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South Carolina EIA History Page Cross-Reference Table

The South Carolina Student EIA History page (Start Page > Student Selection > South Carolina State Information > EFA/EIA Classification > EIA History) is used to track changes to the EIA codesassigned to a student on the EIA Code Entry page. These history records are tracked by entering an Effective Date when the student data is updated. 

To track changes to a student's EIA classifications:

  1. Change a student's EIA codes or add a new EIA code. The Effective Date field displays.
  2. Enter the Effective Date, and then click Submit. A Stop Date that is one day less than the Effective Start Date is added to the student's previous EIA code record and the new EIA code record becomes effective for that student.

An EIA History table displays at the bottom of the EIA Code Entry page. Use this table to view the student's EIA code history. The history records are sequenced in ascending order, with the oldest history record at the top of the table.

If a student's EIA record is modified, there is a history record that shows the historical values in effect at the time the change was implemented. Current values will display on the EIA Code Entry tab. Previous values will display in the EIA History table and on the EIA History tab.

On the EIA History table, you can edit EIA historical data. Use the Edit link to correct data errors or to delete the record.

  • To update historical data, modify the fields and click Submit.
  • To delete historical data, click the Delete button. The history record is removed.

The following cross-reference table shows the fields on the EIA Code Entry page for which a history record is created on the EIA History page (History tab).

State Field

Data Element


History Field

Start Date


Start Page > Student Selection > South Carolina State Information > EIA/EIA Classification > EIA Code Entry


EIA 1 – EIA 10











Start Page > Student Selection > South Carolina State Information > EIA/EIA Classification > EIA Code Entry











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