Attendance Codes
The following attendance codes are approved for use in South Carolina by SCDE. These codes should not be modified, and new codes should not be added. Any non-approved code will be flagged as invalid.
Code | Description | Presence Status | Code Category | Stored Values in PowerSchool |
Blank/Null | Present | Present | Present | Blank/Null |
SC-UNEX | Unexcused/Unverified | Absent | Unexcused | SC-UNEX |
SC-EX | Excused | Absent | Excused | SC-EX |
SC-PA | Principal Approved | Absent | Excused | SC-PA |
SC-MED | Medical | Absent | Excused | SC-MED |
SC-FLU | Flu-Influenza | Absent | Excused | SC-FLU |
SC-PN | Parent Note | Absent | Excused/Unexcused | SC-PN |
SC-IMNZ | Immunization | Absent | Excused/Unexcused | SC-IMNZ |
SC-UEPN | Unexcused Parent Note | Absent | Unexcused | SC-UEPN |
SC-AH | Administrative Hearing | Absent | Excused | SC-AH |
SC-ETRD | Excused Tardy | Present | Tardy/Excused | SC-ETRD |
SC-BTRD | Bus Tardy | Present | Tardy/Excused | SC-BTRD |
SC-UTRD | Unexcused Tardy | Present | Tardy/Unexcused | SC-UTRD |
SC-HMBD | Homebound | Present | Present | SC-HMBD |
SC-HBSD | Homebased Instruction | Present | Present | SC-HBSD |
SC-FT | Field Trip/School Activity | Present | Present | SC-FT |
SC-REL | Religious | Absent | Excused | SC-REL |
SC-OSS | Out of School Suspension (OSS) | Absent | OSSusp | SC-OSS |
SC-WTHR | Weather | Absent | Excused | SC-WTHR |
SC-LEG | Legal/Court | Absent | Excused | SC-LEG |
SC-COL | College Visit | Present | Present | SC-COL |
SC-REC | Attendance Recovery/ Saturday Recovery | Absent | Excused | SC-REC |
SC-ONST | On Site Services | Present | Present | SC-ONST |
SC-ISS | In School Suspension (ISS) | Present | Present | SC-ISS |
SC-BRV | Bereavement/Death in Family | Absent | Excused | SC-BRV |
SC-DSML | Dismissal | Absent | Excused/Unexcused | SC- DSML |
SC-EDSM | Early Dismissal | Present | Present | SC-EDSM |
SC-UEDM | Unexcused Early Dismissal | Present | Present | SC-UEDM |
SC-CKIN | Check-in | Present | Present | SC-CKIN |
SC-NURS | Nurse | Absent | Excused | SC-NURS |
SC-SKIP | Skip Code | Absent | Unexcused | SC-SKIP |
SC-LATE | Late Arrival | Absent | Unexcused | SC-LATE |
SC-VTP | Virtual Present Code | Present | Present | SC-VTP |
SC-COVD | COVID | Absent | Excused | SC-COVD |
SC-KTST | Kindergarten Testing | Present | Present | SC-KTST |
SC-VIRM | Virtual Makeup | Present | N/A | SC-VIRM |
SC-MIL | Military Compact | Absent | N/A | SC-MIL |
SC-IMHB | Intermittent Medical Homebound | Present | N/A | C-IMHB |