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The EFA/EIA Query consists of two processes.

  • The user runs a query to identify particular students based on student demographic information, EFA codes, and EIA codes. The query returns a list of students based on the criteria.
  • From the list of students, the user can:
  • Make this list of students the current selection for PowerSchool.
  • Export the records to a file with particular data about the students including the EFA and EIA information.

Users search for students with specific EFA or EIA codes for the selected school year, get a list of students found, and have the option to make those students the current selection and export data about them including the EFA and EIA information. Also, this allows school and district users to search for students with specific EFA or EIA codes in the current or historical EFA and EIA records for the selected school year and for the currently selected school. Users can search in the specific EFA fields (primary, EFA1, EFA2, … EFA10, EIA1, EIA2, … EIA10) and optionally choose to make the resulting list of students the current selection in PowerSchool, thus allowing users to perform functions available for the current selection. The users have the ability to export data about the students included in the search results including the EFA and EIA data.

This process is run at the school level and not the district. The data being searched is based on the data in the term selected in PowerSchool.

Important points for using the search criteria are:

  • The search screen gives the users the ability to search for records based on Student and/or EFA/EIA search criteria. Each search criteria contains four fields: Field Name, Relational Operator, Value and Comparison Operator. You may enter criteria to narrow the number and types of students. Student Search Criteria allow you to select from a pre-defined list of base PowerSchool fields and if State Field is chosen, then a list of pre-defined South Carolina specific fields appear for selection as search criteria.
  • If no criteria are entered on this page, all students in the currently selected school and for the currently selected school year, regardless of the student’s enrollment status or if the student has been assigned an EFA or EIA code, will be included in the data set returned.
  • If ‘AND’ is selected between fields, then all statements would have to be true for a student to be included in the search results.
  • If ‘OR’ is selected between fields and any one of the criteria is true for a student, then the student will be included in the search results.
  • To limit results to active students, Enroll_Status must be one of the search criteria. Then choose ‘=’ as the operator and ‘Active’ in the Value dropdown.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student records are included if they are from the current school year and the current school.

Query Input

To generate the EFA/EIA Query, do the following:

  1. On the Start Page, click Reports. The Reports page appears.
  2. Click the State tab. The State Reports page appears.
  3. Click EFA/EIA Query. The South Carolina EFA/EIA Query page appears.
  4. Enter information in all of the fields desired.
  5. Click Search to generate the query.



Student Search Criteria

The Student Search Criteria contains three rows of criteria used to locate students that meet the conditions entered. By default, the student search returns all students (active, inactive, historical, and pre-registered). In order to narrow the selection, Enroll_Status should be one of the fields selected as part of the search criteria. Entering a Student search criteria is not required. If no criteria are entered by the user, then all students for the currently selected school year, regardless of enrollment status, will be included in the set of returned records.

Field Name

The list of values in Field Name is pre-populated with allowable fields from the Student table. The value called ‘State Field’ represents the South Carolina custom fields.

Relational Operators

The pop-up menu between the Field Name pop-up menu and the Value box contains the relational operators that exist in core PowerSchool: =(equal), <(less than), >(greater than),>=(greater than or equal to), <=(less than or equal to), # (does not equal too), contains (is the search argument contained in the [field], !contains (is the search argument not contained in the [field].


The value pop-up menu will be pre-populated with the appropriate values corresponding to the student field selected in the Field Name pop-up menu. The user is able to select multiple values in the pop-up menu by holding down the shift key to select contiguous values or holding down the Control key while selecting random values in the pop-up menu.


The comparison pop-up menu will be populated with ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ as values. “AND” is the default.

EFA/EIA Search Criteria

The EFA/EIA Search Criteria contains six rows of search criteria, three for searching EFA records and three for searching EIA records. Each row of search criteria contains a Field Name, Relational Operator, and Value pop-up menus. Entering an EFA/EIA search criteria is not required. If no EFA/EIA criteria are entered by the user, then all students for the current year meeting the student search criteria will be included.

Search for all students with No EFA Records

Select to search for students with NO EFA records. This means that no records were ever created for the student in the term selected.

Search for all students with No EIA Records

Select to search for students with NO EIA records. This means that no records were ever created for the student in the term selected.

Field Name

For an EFA record, the Field Name list will contain the EFA fields EFA Primary through EFA10. For an EIA record, the Field Name list will contain the EIA fields EIA1 through EIA10.

Relational Operators

The relational operator options are = (equal to) and # (not equal to).


The Value fields associated with EFA will be loaded with the allowed EFA codes. The Value fields associated with EIA will be loaded with the allowable EIA codes. The user will be able to select multiple codes in the dropdowns by holding down the shift key to select contiguous codes or holding down the Control key while selecting random values in the pop-up menu.


The comparison pop-up menu will be populated with ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ as values. “AND” will be the default.

Start Date

Enter the start date of the records to search in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Stop Date

Enter the stop date of the records to search in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Query Output

Once Search is clicked on the South Carolina EFA/EIA Query page, the Search Results page displays with the students that met the criteria of the query.



Student Name

Student name is listed. The user can click on the student’s name to take them to the student information.

Student Number

The student’s number displays.

Grade Level

The student’s grade level displays.

Enroll Status

The student’s enrollment status code displays.


The student’s gender displays.

Record Type

Depending on the search, EFA or EIA code displays. If a search does not use criteria for EFA or EIA neither display.

Once the query is processed, you can do one of the following:

  • Make the students the current selection by clicking Make these students the current selection at the top of the page.
  • Export records by clicking Export Record at the top of the page. If selecting Export Records, the South Carolina EFA/EIA Query Report page appears.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Students to Include

Select the selected students only or the All students option.

Processing Options

Select a processing option. Use the options to indicate when you want the report to generate.

  • In Background Now
  • ASAP
  • At Night
  • On Weekend
  • On Specific Time

Specific Date/Time

If “On Specific Time” is chosen for the Processing Options, enter date and time you want the system to generate the report.

File Format

Select the delimiter for the output file, either tab or comma.

EFA/EIA Export Type

Choose to export EFA, EIA, or both.

Export SC-Specific Fields

Choose Yes to export the SC state-specific data as well as the general PowerSchool data. Choose No to export only the general PowerSchool data.

EFA/EIA Records to Export

Choose All EFA/EIA records for the current year or just the current EFA/EIA records. All records may return multiple records for a student if they have had a change in EFA/EIA classification. Current EFA/EIA records return the student’s current status classification.

Report Output

See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Export SC Specific Data is No

If Export SC Specific Data is set to No, only the following data items will be exported. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.




[Table]Field Name


Record Type

EFA or EIA displays depending on whether EFA data or EIA data is contained in the record.



School ID

Identifies the School Number for the student’s enrollment.




The students internal PowerSchool ID.



State ID

The students state identification number.




The student’s current enrollment status.




Indicates whether the student is included in state reporting or not.



Student Last Name

The student’s last name.



Student First Name

The student’s first name.



Student Middle Name

The student’s middle name.




The student’s generation.



Entry Date

The student’s current entry date for this school.



Exit Date

The student’s current exit date.



Grade Level

The student’s current grade level.



EFA_EIA Start Date

The date that the EFA classification started if the record type is EFA.

The date that the EIA classification started if the record type is EIA.

SC_EFA_History.start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or SC_EIA_History.start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’

S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C.start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C.start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


EFA_EIA Stop Date

The date that the EFA classification ended if the record type is EFA.

The date that the EIA classification ended if the record type is EIA.

SC_EFA_History.stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or SC_EIA_History.stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’

S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C.stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C.stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


Code 1-Code 10

Code 1 is the primary EFA code if the record type is EFA. If the record type is EIA, up to 10 EIA codes will be reported.

SC_EFA_History.EFA_Primary if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or SC_EFA_History.EIA_1-10 if Record_Type is ‘EIA’

S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C.EFA_Primary if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C.EIA_1-10 if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


GT Artistic Discipline

Indicates whether or not the student is classified as GT Artistic Discipline.


Export SC Specific Data is Yes

If Export SC Specific Data is set to Yes, only the following data items will be exported.




[Table]Field Name


Record Type

EFA or EIA displays depending on whether EFA data or EIA data is contained in the record.



School ID

Identifies the School Number for the student’s enrollment.




The student's internal PowerSchool ID.



State ID

The students state identification number.




The student’s current enrollment status.




Indicates whether the student is included in state reporting or not.



Student Last Name

The student’s last name.



Student First Name

The student’s first name.



Student Middle Name

The student’s middle name.




The student’s generation.



Entry Date

The student’s current entry date for this school.



Exit Date

The student’s current exit date.



Grade Level

The student’s current grade level.



EFA_EIA Start Date

The date that the EFA classification started if the record type is EFA.

The date that the EIA classification started if the record type is EIA.

[SC_EFA_History]start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [SC_EIA_History]start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’

[S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


EFA_EIA Stop Date

The date that the EFA classification ended if the record type is EFA.

The date that the EIA classification ended if the record type is EIA.

[SC_EFA_History]stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [SC_EIA_History]stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’

[S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


Code 1-Code 10

Code 1 is the primary EFA code if the record type is EFA. If the record type is EIA, up to 10 EIA codes will be reported.

[SC_EFA_Histor].EFA_Primary if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [SC_EFA_History]EIA_1-10 if Record_Type is ‘EIA’

[S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]EFA_Primary if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]EIA_1-10 if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


Homeless Indicator

Indicates the student’s homeless status.



Primary Language

Indicates the student’s primary language.



Migrant Indicator

Indicates the student’s migrant status.




Indicates the student’s homeroom.



Instructional Setting

Indicates the student’s instructional status.



English Proficiency

Indicates the student’s English proficiency.



Group Homeland

Indicates the student’s group homeland Indicator.



Self Contained

Indicates if the student was enrolled in a self-contained class.




Indicates the student’s immigrant status.



Home Language

Indicates the student’s home language.



First Language Spoken

Indicates the student’s first languages spoken.




Indicates if the student has an IEP.



Alternate Assessment Code

Indicates the student’s alternate assessment code.



Deaf Blindness Indicator

Indicates the student’s deaf-blindness status.



MultiDisability Indicator

Indicates if the student has multiple disabilities.



Custom ELA Code

Indicates the student’s custom ELA code.



Custom Math Code

Indicates the student’s custom Math code.



Custom Science Code

Indicates the student’s custom Science code.



Custom Social Studies Code

Indicates the student’s custom Social Studies code.



HSAP Materials Code

Indicates the student’s HSAP Materials code.



Trans IEP Indicator

Indicates the student’s transportation IEP indicator.



GT Artistic Discipline

Indicates whether or not the student is classified as GT Artistic Discipline.


Export SC Specific Data is Yes

If Export SC Specific Data is set to Yes, only the following data items will be exported.




[Table]Field Name


Record Type

EFA or EIA displays depending on whether EFA data or EIA data is contained in the record.



School ID

Identifies the school number for the student’s enrollment.




The student's internal PowerSchool ID.



State ID

The student's state identification number.




The student’s current enrollment status.




Indicates whether the student is included in state reporting or not.



Student Last Name

The student’s last name.



Student First Name

The student’s first name.



Student Middle Name

The student’s middle name.




The student’s generation.



Entry Date

The student’s current entry date for this school.



Exit Date

The student’s current exit date.



Grade Level

The student’s current grade level.



EFA_EIA Start Date

The date that the EFA classification started if the record type is EFA.

The date that the EIA classification started if the record type is EIA.

[S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [S_SC_STU_EIA_History_C]start_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


EFA_EIA Stop Date

The date that the EFA classification ended if the record type is EFA.

The date that the EIA classification ended if the record type is EIA.

[S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [S_SC_STU_EIA_History_C]stop_dt if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


Code 1-Code 10

Code 1 is the primary EFA code if the record type is EFA. If the record type is EIA, up to 10 EIA codes will be reported.

[S_SC_STU_EFA_History_C]EFA_Primary if Record_Type is ‘EFA’ or [S_SC_STU_EIA_History_C]EIA_1-10 if Record_Type is ‘EIA’


GT Artistic Discipline

Indicates whether or not the student is classified as GT Artistic Discipline.


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