State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-324708 | All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Cannot be Run Successfully For More Than 1000 Students | Attendance Profile Report Version: 1.7 The Attendance Profile now has a maximum limit of 200 students per report run. |
PSSR-288826 | All States/Provinces: CRDC School Submission File Update | If a school has no out-of-school suspensions to report, the following columns will be populated with a value of zero:
PSSR-321787 | All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update | The immunization rules engine can now compare immunization dose dates and the number of doses a student has received to date fields in Core and extended tables (Student.EntryDate, for example) Note: Immunization rules must be updated to utilize this new functionality. |
PSSR-324024 | All States/Provinces: Null Pointer Exception Error When Saving Vaccine Dose Data | Student dose data is now saved now in the Nightly Batch process. This will prevent users from receiving the null pointer exception error when entering (and saving) vaccination dose data. |
PSSR-319948 | Availability of the Data Exchange Special Operations | Data Exchange Special Operations is now available at the District Office under Data Exchange Settings. |
PSSR-323678 | Ed-Fi Framework: Fixed the disabled SIF Data Information | The extra SIF Data at the bottom of the SIF Dashboard is now displaying correctly. |
PSSR-325348 | Ed-Fi: Ability To Exclude Students from Ed-Fi Publishing | Added flag to Exclude student from ED-FI publishing. Excluded from Ed-Fi student resources do not publish to the state. This is in addition to the Exclude from reporting flag, which works as before. |
PSSR-302919 | SC27 Add-On Weightings List Report – New Parameter To Generate .CSV Reports | Added an additional parameter to generate report ouptput in pdf(existing/default) or csv format. |
PSSR-311542 | SCDE Students Not Tested Page Changes | Removed the Limited English Proficiency Assessments for Elementary, Middle or High School - Section from the Students Not Tested page. |
PSSR-317853 | SCDE: Staff Information Page - Applied for Certification Checkbox Update | As part of this release Applied for Certification checkbox is selected by default on the Staff Information Page for Teachers. |
PSSR-323382 | Student Demographic Indicators Now Publishes at District Level for All Schools | The EFA, EIA, and High Achieving indicator student demographic data now publishes at the district level and is a combination of all codes and effective dates across all schools published at the district level within the existing student demographics resource. |