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Data Items Influencing the TN11 Roster of Graduates Report

  • Year Entered Ninth Grade – This identifies the cohort to which the student belongs.
  • Document Type – Regular, Special Ed, GED, Certificate of Attendance.
  • There is no honors diploma recognized by EIS. Any record with honors will be stored on EIS as a regular diploma.
  • There is actually no reason to mark a student as Did Not Complete since a blank will default to the same condition.
  • Graduation Period – Early, Spring, Summer. Early refers only to the time of year that a student graduates and not that a student graduates ahead of his/her cohort.
  • Completion Document Date – The graduation date.
  • End of Service Action Taken – Must be (P) Promoted, (R) Retained, (D) Demoted.
  • End of Service Action Date is pulled from the student's Exit Date.



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