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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-303898Ed-Fi: Summer School IDs Will be Truncated

For Summer Schools, the School ID will be DIST ID+ Truncate (SummerSchoolID for first three characters).

PSSR-305328New Field Universal Screener Date Added in Student Information Page

Added a new field, Universal Screener Date to the Student Information Page. Values are stored in column UnivScreen_Date in table S_SC_STU_X.

PSSR-304596Request to Remove Duplicate Grade Type Descriptors

Removed the spaces in the description, which are causing duplicate entries in the Grade Type code set mapping page.

PSSR-291208Ed-Fi: Sections Resource Update

Updated a few elements in the Sections resource like gradeLevelDescriptor, schoolid and classroomIdentificationCode as per SCDE request.

PSSR-305338SCDE Ed-Fi: Bell Schedules Resource - totalInstructiontime

The new element totalInstructiontime has been added as the sum of durations of all periods, marked as Counts for ADA within the bell schedule.

PSSR-306961SCDE Ed-Fi: Sections Resource

Updated a few elements in the Sections resource as per SCDE request.

  • locationSchoolReference - schoolid is Sections.SchoolID.

  • classroomIdentificationCode is CONCAT (sec.wheretaughtdistrict, sec.wheretaught).000 is used for blank values. When wheretaughtdistrict is empty and wheretaught is not null, the current district ID is sent.

  • gradeLevlDescriptor is derived from course_number:

    • If the first character is '1' then the report grade levels 0 through 6.

    • If the first character is '2' then report grade levels 7 and 8.

    • If the first character IN ('3', '4', '5', '6', '8') then report grade levels 9 through 12.

PSSR-303810SCDE Student SC Career and Technical Education Page and Student Information Page Changes

The following changes are made to the Student Information Page.

  1. CTE _ the Concentrator/Completion error is getting bypass if PT22 is used.
  2. CTE - the Completion Year 1 and 2 read-only values are added at the end of the list.
  3. Submit button is added after the earned section in SC Student Information page.
  4. SC Student Info - If the Student’s page’s Diploma Earned field value is Z, the value is displayed in the CTE’s Diploma/Credential Earned field.
  5. The following is added to the list of Approved CIP Codes for 3-Unit:
    • 512208 – Public Health
    • 500411 -Game and Interactive Media Design.
  6. Certification Administered dropdown values with a name change are sorted alphabetically.
PSSR-300558SCDE Student SC Career and Technical Education Page Changes

The following changes are made to the Student Information Page.

  1. Business rule to verify that the Concentrator Year value must be earlier than the Completion Year value.
  2. Field label changed from Diploma Earned to Diploma/Credential Earned, from Completer 1 to CTE Completer 1, from Completer 2 to CTE Completer 2, from Remote School Number 1 to CTE Program Location 1 (if not home high school), from Remote School Number 2 to CTE Program Location 2 (if not home high school), and from Certification Owner to Certification Admin Location.
  3. Hover text added to the CTE Program location 1 and CTE Program Location 2 fields.
  4. Modification in the CTE Placement Code, CIP Code 1, CIP Code 2, Concentrator Year 1, Concentrator Year 2, Completion Year 1, Completion Year 2, Certification Admin Year, 3-Unit Completer 1, and 3-Unit Completer 2 drop-down list on the State Student Information page for new and disabled values.
  5. Changes made in Certification Administered dropdown values.
PSSR-303811Student Information Page Changes - New Sections to UI

Moved new sections Ninth Grade Code, Academic Goals, Earned, Diploma Pathways Seals of Distinction, Seal of Biliteracy, and Ordering and Recognition Information sections after the section with Instructional setting and before the Dropout reason section.

PSSR-297946Student Information Page Changes - New Sections to UI

A new section has been created for the Ninth Grade Code field.

A new section and descriptions have been added around Academic Goals. The field, “Diploma/Credential Type (for Transcript)” has been renamed to “Seeking Diploma Type (for Transcript)”. “E” option is disabled for the Seeking Diploma Type (for Transcript) field.

A new section has been created for Ordering and Recognition Information.

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