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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.

Minimum PowerSchool SIS version required to install SR

Before installing SR, verify that you are running one of the following versions of PowerSchool SIS.

  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS



Release Note

PSSR-246889Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

As of November 25, 2020, PowerSchool State Reporting only supports PowerSchool or later, and our Technology and Support teams will focus solely on supporting PowerSchool versions or later.

PSSR-245317Absentee Report Shows SC-VTP (Virtual Present Code) in Attendance Codes

The following attendance codes are updated:

  • SC-NURS presence status code = Absent
  • SC_VTP presence status code = Present

Additional changes were done to handle case-sensitive values for presence status code in the initialization procedure.

PSSR-248664Additional Student Information Changes

The following updates are available:

  • Written Communication Language and Oral Communication Language fields are moved under the Primary Home Language field.
  • AltP1 and AltP2 values are removed from the English Proficiency selection list.
  • The Foreign Exchange value is removed from the English Proficiency Status selection list.
  • ELP Initial Assessment selection list values P1, P2, and P3 are all read-only values.
PSSR-231132CTE Page Update

The new and edit popups on the CTE page have been updated to show a Modify Access toolbar when access to page permissions is enabled from system settings. These two pages can now have separate access permissions independent of the parent CTE page.

PSSR-248663ESOL Changes

The following updates are available:

  • The Home Communication Language label is changed to Oral Communication Language, and the field is read-only.
  • The Written Communication Language label and field back to the page under Oral Communication Language is added, and the field is read-only.
  • In the Special Programs section, both Exit Date and Entry Date are editable.
  • Changed the EL Program Delivery Models section label to EL Program Service Delivery Models.
  • Under EL Program Service Delivery Models, changed the following labels:
    • 01-Small Group Pull-Out label to 01-Pull-Out
    • 06-Newcomer Program label to 06-ESOL Newcomer Program
    • 07-SIOP Content-Based Program label to 07-Sheltered Content Based Instruction.
PSSR-248662Students Not Tested Page Changes

The following updates to the Student Not Tested page are available:

  • The Reasons for not Testing value of "022 – LEP Student 1st year in US exemption – incorrectly coded due to Data Entry Error" is now read-only.
  • Two new Test Category values are available.
    • ELP Assessment
    • ELP Alternate Assessment
  • New values for Test Missed are available, based on the New Test Categories selection.
    • Listening
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Speaking

The following update to the LEP portion of the Students Not Tested page is available:

  • The Option Value '022 – LEP Student 1st year in US exemption (ELA Only)’ Reasons for not Testing option is read-only.
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