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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


New Field “Applied for Certification” added to the Staff Page

A new field, “Applied for Certification” is added to the Additional South Carolina State Report Information for Staff Section of the Staff page. The value for this checkbox is stored in [S_SC_USR_X.].appl_for_cert.


Ed-Fi: Bell Schedules Date Element for Section Attendance Request

Bell Schedules Resource has been updated to publish dates.


Ed-Fi: Publishing Issue With the Organization Calendars – gradingPeriods

Organization Calendars has been corrected to publish the correct set of gradingPeriods.


Ed-Fi: Program Resource not publishing for Title1A "Public Target assisted program" or "was not served"

Program resource has been corrected to publish all programs including Title1PartA "Public Target assisted program" or "was not served". The issue was a result of Title1A that was preventing the others from publishing. Programs affected:

  • Title 1 Part A
  • Special Education
  • Homeless


SCDE Student Early Childhood Changes

The following changes have been made to the Class Curriculum field on the Student Early Childhood page.

  1. Added the following values to the drop-down list:
  • Scholastic PreK My Way (Stored Value: 08)
  • FrogStreet PreK (Stored Value: 09)
  • Disabled (grayed out) the following value:
  • Big Day


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