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SC09 Membership & Attendance from Extract



SC09 Membership & Attendance from Extract allows users to select a previously generated report extract for reprinting the SC06 Membership & Attendance Report for the currently selected school year and the currently selected school. The report will be the data that was generated when the extract was originally created. The report will include the date/time each extract was created.

 Report extracts may or may not be ones that are required by the SCDE for state funding. The list of report extracts is sorted by School Name, Day Number, the Self-contained indicator, and the Date/Time the report extract was created.

Note: This report must be run using Internet Explorer 8 or 9 or Google Chrome. SSL must be disabled.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the SC09 Mem & Att from Extract it uses the [SC_EFA_EIA_Header] table and the [SC_EFA_EIA_Extract] table. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Processing Options

Use the pull-down menu to select a processing option. Use the options to indicate when you want the report to generate.

  • In Background Now
  • ASAP
  • At Night
  • On Weekend
  • On Specific Time

Specific Date/Time

If "On Specific Time" is chosen for the Processing Options, enter the date and time you want the system to generate the report.

Please select one or more report extracts for printing and click Submit.

Select the report extract in the list. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple extracts in the list.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.




[Table]Field Name



Date – Text "Date: " followed by the date the report was run in the format dd/mm/yyyy.




BEDS Code is the combination of the District Code and School Code.

[SC_EFA_EIA_Header] SC_DistrictCode


School Name

This field contains the name of your school.



Day and date number

Day number is the day number in the school year that the report was run (i.e. Day 45). Date Number is the date that the report was run.

[SC_EFA_EIA_Header]SC_DayNumber and [SC_EFA_EIA_Header]SC_DateForDayNumber


District Name

This field contains the name of your school district.




This field contains the line number for each of the EIA codes and the total row.



EFA Code

This field lists the EFA codes in which the student may be enrolled.

[SC_EFA_EIA_Header]SC_FundingCode1, SC_FundingCode2, SC_FundingCode3, …… SC_FundingCode29.


PK3 – 12

This field contains the total student enrollments in each EIA code, calculated by grade level.

[SC_EFA_EIA_Extract]SC_CountPreKindergarten when [SC_EFA_EIA_Extract]SC_Funding_Code equals the funding code for the line being printed.


Row Total

This calculated field is the total of all student enrollments in each EIA code.



Column Total

This calculated field is the total of all student enrollments in the EIA codes for each grade level.




This field contains the name of the principal at the school selected for the report. This value is extracted from the Edit School page, Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.




This field contains the name of the superintendent of the school district. This value is extracted from the Edit District page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information.


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