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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-270982Ed-Fi Calendars Resource Updates

Ed-Fi Calendars Resource is updated. The calendarTypeDescriptor defaults to “School“ and the mapping for grade levels and instructional days is removed.

PSSR-270903Ed-Fi Student Program Association Resource Update

Ed-Fi Student Program Association Resource has been added as per the requirements provided.

PSSR-273520Ed-Fi Dashboard Class Period Name is Unique

Ed-Fi Dashboard Class Period Name is now Unique. Class period name in the Ed-fi Dashboard uses a new pattern "<school_number> - <abbreviation> - <cycle day> - <period number>" whenever <abbreviation> and <period number> do not match as some districts use “DNU” for abbreviation.

PSSR-273522Ed-Fi Student - School Food Service Program Associations Resource Removed

Ed-Fi Student - School Food Service Program Associations is removed from Student Program Category.

PSSR-270894Ed-Fi Student Academic Records Resource Update

Ed-Fi Student Academic Records Resource is updated as per the requirement.

PSSR-270957Ed-Fi Student Education Organizations Associations Resource Update

Ed-Fi Student Education Organizations Associations Resource is added as per the requirements.

PSSR-270883Ed-Fi Student Homeless Program Association Update

Ed-Fi Student Homeless Program Association has been added to the dashboard.

PSSR-270979Ed-Fi Student Resource Update

Ed-Fi Student Resource is updated as per the requirement and made available as part of SC Ed-Fi Profile.

PSSR-270900Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events Resource Update

Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events Resource is updated as per the requirement.

PSSR-270901Ed-Fi Student Section Attendance Events Resource Update

Ed-Fi Student Section Attendance Events Resource is updated for attendanceEventCategoryDescriptor, sectionReference, studentReference, and attendanceEventReason.

PSSR-270994Ed-Fi Staff Resource UpdatesEd-Fi Staff Resource is made available as per the requirements.
PSSR-275516Ed-Fi Program Resource Update

Ed-Fi Program Resource has been updated as per the requirement.

PSSR-256148Large District: Course Edit Page Behavior Issue Fixed

The Courses Edit page behavior issue of changes, in the field entries and page appearance, when publishing as a custom page is fixed.

PSSR-274957High Achieving History for Large Districts Update

Incorrect Grade Level and Student Number displayed for some students, when editing the SC High Achieving History page for large districts, has been corrected.

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