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Truancy Update Process



This process results with a report regarding new students or updated students who either were once considered truant and now are not or new students who became truant. The report will only display those students who had changes as of the current date. If nothing was changed for any students, the report is blank. Truancy is calculated for full day absences based on Unexcused, Excused, and Out-of-School Suspension (OSS). The process updates counts of unexcused, excused, OSS, and total full day absences along with the days of full day unexcused absences. It also updates tardy, early dismissal, and unexcused early dismissal counts.


Section Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records. 

  • The student will be flagged as a ‘Y’ (truant) if the student meets one of the following criteria:
    • 3 Consecutive Full Day Unexcused Absences – where consecutive days are in-session calendar days not A/B schedule cycle days.
    • 5 Total Non-Consecutive Full Day Unexcused Absences
    • 7 Total Non-Consecutive Full Day Unexcused Absences
    • 10 or more Total Non-Consecutive Full Day Unexcused Absences
  • The student's Unexcused Full Day Absences count will be updated to reflect the number of times the student was marked with an Unexcused absence for the full school day. In order to be included in this count, the student must not be marked as Present or Excused at any point throughout the school day.
  • The student's Excused Full Day Absences count will be updated to reflect the number of times the student was marked with an Excused absence for the full school day. In order to be included in this count, the student must not be marked as Present or Unexcused at any point throughout the school day.
  • The student's OSS Full Day Absences count will be updated to reflect the number of times the student was marked with an OSS absence for the full school day. In order to be included in this count, the student must not be marked as Present or with a non-OSS absence at any point throughout the school day.
  • The student's Total Full Day Absences count will be updated if the student was marked absent for the full school day for any reason.
  • The student's Tardy count will be updated if the student has a tardy attendance code of SC-ETRD, SC-UTRD, or SC-BTRD.
  • The student's Early Dismissal count will be updated if the student has an early dismissal code of SC-EDSM. 
  • The student's Unexcused Early Dismissal count will be updated if the student has an attendance code of SC-UEDM.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

At the District Level:

  • Select Multiple Schools allows the user to use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.

At the School Level:

  • Select Current School Only to run the extract just for the current school.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. The report displays data only for students whose truancy status has changed. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.




[Table]Field Name


School(s) Run ForThe name of the school(s) for which the process is run.[Schools]Name
2Student Name

The name of the student.

3Student IDThe student ID.[Students]Student_Number
4Total StudentsThe total number of students whose truancy status changed.Calculated

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