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Ed-Fi Categories and Resources






The Descriptor category is used to describe metadata about the descriptors and their structure. Descriptors define enumeration vocabularies that are not fixed within the Ed-Fi schema, and vary according to the specific state implementation.


Organization Info

The Organization Setup category describes education organizations, their structure, and their education offerings. It is used to exchange education organization information about a state's schools, local education agencies (LEAs), education service centers (ESCs), and others.


Organization CalendarsThe Organization Calendars category represents information about sessions, grading periods, and calendars.

Calendar Dates


Student Demographics

This category defines students and contains their reportable information.


Student Enrollments

The Student Enrollment category describes student enrollments in schools.

Student School

Student DOR

Student Teacher Sections

This category captures section teachers and student section enrollments, and includes the following data views and resources.

Staff Sections
Student Sections
Student ProgramThe Student Program category describes students’ participation in programs.Student Programs

Student Special Education Programs

Student Title I Part A Programs
Student Career Education Programs
Student Language Instruction Program


Homeless Programs


The Contacts category captures any contacts linked to the student including their defined relationship.

Student Contacts
Student Associations
Student Discipline

The Student Discipline category carries discipline incidents and discipline actions.

Discipline Incident

Students Discipline 

Discipline Action

Student Attendance

The Student Attendance category describes student attendance and attendance taken events. It can be used to exchange daily, section, intervention, or program attendance events.

Daily Attendance

Section Attendance

Student Transcripts

The Student Transcripts category carries student academic records and transcript data.

Academic Records

Transcript Courses
Student Cohort GroupsThis category captures student cohorts (groups) and includes any activities and students associated with those activities. The Student Cohort Groups category includes the following data views and resources.


Staff Cohort Association

AssessmentsThis category captures assessments linked to the student including the student assessments and their properties. The Assessments category includes the following data views and resources.


Student Assessments
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