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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-291202Ed-Fi Staffs Resource

The following has been verified for the StaffUniqueID update.

  •  staffUniqueId is added with a mapping to staffUniqueID=concat(prefs.districtnumber,users.dcid)
  • Under identificationCodes, staffIdentificationSystemDescriptor is added as an array with logic "When s_sc_usr_x.tchr_id <>NULL then s_sc_usr_x.tchr_id="Educator ID",
    When USERS.teachernumber <>NULL then USERS.teachernumber="TeacherNumber",
  • Under identificationCodes, identificationCode is added with logic s_sc_usr_x.tchr_id; USERS.teachernumber;
  • Staffcredentials object is added.
  • Under credentials, verify that an array of credentialReference is added.
  • Under credentialReference, added credentialIdentifier mapped to users.sif_stateprid CONCAT ("SC Teacher Certification Number ", users.sif_stateprid)
  • Under credentialReference, added stateOfIssueStateAbbreviationDescriptor will be exactly as it downloaded from ODS, SC
PSSR-290018SC08 Master Classification List 4.6 Duration for Students With Multiple School Enrollments

SC08 Master Classification List 4.6 Duration shows the correct values for Students With multiple School Enrollments.

PSSR-298544State Student Pages Keep Loading On Submit

The State/Province - SC Student pages successfully load upon Submit.

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