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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report - Attribute Display Update

Student Incident Profile Report: Version 1.6

The Student Incident Profile report has been updated and now, when an attribute is entered/assigned to an incident, participant, or action, it will be reported as follows:

  • Text/Numeric/Date attributes - The saved text/numeric/date value will be displayed to the right of the respective attribute name.

  • Yes/No - The saved Yes/No value will be displayed to the right of the respective attribute name.

  • Select - If the attribute checkbox is checked, the name of the attribute will be displayed in the report output name.


Ed-Fi Framework: Display Actual LEA Name in Data Viewer

The data viewer pages for Ed-Fi resources now display actual LEA names instead of “LEA Office” for the district collections.


Ed-Fi: Enhancement to Data Exchange Dashboard

The Run Now button has been replaced with a Schedule button for the following resources for the SC implementation of Ed-Fi:

  • Staff Associations

  • Teacher Sections

  • Student Programs

  • Assessments

  • Student Discipline

This enhancement allows users to schedule the publishing process, providing greater flexibility.


Ed-Fi: Enhancement to Data Exchange Dashboard

The Run Now button has been replaced with a Schedule button for the following resources for the SC implementation of Ed-Fi:

  • Student Identification

  • Student Enrollments

  • Student Contacts

  • Student Sections

  • Staff Demographics

This enhancement allows users to schedule the publishing process, providing greater flexibility.


Ed-Fi: EOCEP Student Assessment Registration Is Not Honoring Student Selection Criteria

The issue with the EOCEP Student Assessment Registration not honoring the specified student selection criteria for students in grades 6-12 enrolled in an EOCEP course has been resolved with this release.


Ed-Fi: Update Event Triggers (Organization Resources)

Table rules have been updated to trigger events for the organization-based resources.


Ed-Fi: Updated Event Triggers (Staff Resources)

Table rules have been updated to trigger events for the Staff resources.


EFA Code Entry Updates

The EFA Code Entry record and the EFA History record are updated with an additional code of VOC 2 in the EFA Primary code set. A validation is added to prevent VOC 2 code selection if the student has an EFA Primary code of VOC at some point in the first semester.


Incident Management Code and Subcode Update

Following updates have been to the Incident Management module. Corresponding updates have also been made to the DisciplineDescriptor on the disciplineActions resource.

The State Report Code of Duration Code for Concurrent Suspension has been updated to CSS.

The State Report Code of the below Action codes and subcodes have also been updated

  • ALP has been updated to ATP for Alternative Placement

  • IAE has been updated to IAES for IDEA IAES

  • RCP has been updated to RPC for Restorative Practice Conference

  • ISP has been updated to ISS subcode under Suspension

  • ADN has been updated to AND for Intervention Plan

  • WPV has been updated to WIT for Withdrawal of Privileges

The State Report Code of the below subcodes under Possible Motivation have also been updated for the Participant Attributes

  • MPA has been updated to PAT

  • MAA has been updated to AAT

  • MOB has been updated to OBT

  • ATA has been updated to AVT

  • MOT has been updated to OTH


SC02 Cumulative Class Report Enhancement

The Legacy Reports section on the Compliance Reports or the State Reports page has been updated with an additional option which enables users to download SC02 Report in a CSV format.


SC03 Cumulative Class List Report Enhancement

The Legacy Reports section on the Compliance Reports or the State Reports page has been updated with an additional option which enables users to download SC03 Report in a CSV format.


SC28 Add On Weightings Report Enhancement

An additional report parameter has been added to the Add-On Weightings report, allowing for the export of the report output in a CSV format.


SCDE BOY Changes to SC Student Information Page

The below updates have been made to the SC Student Information page:

  • A new value 26 – 2025- 2026 has been added to the Ninth Grade Code drop-down list.

  • A new value 2025 has been added to the GED Earned drop-down list.

  • Updated the Moved To School drop-down list with new, closing, and school name changes.


SCDE Work Based Learning Page Changes - WBL 1-10

The following changes were made to the WBL page:.

  1. Label name change:

    1. Old Label: * WBL CR Minimum Course Credit Met?

    2. New Label: * Course Credit met that relates to the WBL CR placement?

  2. The WBL CCR and Experience 1-10 sections collapsible to condense the page. When collapsed, each section should display the following fields:.

    • WBL CR Experience or WBL Experience #1–20

    • WBL CR Career Center Beds Code or WBL Exp# Owner

    • WBL CR Start Date or WBL Start Date # (1-20)

    • WBL CR End Date or WBL End Date # (1-20)

  3. Buttons to expand and collapse all experience sections without requiring to click the individual arrows.

  4. Tool tips message implementation.


SCDE Work Based Learning Page Changes - WBL 1-20

Updated the Work Based Learning Page by moving the Submit button to the bottom of the page in CR section. Additional update was made to display the errors on the first click of Submit.


SCDE Work Based Learning Page Changes - WBL 11-20

Updated Work Based Learning page to add WBL 11 - 20.


SCDE Work Based Learning Updates

  • Career Assessment Section: Service Learning Hours Label Removed:

  • WBL CR Experience Section: Submit Button Added: A submit button is now available in this section when the user presses the arrow to expand the section.

  • WBL Experience 1-20 Sections:

    • Changes to Is Student Paid 1-20? Field:

      • This field is no longer required.

      • The asterisk indicating a required field has been removed.

      • Validation for this field has been removed.

      • The bold formatting has been removed.

    • Changes to Student Received Course Credit for Experience 1-20? Field:

      • This field is no longer required.

      • The asterisk indicating a required field has been removed.

      • Validation for this field has been removed.

      • The bold formatting has been removed.

  • Submit Button for Each Experience: A submit button has been added for each experience (1-20). The submit button will be visible when the user expands the respective section.

  • Section-Specific Submissions: The submit button will only submit data for its own section, and validations will now only be triggered in the section that is being submitted.


SIF Unity: Updates to the General Set Up Page

Updated the General Setup page for SIF Unity profiles to allow only one school year selection at a time to be aligned with SIF model of publishing only one year school data.


 Update Event Triggers (Student Resources)

The event triggers for Student Resources in Ed-Fi have been updated to enhance the automation of the publish changes workflow for admins.


Updates to Student CTE Page

The CTE Program Location 1, CTE Program Location 2, CTE Program Location 3, and Certification Admin Location on the Student CTE Page have been updated with the most recent values provided by the SCDE.


Updates to Student Work- Based Learning Page

Student’s Work Based Learning Page has been updated to allow the expansion of each section/experience with a single click of the corresponding arrow icon of that section/experience..

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