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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-227868Add English II to the Student Not Tested Dropdown

"English II" value is available in Test Missed option under test Category Middle/High School End-of-Course (EOCEP),

Page name: New and edit test page under Students Not Tested tab page.

PSSR-230020SC - Read To Succeed Student Page Changes

Under the Good Cause Exemption section, a new 'Superintendent Promotion (No GCE)' option is added to the Read To Succeed page.

PSSR-225681SC41 Truancy School Detail Report Update

SC41 Truancy School Detail: Version 1.0.8
The SC41 Truancy School Detail report pulls only students with current alternative special program records when the alternative school option is selected.

PSSR-230864SC46 Daily Attendance Report Update for State Student Number length

SC46 Daily Attendance Report: Version 1.0.5
The State Student Number now displays all ten digits, instead of truncating the last digit.

PSSR-221783School Selection Parameters Updated for Chronic Absenteeism Update Process and Chronic Absenteeism School Report

SC37 Chronic Absenteeism Update Process: Version 1.1.0
SC38 Chronic Absenteeism School Report: Version 1.1.1
In an effort to standardize the School Selection parameter in State Reports, the following changes are made:

  • For the SC38 Chronic Absenteeism School Report, the School parameter is replaced by the standardized "Current School Only" radio button when running from a school. When running from the District Office, the message "This Report can only be run at the School level." appears next to a grayed-out Submit button, since this is a school-only report.
  • For the SC37 Chronic Absenteeism Update Process, the School parameter is replaced by the standard radio buttons for All Schools/Multiple Schools when running at The District Office, and "Current School Only" radio button when running from a School.
PSSR-230021South Carolina Student Information Page Changes

The AP Participant Number validation rule is changed to accept both alpha and numeric characters. The label, AP Participant Number, is changed to Advance Placement ID.

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