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Viewing Incidents

To view incidents for a specific school, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management. The Incident List page appears for the student.
  2. If needed, click Search Filter to expand the search section.
  3. Use the following table to select one or any combination of the Filter by checkboxes to refine your search:




    Select the checkbox to display the School pop-up menu. Choose the school or district office where the incident occurred.

    Date Range

    Select the checkbox to display the Starting Date and Ending Date fields. Click the Calendar icon to open the calendar menu. Use the Arrow icons to select a different month. Click the dates you want included in the search.

    Incident Title

    Select the checkbox to display the Title search text field. Enter the title of the incident or incidents you want included in the search. Partial titles can be entered, which do not require a wild character.

    Incident ID

    Select the checkbox to display the Incident ID field. Enter the ID number of the incident you want included in the search. Partial IDs cannot be entered.

    Incident Type

    Select the checkbox to display the Incident Type pop-up menu. Select the incident type you want included in the search.
    Users can only view the Incident Type(s) that they have been given access.

    Note: To remove the filter from the search, click Remove Filter or deselect the checkbox.

  4. Click Search. The Incident List page displays all incidents for this school.
  5. Click on the Incident ID or Incident Title to view the details of the incident.

To view incidents for a specific student:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Student Selection > Incidents. The Incident List page appears for the student.
  2. If needed, click Search Filter to expand the search section.
  3. Use the following table to select one or any combination of the Filter by checkboxes to refine your search:



    Date Range

    Select the checkbox to display the Starting Date and Ending Date fields. Click the Calendar icon to open the calendar menu. Use the Arrow icons to select a different month. Click the dates you want included in the search.

    Incident Title

    Select the checkbox to display the Title search text field. Enter the title of the incident or incidents you want included in the search. Partial titles can be entered, which do not require a wild character.

    Incident ID

    Select the checkbox to display the Incident ID field. Enter the ID number of the incident you want included in the search. Partial IDs cannot be entered.

    Incident Type

    Select the checkbox to display the Incident Type pop-up menu. Select the incident type you want included in the search.
    Users can only view the Incident Type(s) that they have been given access.

    Note: To remove the filter from the search, click Remove Filter or deselect the checkbox.

  4. Click Search. The Incident List page displays all incidents for this student that meets the criteria.
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