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South Carolina – In-District Transfers and Students Who Graduate Early

In PowerSchool, when a student transfers to another school in the same district, the first school can no longer view the student's records. However, the users at the new school are able to view all of the EFA and EIA records for the student for the selected school year, including those records created for the student while that student was enrolled in the first school.

A student is assigned to the Graduated Students School if that student graduates early and the user follows the recommended PowerSchool guidelines for early graduates. You must grant access to the Graduated Students School to the users that can view and modify these records.

Use one of the following options to correct an error in a student's EFA or EIA records that correlates to the time period when the student was enrolled in the first school:

  • Users at the school to which the student transferred can modify the EFA and EIA records.

Important: The SCDE Office of Finance has selected this option as the designated method that South Carolina public schools must use to correct EFA and EIA errors that correlate to the time period when the student was enrolled in another school in the district. The first school must supply the proper documentation to the second school to support the data corrections. The school to which the student transferred does not have the authorization to make corrections to EFA/EIA data for the time period that the student was enrolled in the first school without written documentation.

  • Users at the first school may modify the student data at the second school if given proper access.
  • Users at the District Office may modify the student data at any school, if given proper access.
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