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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-294434SC01 Data Verification is Not Reporting Validation Error for EFA/EIA Record Outside of School Enrollment Dates

SC01 logic has been updated to report the EFA/EIA record validation errors when a record date falls outside of the Student school enrollment dates but within the school term dates.

PSSR-316086SC06 Membership and Attendance Report

SC06 Membership and Attendance Report: Version 3.16

The report logic has been updated to meet the requirements:

  • SC06 does not run if SC01 has errors.
  • SC06 cannot run if SC01 has not been run at all.
  • SC06 must run if SC01 is error free.
PSSR-315223SC27 Add-On Weightings List and SC28 Add-On Weightings Report

The SC27 and SC28 Dual Credit student enrollment logic is updated to consider student’s whose exit date is after school term end date. This affected only the Dual Credit course enrollment information for student’s with single enrollments.

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