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Staff Associations

This category captures information about staff employment, assignments, schools and teacher sections as published within the Staff Associations category. The Staff Associations category includes the following data views and resources:

Staff Employments

This view captures information about staff member's employment as published in the StaffEducationOrganization EmploymentAssociation resource within the Staff Associations category. The layout includes the School Name, Teacher Number (PowerSchool ID), Staff Name, Hire Date, and PIC.


This association indicates the education organization an employee, contractor, volunteer, or other service provider is formally associated with - typically indicated by which organization the staff member has a services contract with or receives compensation from. This resource is required for all Staff and Teachers.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [SchoolStaff]
  • [Users]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • StaffUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
  • The staff member must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The staff member's End Date is greater than the staff member's Hire Date.

Resource Output

  • A single StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation is published for each staff member and teacher in the district based on the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
  • The Education Organization reported within this resource is the District (LEAId).
  • The StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: Staffs.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field




The staff member providing services to the school.


If null then ([prefs]districtnumber and [Users]dcid)




The Education Organization with which the staff is employed.


Derived from:




staffClassificationDescriptorThe type of employment or contract, for example, Probationary, Contractual, Substitute/Temporary, Tenured or Permanent, Volunteer/No contract.Descriptor[S_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C]staffClassification,
or derived from [SCHOOLSTAFF]staffstatus


The month, day, and year on which a contract between an individual and a governing authority specifies that employment is to begin (or the date on which the agreement is made valid). If the specified date is not within the school calendar range then automatically sets to the first day of school.





The month, day, and year on which a contract between an individual and a governing authority ends or is terminated under the provisions of the contract (or the date on which the agreement is made invalid). If applicable, this element is required.




The position or title of the staff member, for example, Principal, Administrator, etc.


[S_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C]positiontitle or

[USERS]title or short description from selected staffClassification

Staff Assignments

This view captures details about staff assignments as published in the StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation within the Staff Associations category. The layout includes School Name, Teacher Number (PowerSchool ID), Staff Name, Assignment, Begin Date, End Date, and PIC.


This association indicates the education organization to which a staff member provides services; also known as the school of service. This resource is required for all Staff and Teachers.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [SchoolStaff]
  • [Users]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The staff member was previously published in the Staff resource.
  • StaffUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
  • The staff member must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The staff member's assigned organization must be either the district office or a school that is not excluded from state reporting.
  • The staff member's End Date is greater than the staff member's Hire Date.

Resource Output

  • A separate staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation record is published for each school assignment for each staff member and teacher based on the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
  • A staff member who works at multiple schools will have a record for each school.
  • The Education Organization reported within this resource is either the district (LEAId) or the school (SchoolId).
  • The staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field




The staff member providing services to the school.


If null then ([prefs]districtnumber and [Users]dcid)




The Education Organization with which the staff is employed.


Derived from





Displays 'Staff' for Staff Assignment descriptions one through five, and seven. Teacher is displayed for description six.

  1. System Administrator (1) - Staff
  2. Superintendent (2) - Staff
  3. Principal (3) - Staff
  4. Administration (4) - Staff
  5. Leader (5) - Staff
  6. Teacher/Specialist (6) - Teacher
  7. Staff (7) - Staff
Descriptor[S_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C]staffClassification, if unavailable use SCHOOLSTAFF.staffstatus:
If 1 then 'Teacher'
If record exists in SectionTeacher then 'Teacher'
If 2 then 'Staff'
If 3 then 'Lunch Staff'
If 4 then 'Substitute Teacher'
If 0 then 'Not Assigned'


The month, day, and year on which a contract between an individual and a governing authority specifies that employment is to begin (or the date on which the agreement is made valid). If the specified date is not within the school calendar range then automatically sets to the first day of school.





The month, day, and year on which a contract between an individual and a governing authority ends or is terminated under the provisions of the contract (or the date on which the agreement is made invalid). If applicable, this element is required.




The descriptive name of an individual's position, for example, Principal, Administrator, etc.


[S_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C]positiontitle or

[USERS]title or short description from selected staffClassification

Staff Schools

This view captures a list of the school(s) or district to which a teacher provides services as published in the StaffSchoolAssociation resource within the Staff Association category. The layout includes the School Name, Teacher Number (PowerSchool ID), Staff Name, and PIC.


This association indicates the education organization to which a teacher provides services; also known as the school of service. This resource is required for all Teachers.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [USERS]
  • [SchoolStaff]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The teacher was published in the preceding Staff resource.
  • StaffUniqueId must be populated in PowerSchool.
  • The teacher must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The teacher's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

Resource Output

  • A separate StaffSchoolAssociation record is published for each teacher and for each school to which the teacher is assigned based on the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
  • A teacher who works at multiple schools will have a record for each school.
  • Teacher Program Assignment is required within this resource; if no assignment exists, this value is defaulted to 'Regular Education'.
  • The Education Organization reported within this resource is the School (SchoolId).
  • The StaffSchoolAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: Staff.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field


   /staffUniqueIdThe staff employed by the education organization.

[S_SC_USR_ X]tchr_id

If null then ([prefs]districtnumber and [Users]dcid)



The school where the staff member provides services.


Derived from:



The staff member providing services to the school.


Derived from:
YearId for the term selected



The name of the program for which the individual is assigned.


Hardcoded as 'Regular education'


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