Student Enrollments
This category carries information about student school enrollments and withdrawal information. The Student Enrollments category includes the following data views and resources:
Student School
This view captures student enrollments in schools in the current year as published in the StudentSchoolAssociation resource in Student Enrollments. The layout includes the School Name, School ID, Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, Entry Date, Exit Date, and State Student Number.
This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
A Student record has been published for the student.
StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
Summer graduates are published in the subsequent year.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have at least one school enrollment with an Entry Date that falls on or within the date range defined by [Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay of the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
The enrollment ExitDate is on or after the EntryDate.
The student must have an active enrollment.
If there are two or more enrollments on the same day and in the same school then the exit code must not be GC.
The Exclude this enrollment record from Ed-Fi must not be selected.
If an enrollment has Exclude this enrollment record from Ed-Fi selected for an enrollment then other dependent resources are deleted while publishing the first time. Republishing correctly publishes the resources.
Noshow and Summer graduates are published.
Resource Output
A separate StudentSchoolAssociation record is published for each student and school enrollment reflected in the [Students] and [Reenrollments] tables based on the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
If the student is or was enrolled in a single school, one record is published.
If the student was enrolled in a single school, withdrew, and later re-enrolled in the same school, two records are published.
If the student was enrolled in multiple schools, a record is published for each enrollment.
The StudentSchoolAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following: Student.
Note: After a Student record is uploaded, it cannot be modified until a StudentSchoolAssociation record has also been uploaded for the same student.This establishes a relationship between the school, the associated LEA, and the student.
The LEA then has permission to modify the previously uploaded Student record.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd | ||||||||||||||||||||
schoolId | State-assigned value to the school. | Integer | Derived from: | R | ||||||||||||||||||||
studentUniqueId | Student enrolled in the school. | String | [Students]state_studentnumber | R | ||||||||||||||||||||
entryDate | The month, day, and year on which an individual enters and begins to receive instructional services in a campus. | [Students]entrydate or [ReEnrollments]entrydate | ||||||||||||||||||||||
calendarReference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
/calendarCode | The calendar associated with the school and the student. | [S_SCH_CALENDARS_C]calendarcode if unavailable composite based on enrolled school and [Students]track, [ReEnrollments]track | R | |||||||||||||||||||||
/schoolId | State-assigned value based on STUDENTS.schoolid or | [Students]schoolid if available [Students]enrollment_schoolid or [ReEnrollments]schoolid | R | |||||||||||||||||||||
/schoolYear | The school year associated with the student's enrollment. | String | R | |||||||||||||||||||||
graduationPlanReference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
/educationOrganizationId | State-assigned value for the EducationOrganization associated with the student. | [Students]schoolid or [Students]enrollment_schoolid | R | |||||||||||||||||||||
/graduationSchoolYear | The graduation school year associated with the graduation plan. | [Students]sched_yearofgraduation or [studentcorefield]Graduation_year | R | |||||||||||||||||||||
/graduationPlanTypeDescriptor | The graduation plan associated with the student enrolled in the school. | String | [GPSTUDENTPLAN] | R | ||||||||||||||||||||
entryGradeLevelDescriptor | The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session. | based on [Students]grade_level, [ReEnrollments]grade_level | ||||||||||||||||||||||
entryGradeLevelReasonDescriptor | Description of the reason for retaining a student in the same grade.
| Fixed mapping | ||||||||||||||||||||||
entryTypeDescriptor | The process by which a student enters a school during a given academic session.
| Descriptor | Fixed mapping | O | ||||||||||||||||||||
schoolYearTypeReference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
/schoolYear | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
classOfSchoolYearTypeReference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
/SchoolYear | A reference to the related SchoolYearType resource. | [S_SC_STU_X]graddate | ||||||||||||||||||||||
exitWithdrawDate | The month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual's last attendance at a campus (if known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school. | Date | [Students]exitdate (current) | O* | ||||||||||||||||||||
exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor | Describes the circumstances which a student exited from membership in an educational institution.
The value in the Code column of the Exit Codes page is reported. | Descriptor | Fixed mapping | O* | ||||||||||||||||||||
repeatGradeIndicator | An indicator of whether the student is enrolling to repeat a grade level, either by failure or by an agreement to hold the student back. This element is required if applicable; otherwise it is excluded from publishing. | Boolean | [S_STU_X]repeatgradeindicator [S_REN_X]repeatgradeindicator | |||||||||||||||||||||
residencyStatusDescriptor | An indication of the location of a person's legal residence relative to (within or outside of) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit. | Descriptor | [S_STU_X]residencystatus [S_REN_X]residencystatus | O | ||||||||||||||||||||
schoolChoiceTransfer | Indicates the student was transferred to this school as allowed by a School Choice initiative. | [S_STU_X]schoolchoicetransfer [S_REN_X]schoolchoicetransfer | ||||||||||||||||||||||
primarySchool |
Student DOR
This view captures a detailed list of students' District of Residence (DOR). The layout includes the School Name, School ID, Student Number, Student Name, Grade Level, DOR, Entry Date, Entry Code, Exit Date, Exit Code, DOR Exit Date, and State Student Number.
This association indicates any relationship between a student and an education organization other than how the state views enrollment. The enrollment relationship semantics are covered by StudentSchoolAssociation.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
A Student record has been published for the student.
StudentUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have a District of Residence specified. The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have at least one school enrollment with an Entry Date that falls on or within the date range defined by [Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay of the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
The enrollment ExitDate is on or after the EntryDate.
The student must have an active enrollment.
Noshow and Summer graduates are published.
Resource Output
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
studentReference | ||||
/studentUniqueId | A unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
educationOrganizationReference | ||||
/educationOrganizationId | The EducationOrganization associated with the student. | Integer | [Students]DistrictofResidence | R |
addresses | ||||
/addressTypeDescriptor | The type address whether home or mailing address. | 'Home' and 'Mailing' | ||
/apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | The apartment or suite number. | [Students]street [Students]mailing_street | ||
/streetNumberName | The street name and number. | [Students]street [Students]mailing_street | ||
/city | The city of home or mailing address. | [Students]city [Students]mailing_city | ||
/stateAbbreviationDescriptor | The abbreviation of the state. | [Students]state [Students]mailing_state | ||
/postalCode | The postal code of the home or mailing address. | [Students]zip [Students]mailing_zip | ||
/nameOfCounty | The county of the home or mailing address. | [S_SC_STU_X]county | ||
cohortYears - Ninth Grade | ||||
/cohortYearTypeDescriptor | ||||
/schoolYear | [ S_SC_STU_X]ninthGradeCode | |||
disability | ||||
/disabilityDescriptor | Type of disability. | when stu.Plan504Code='HR' then disabilityDescriptor='Hearing Impairment, including Deafness'; | ||
/disabilityDesignationDescriptor | when stu.Plan504Code=* then disabilityDesignationDescriptor='Section 504' | |||
/disabilityDiagnosis | [stu]Plan504Code | |||
electronicMails | ||||
/electronicMailTypeDescriptor | when IS NOT NULL then electronicMailTypeDescriptor='Student' | |||
/electroncMailAddress | The student's contact email address. | [PSM_STUDENTCONTACT]email | ||
hispanicLatinoEthnicity | [STUDENTS]fedethnicity | |||
languages | ||||
/languageDescriptor | If S_SC_STU_X.First_Lang_Spoken then languageUseDescriptor='Native Language'; | |||
/uses | ||||
races | ||||
/raceDescriptor | [STUDENTRACE]race_cd | |||
sexDescriptor | [STUDENTS]gender | |||
studentIdentificationCodes | ||||
/studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor | State AND District [STUDENTS]DCID if not null [STUDENTS]ID if not null | |||
/identificationCode | [STUDENTS]tate_studentnumber AND [STUDENTS]student_number [STUDENTS]DCID [STUDENTS]ID | |||
/assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode | 1 and state-assigned number for district | |||
studentIndicator | ||||
IndicatorName |
[S_SC_STU_X]USSCHENTRYDATE if Date Entered US is not null If S_SC_STU_GRAD_WRKSHEET_X.Student_In_Denominator is not null then indicatorName = Grad Rate Denominator [S_SC_STU_ESOL_X]Exception_3Years If Exception_3Years = 1 publish Immigrant Funding Exception [Students]ExitComment If not null then publish Exit Comments | |||
Indicator | S_SC_STU_GRAD_WRKSHEET_X.Student_In_Denominator | |||
/Period | ||||
/BeginDate | efa.start_dt, eia.start_dt, ha.start_dt | |||
/EndDate | efa.stop_dt, eia.stop_dt, ha.stop_dt | |||
telephones | ||||
/telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | 'Home' AND 'Emergency 1' AND 'Emergency 2' | |||
/telephoneNumber | [STUDENTS]home_phone, [STUDENTS]emerg_phone_1, [STUDENTS]emerg_phone_2 |