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Transportation ADT Report


This report includes bus transportation information for all students who travel on specified buses during the reporting period. The report also includes totals for students who travel 1.5 miles or more to or from school and the number of days of attendance for students who travel on the bus.

Districts of Residence must be set up at the district level via Start Page > District Setup > Districts of Residence. Students must be assigned a district of residence that matches the district number via Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Current/Previous Enrollment. Transportation records must be set up for students via Start Page > Student > Transportation with a bus number, transportation type, to/from school information, start and end dates, and number of miles traveled.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in grade level 0 (K), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.
  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report during the report date range.
  • The student must be assigned a district of residence that matches the current district number.
  • The student must not be assigned a funding ineligibility status of 1 or 2.

Transportation Record Selection

The report selects records from the [Transportation] table based on the following criteria:

  • The transportation record must have a type of R, SR, or SS.
  • The transportation record must have a start date that occurs on or after the school start date and on or before the reporting period end date.
  • The transportation record must be assigned a From/To School status.
  • The transportation record must be assigned a value for "Route Distance" if the distance is 1.5 miles or greater.

Report Input

For help with navigation and report generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Report Period

Choose the appropriate report period from the pop-up menu:

  • Annual
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Fourth
  • Fifth
  • Sixth
  • Seventh
  • Eighth
  • Ninth

List of bus numbers

Select the appropriate bus numbers to include in the report. You may select multiple bus numbers using the Shift or Control key. If no bus numbers are selected, all are included in the report.

Report Run Date

Enter the date that the report is run.

First Period of Attendance

Enter the first period in the student’s daily schedule for which attendance is taken.

Last Period of Attendance

Enter the last period in the student’s daily schedule for which attendance is taken.

Comma-Delimited List of attendance codes which equal “Present” for Transportation

Enter a comma-delimited list of present attendance codes. Enter the codes without spaces, suchas:P,E,F. If you use a blank code to indicate present, then enter an extra comma, such as:,P,Eor P,E,,

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: The AM value is calculated using records marked as traveling "To School." The PM value is calculated using transportation records marked as traveling "From School."

Item #

Data Element




Report Run Date

The date entered at report runtime.



Report Period

The reporting period selected at report runtime.



School Year

The school year selected at report runtime.



District Name

The district name.




District Number

The district number.




School Name

The name of the school. If the report is run for all schools, then this field is blank.



School Number

The school number. If the report is run for all schools, then this field is blank.



Bus #

The report displays each of the bus numbers entered at report runtime, or all bus numbers found for records included in the report.


Or, if no value, then,



Bus Enrollment Y.T.D.

The number of instances of students traveling to (AM) or from (PM) school using the appropriate bus number at any time this year. Each instance is counted as 0.5.

The transportation record start date must occur after the school start date and before the reporting period end date. The school start date is determined by the reporting segment assigned First Reporting Period via Start Page > School Setup > Reporting Segments. The reporting period end date is determined by the reporting segment assigned the Tennessee reporting period selected at report runtime.


[Transportation]FromTo=To or From



[Transportation]Type=R, SR, or SS




Bus Enrollment for Period

The number of instances of students traveling to (AM) or from (PM) school using the appropriate bus number during the reporting period. The student must still be using a bus with this number at the end of the reporting period. Each instance is counted as 0.5.

The transportation record start date must occur after the school start date and before the reporting period end date. The transportation end date must occur on or after the reporting period end date. The school start date is determined by the reporting segment assigned First Reporting Period via Start Page > School Setup > Reporting Segments. The reporting period end date is determined by the reporting segment assigned to the Tennessee reporting period selected at report runtime.


[Transportation]FromTo=To or From



[Transportation]Type=R, SR, or SS




Bus Enrollment 1.5 Miles or Greater for Period

The number of instances of students traveling 1.5 or more miles to (AM) or from (PM) school using the appropriate bus number. Each instance is counted as 0.5.

If the report is run for reporting period 1 or 9, then the report includes all instances for the school year (YTD). If the report is run for any other reporting period, the student must be traveling to/from school using the bus number on the last day of the reporting period.


[Transportation]FromTo=To or From



[Transportation]Type=R, SR, or SS



[S_TN_TRN_X]Distance Travelled or [Transportation]Distance if is not used [S_TN_TRN_X]Distance Travelled


Bus Enrollment Attendance for Transportation

The number of days that students attended school while traveling on the appropriate bus. This total only includes students who traveled 1.5 or more miles.

The report calculates the number of days that each student was present during the reporting period and sums the total for each student. For example, if one student travels to school on Bus 1 for 20 days, and another student travels to school on Bus 1 for 15 days, then the total is 35 days.


[Transportation]FromTo=To or From



[Transportation]Type=R, SR, or SS






This total is the same as the value for “Bus Enrollment 1.5 Miles or Greater for Period.”


[Transportation]FromTo=To or From



[Transportation]Type=R, SR, or SS



[S_TN_TRN_X]Distance Travelled or [Transportation]Distance if is not used [S_TN_TRN_X]Distance Travelled



The sum for each column.


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