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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-226622Director's Membership Attendance Reports Issue

Director's Membership/Attendance: Version 2.8
Director's Membership/Attendance Audit: Version 2.5

The director's membership/attendance reports no longer fail when a student has a student standard day value of 0 or blank. A 0 or blank value defaults to the school's standard day. If the school's standard day is also 0 or blank, the report skips the failing calculation and returns an error message stating that the standard day value is missing.

PSSR-225647EIS 031 Creates Extra Records for New Sections

EIS 031 Class Section Schedule

The EIS 031 records now create a single new record when a new section is created in PowerSchool.

PSSR-227611Extract 080 - Student Final Grades Truncates Course Code to 4 characters

080 Student Final Grades

Extract 080 - Student Final Grades now pulls the course code as it is.

PSSR-225643Extract 047 - Student Standard Day: No Record Created in StateEventQueue

A record is now created in StateEventQueue for Extract 047 - Student Standard Day.

PSSR-226428Extract 050 - Student Withdraw Delete Records Not Pulling School Year Correctly if Exit Date is After Last Day of Term

Extract 050 - Student Withdraw Delete Records now pulls the school year correctly even if the exit date is after the last day of the term.

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