SC Class Rank
Use class rank to determine the order of students when sorted by grade point average (GPA). For example, the student with the highest GPA ranks at the top of the class. Since class rank calculates based on GPAs, the appropriate GPA calculation methods must exist before determining class rank. Create a class rank method to set parameters for calculating the class rank. Use multiple class rank methods with varying settings to determine multiple sets of class rankings. For example, you can rank all current students using one method and then rank all current students plus students who graduated early using another method.
Class rank is calculated either manually or automatically at specified intervals, such as every week or only after grades are stored. Since calculating class rank affects all class rank methods, it is best to avoid creating more class rank methods than necessary.
Selection Criteria
This report does not have selection criteria defined.
Report Input
For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.
Field | Description |
Student Name* | Choose to run the report with the student's Preferred Name or their Legal Name. |
Schools to Include* | If run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Select Grade Levels* | Choose the applicable grade level from 9 through 12. |
Class Rank Method* | Choose the applicable class rank method. Valid values:
Min GPA | This is an optional field. Enter a minimum GPA to include in the report. |
Max GPA | This is an optional field. Enter a maximum GPA to include in the report. |
Min Percentile | This is an optional field. Enter a minimum percentile to include in the report. |
Max Percentile | This is an optional field. Enter a maximum percentile to include in the report. |
Run Now | Select this option if you want to run the report immediately. |
Schedule | Select this option if you want to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected the following choices are:
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
This report outputs a CSV file.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
Rank | The student's rank for the selected grade. | [ClassRank]Rank |
Student | The unique number assigned to identify the student. | [Students]Student_Number |
Name | The student's preferred or legal name, based on the report selection. | [Students]Last_Name [Students]First_Name [Students]Middle_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name |
GPA | The calculated Grade Point Average of the student. | [ClassRank]GPA |
Percentile | The calculated percentile of the student. | Calculated ([ClassRank]Rank/[ClassRank]OutOf)*100 |
Store Code | If a term is provided then the percentile is calculated by checking for the Grade level and Year ID for ranking within grade level. If a term is not provided or empty then it is cumulative class ranking. | [ClassRank]StoreCode |