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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Ed-Fi: Cohort Groups

Cohorts Group resource has been removed from the SC Ed-Fi dashboard.


Ed-Fi: Grade Type Descriptor Values

The Student Grades resource logic has been updated to send the data for the Grade Type Descriptor to the ODS without a need for mappings. The existing Progress Report value has been retained when the published record exists in the pgfinalgrades field.


Ed-Fi: Grading Period Descriptor Values

The mapping for the grading period is removed. The term data, as created by the school/district, is sent to the ODS.


Ed-Fi: Student Not Included in State Reporting And EEI Students to Publish Ed-Fi Records

The SC EDFI system now considers the students for publishing in all the resources who are not included in State reporting or are identified as EEI, per new requirement.


ELP Score Cleared Out Upon Page Submission

The issue has been resolved where the ELP Score was cleared out upon page submission.


SCDE Ed-Fi: "Code Set Mappings (Other)" New Code Set Mappings

All mappings in Code Set Mappings (Other) are removed.


South Carolina Adherence to New Enhanced User Interface

Updates are made to include the state-specific links for SC districts in the new Enhanced User Interface (PDS) within PowerSchool SIS.


SR Read To Succeed Page Frozen and Not Saving

The code has been updated such that the Read to Succeed page submits successfully without getting stuck while loading.


State Initialization Reporting Link for PDS

Changes implemented to display the State Initialization reporting link for the new Enhanced Interface.

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