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South Carolina Reports in PowerSchool

The reports included in PowerSchool are listed in the following table. This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

State Reports

These reports are located on the State Reports tab. Navigate to Start Page > System Reports > State Reports. 

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Civil Rights Data Collection

2017-2018 CRDC Report

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is a mandatory data collection, authorized under the statutes and regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413). The regulations implementing these provisions can be found at 34 CFR 100.6(b); 34 CFR 106.71; and 34 CFR 104.61.

As needed.

Add-On Weightings

SC24 SC Add On Weightings Update

The Add On Weightings Update Process can be run at any point in time during the school year to update the Add On Weightings page with the student’s current status. It also creates historical records for audit purposes.

As needed.

SC27 Add On Weightings List

The SC Add On Weightings List is a tool used by South Carolina schools to provide details to support the SC Add On Weightings Total report by listing students with assigned Add On Weightings classifications for a specified time period. The list is sorted by grade level.

As needed but especially Day 45 and Day 135

SC28 Add On Weightings Report

The SC Add On Weightings List is a tool used by South Carolina schools to provide details to support the SC Add On Weightings Total report by listing students with assigned Add On Weightings classifications for a specified time period. The list is sorted by grade level.

As needed but especially Day 45 and Day 135

SC29 Add On Weightings from Extract

This report option allows for the create of the Add On Weightings Totals Report based on prior report extracts for the currently selected school year and currently selected school. Report extracts may or may not be ones that are required by the SCDE for state funding. The list of report extracts is sorted by School Name, Day Number, and the Date/Time the report extract was created.

As needed but especially Day 45 and Day 135

SC30 Add On Weightings Select Funding Extract

This page lists the 45 day and 135 day Add On Weightings Totals extracts created for this school for the selected school year. Please select one of each to be used for state funding. Warning: a change to your select should not be made after the state data collection has ended. If no extracts are displayed, be sure a school is selected.

Day 45

Day 135

SC32 Add On Weightings District Summary Report

This report allows creation of a district summary report for the Add On Weightings based on prior data extracts for the currently selected school year. Data extracts may or may not be ones that are required by the SCDE. The extract that is included for each campus for the SC32 report is selected using the Add On Weightings Select Funding Extract report.

45 Day

135 Day

SC33 Delete Add On Weightings Extracts

This report allows users to select and delete previously generated Add On Weightings report extracts that were generated using the SC28 report.

As needed.

High Achieving

SC31 High Achieving List

The High Achieving List is a tool used by South Carolina schools to provide details to support the SC Add On Weightings Total report by listing students that have been identified as GTA, GTR, AP or IB for a specified time period. The list is sorted by grade level.

As needed.

SC34 High Achieving ReportThis report totals all High Achieving classification occurrences by grade from the beginning of the school year up to and including a specific date or school day for that school. As needed.
SC35 High Achieving District SummaryThis report allows creation of a district summary report for the High Achieving Report for the currently selected school year.As needed.
Chronic Absenteeism
SC37 Chronic Absenteeism Update Process

The Chronic Absenteeism Update Process updates the Chronic Absenteeism table, and should be run prior to running the SC38 Chronic Absenteeism School Report.

A student will be identified as ‘Y’ on the Chronic Absenteeism table if enrolled at the school for more than 10 membership days and absent 10 percent or more of that enrollment period. Each time the Chronic Absenteeism Update is run, the student’s membership days to that point are calculated, as well as the number of absences accumulated to that point. The process will then create a new record on the table if the “Y” changes to an “N” or the “N” changes to a “Y”. The absence category numbers will update in these cases as well. 

As needed.
SC38 Chronic Absenteeism School ReportThe Chronic Absenteeism School Report generates a list of students that have been identified as chronically absent. The report displays the total number of absences per student by attendance code category.As needed.
SC38 Chronic Absenteeism School Report CSVThe Chronic Absenteeism School Report generates a list of students that have been identified as chronically absent. The report displays the total number of absences per student by attendance code category.As needed.
Truancy Update Process

The Truancy Update Process updates the Truancy table and should be run prior to the Truancy School Detail Report, Truancy District Detail Report, and Truancy Report by Student. It updates counts of unexcused, excused, OSS, and total full-day absences along with the days of full-day unexcused absences.

As needed
SC40 Truancy Report by Student

The Truancy Report by Student provides truancy data by student.

As needed.
SC41 Truancy School Detail ReportThe Truancy School Detail Report provides data at the school level on students who meet truancy criteria.As needed.
SC42 Truancy District Detail Report   The Truancy District Detail Report provides data at the district level on students who meet truancy criteria.As needed.
SC43 Truancy List

The Truancy List displays truancy data at the student level. The list displays the students resulting from the most recently run Truancy Update Process. This list is not a report but can be used to view data and make student selections.

As needed.
SC46 Daily AttendanceThis report produces a PDF or CSV file containing daily attendance data by student.As needed.
SC47 Meeting AttendanceThis report produces a PDF or CSV file containing meeting attendance data by student.As needed.
SC48 Attendance ValidationThis report produces a PDF or CSV file containing attendance validation errors.As needed.

SC01 Data Verification

Use the Data Verification Report to list any EFA or EIA errors in student data that must be corrected prior to creating extracts for sending to the SCDE. The report has three options:

  • Verify All EFA/EIA Data.
  • Verify data for the Membership and Attendance Extract.
  • Verify data for the Cumulative Class extract.

As needed.

SC02 Cumulative Class Report

Use the Cumulative Class Report to calculate all EIA classification code occurrences by grade from the beginning of the school year up to and including a specific date or school day. An extract option is available, which includes preparing data for 45-day and 135-day state reporting.

45 Day

135 Day

SC03 Cumulative Class List

This report supports the Cumulative Class Report by listing each student participating in the EIA classification codes during the specific time period. This list is sorted by grade level.

45 Day

135 Day

SC04 Daily Activities Log

This report lists all students added to or deleted from each EFA classification code for a specified date, school day or a cumulative time period from the beginning of the school year up to and including a specific date or school day. This report is sorted by EFA code and grade.

As needed.

SC05 Daily Activities Summary Log

This report lists a summary of students added and deleted by EFA classification code for a specified date or school day and a cumulative summary for all in-session days in the school year up to the specific date or school day.

As needed.

SC06 Membership and Attendance Report

This report lists the number of membership days by grade by EFA classification code with totals by grade from the beginning of the school year up to and including a specific date or school day. The report includes the average daily membership by EFA classification code and by grade with a total and the number of absences by grade. The report may optionally be run for self-contained students only. An extract option is available and includes preparing data for 45 day and 135 day state reporting. The SC01 EFA/EIA Data Verification must be run with the Membership and Attendance Extract option prior to running the SC06.

45 Day

135 Day

SC07 Membership and Attendance Worksheet

This report supports the Membership and Attendance Report and contains running membership totals along with counts of new and dropped students and attendance counts by EFA classification code for each day in a specified date range.

45 Day

135 Day

SC08 Master Classification List

This report supports the Membership and Attendance Report and lists students, their EFA classification codes, and the duration of their school day. This report identifies the students in each EFA code based on the number of days the student was assigned to each EFA code.

45 Day

135 Day

SC09 Cum Class from Extract

This allows users to select a previously generated report extract for reprinting the Cumulative Class Report. The report will look identical to the report that was generated when the extract was originally created. The report will include the date/time each extract was created. The SC02 must be run with the Report and Extract option prior to selecting the extract from the SC09 Report.

45 Day

135 Day

SC09 Mem and Att from Extract

This allows users to select a previously generated report extract for reprinting the Membership & Attendance Report. The report will look identical to the report that was generated when the extract was originally created. The report will include the date/time each extract was created. The SC06 must be run with the Report and Extract option prior to selecting the extract from the SC09 Report.

45 Day

135 Day

SC10 District Summary Reports

This report allows creation of a district summary report for either the Cumulative Class Report or the Membership and Attendance Report based on prior data extracts for the currently selected school year. Data extracts may or may not be ones that are required by the SCDE. The extract that is included for each campus for the SC10 report is selected using the Select EFA/EIA Funding Extract report.

45 Day

135 Day

SC30 Delete Cum Class Extracts

This report allows users to select and delete previously generated Cumulative Class report extracts that were generated using the SC02 report.

As needed.

SC30 Delete Mem & Att Extracts

This report allows users to select and delete previously generated Membership and Attendance report extracts that were generated using the SC06 report.

As needed.



Allows user to query student data based on student EFA/EIA codes and other PowerSchool student data. The user can get a list of students, make those students the current selection, or export data about the selected students.

As needed.


This customization prepared by the South Carolina Department of Education allows the user to view the EFA and EIA codes and related parameters as required by the state.

As needed.

SC Incident Management Query

Allows user to query Incident Management data based on incident data, student data, and/or EFA codes. The user can get a list of incidents and export data about the selected incidents including South Carolina specific fields.

As needed.

Select EFA/EIA Funding Extract

Allows the user to select the 45 Day Membership and Attendance Extract, 135 Day Membership and Attendance Extract, 45 Day Cumulative Class Extract and 135 Day Cumulative Class Extract for funding. The extracts that can be selected are generated using the SC02 and SC06 reports.

45 Day

135 Day

State Initialization

These processes are located on the State Initialization tab. Navigate to Start Page > System Reports > State Initialization. 

Report Name
Due Date / Cycle

SC23 SC Add On Weightings Initialization

The Add On Weightings Initialization Process should be run one time at the beginning of the school year. This process will clear out any existing Add On Weightings data for each student for the year being processed. The process sets the values on the Add On Weightings page to ‘No’.

Run at the start of each school year.

Attendance Code StandardizationUpdates Attendance Codes & Attendance Categories to state approved values.As needed.

EFA/EIA Initialization

You must run this process at the beginning of the school year to delete existing EFA and EIA codes and dates for the current school year, assigns a primary EFA code based on each student’s grade level, and sets the effective start date to the student’s initial enrollment date for the current school year. The self-contained field is cleared during the process.

Run at the start of each school year.

SC25 SC Miscellaneous SC Fields Initialization Report

The Miscellaneous SC Fields Initialization Report should be run one time at the beginning of the school year. This process will clear out any existing data in the Instructional Setting field and the True Grade field. The English Proficiency field is set to blank unless the student is coded English Speaker 1 or English Speaker II.

Run at the start of each school year.

SC26 Precode Initialization

The Precode Initialization Process should be run one time at the beginning of the school year. This process will clear out any existing Precode data for each student. Be sure PowerSchool is set to the current school year. This process creates an entry page in which school users maintain student data related to district Precode programs. The purpose of the Precode page is to gather information pertaining to pre-assigning answer sheets and tests booklets to students via scannable (bar-coded) test documents and/or labels.

This report is updated to the State Reporting Platform (SRP) and populates the fields in the extended schema. It replaces the SC16 Precode Initialization.

Run at the start of each school year.

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