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Incident Action Attendance

Incident Action Attendance provides you with the ability to quickly enter attendance for the students involved in an incident using the Quick Incident or the Detailed Incident pages. Attendance is based on your school's default attendance mode (daily, meeting/interval, and clock-in/clock out). Attendance can be entered for the entirety of the action date range or individually by day/meeting. Incident Action Attendance is enabled on a per school/per year basis. When enabled, you can restrict the available attendance codes to a predefined list if controlling access to different attendance codes based on the action used in the incident. Once enabled, action codes must then be assigned action/attendance code mappings. Settings are carried forward from year-to-year when the next year's term is created.

For additional guidance on setting up Incident Action Attendance, mapping Action codes to Attendance codes, and Entering Incident Action Attendance, visit the general Powerschool SIS documentation for Incident Action Attendance.

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