15 | Private or Out of State Transfer | Indicates that the course credit was transferred from either a private or out-of-state school. Valid values:
| [StoredGrades]AB_Course_Cmp_Ext_Crd | 1 | Y |
16 | Filler | Zero filled | N/A | 5 | Y |
17 | Local Course Number | The internal section ID value from the section enrollment record or the course number + section number Note: Setting is defined in the District > District Info option: Extract as course.section Yes/No If reporting course.section: The course number is padded to 13 characters and the section number is padded to 2 characters. The section number is appended to the course number. If there is no course or section number the value provided will be 9999 for course and 99 for section. | [Sections]ID or [Courses]Course_Number+[Sections]Section_Number | 15 | Y |
18 | Credits Attempted | The number of credits the student attempted for the course. The value is reported without decimals, i.e. one half credit (0.50) is reported as 050. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs | 3 | Y |
19 | Credits Earned | The number of credits the student earned for the course. The value is reported without decimals, i.e. one quarter credit (0.25) is reported as 0.25. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | 3 | Y |
20 | Alpha Grade | The alpha grade the student earned for the course. Alpha grades are converted to the standard numeric grade scale. Valid values: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, I (Incomplete), or P (Pass) Note: If a numeric value is stored for the Grade and Percent values, the State standard uniform grading policy will be used to determine an Alpha grade value to report. It is suggested that Alpha grades are stored as Grades and numeric grades are stored as Percent values. Having both grade values present will prevent any form of conversion. If you store a numeric Grade, then you must store a numeric Percent value, as there is no conversion that will take place if you have a numeric grade and no numeric percent value. | [StoredGrades]Grade | 1 | Y |
21 | Numeric Grade | The numeric grade awarded for the course. If quality points are available for the course, those points are subtracted from the Numeric Grade and reported in the Quality Points field. It is assumed that the teacher correctly overrode every final grade for the course and added the correct number of quality points. The report refers to the Quality Points field at the course level to determine how many points to subtract from the Numeric Grade. Note: If a numeric value is stored for the Grade and Percent values, the State standard uniform grading policy will be used to determine an Alpha grade value to report. It is suggested that Alpha grades are stored as Grades and numeric grades are stored as Percent values. Having both grade values present will prevent any form of conversion. If you store a numeric Grade, then you must store a numeric Percent value, as there is no conversion that will take place if you have a numeric grade and no numeric percent value. | [StoredGrades]Percent | 3 | Y |
22 | Quality Points | The number of quality points awarded for this course. Quality points are awarded for honors, advanced placement, and IB courses. The report extracts the value entered in the Quality Points field at the course level. For example, if the numeric final grade for all students who complete this course is increased by 10 points, then report 10. If the Quality Points field is populated at the course level, the course is flagged as using quality points; however the value is not automatically added to student final grades. The teacher must override the final grade for every student in the class and add the correct number of quality points. | [S_TN_CRS_X]QualityPoints | 1 | Y |
23 | State Assigned Student ID | The state assigned student identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 9 | N |
24 | Course Code | The SDE course code. If the course credit was transferred from a private or out-of-state school, report the equivalent SDE course code. The alternate course number is reported, if populated. Otherwise, the course number is reported. If the course does not exist as an offered course in the district, the manually entered grade must have the option, Course Number to report for the courses taught outside of the district, set on the stored grade being reported. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number [Courses]Course_Number [S_TN_SGR_X]Alternate_District_Course_Num | 20 | Y |