The following table provides information about the source table/field names corresponding to the fields in the S_CRDC_LEA_S table.
Field | Description | Source [Table]Field |
CoordinatorDisabilityEmail | Civil Rights Coordinator's Email(basis of disability) | CRDC_Coordinator_Disability_Email |
CoordinatorDisabilityFName | Civil Rights Coordinator's First Name (basis of disability) | [S_SBD_CRDC_X]CoordinatorDisabilityFirstName |
CoordinatorDisabilityLName | Civil Rights Coordinator's Last Name (basis of disability) | CRDC_Coordinator_Disability_LastName |
CoordinatorGenderEmail | Civil Rights Coordinator's Email (basis of Sex/Gender) | CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_Email |
CoordinatorGenderFirstName | Civil Rights Coordinator's First Name (basis of Sex/Gender) | [S_SBD_CRDC_X]CoordinatorGenderFirstName |
CoordinatorGenderLastName | Civil Rights Coordinator's Last Name (basis of Sex/Gender) | CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_LastName |
CoordinatorRaceEmail | Civil Rights Coordinator's Email (basis of race/color/national origin) | CRDC_Coordinator_Race_Email |
CoordinatorRaceFirstName | Civil Rights Coordinator's First Name(basis of race/color/national origin) | [S_SBD_CRDC_X]Coordinator_Race_FirstName |
CoordinatorRaceLastName | Civil Rights Coordinator's Last Name (basis of race/color/national origin) | CRDC_Coordinator_Race_LastName |
DCID | The primary key that relates the extended table to the table. |
DesegOrderOrPlan | Is this LEA covered by a desegregation order or plan? | CRDC_DesegOrderOrPlan_YN |
HarassBullyingPolicyURL | Web link to the LEA’s written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability | CRDC_HarassmentBullyingPolicyURL |
HarassPolicyURLGI | Web link to the LEA’s written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Gender Identity | CRDC_HarassmentPolicyURL_GI |
HarassPolicyURLREL | Web link to the LEA’s written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Religion | CRDC_HarassmentPolicyURL_Rel |
HarassPolicyURLSO | Web link to the LEA’s written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Sexual Orientation | CRDC_HarassmentPolicyURL_SO |
HASCoordinatorDisability | Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with laws against students and others on the basis of disability? | CRDC_Coordinator_Disability_YN |
HASCoordinatorGender | Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with laws against students and others on the basis of sex/gender? | CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_YN |
HASCoordinatorRace | Does the LEA have a Civil Rights Coordinator to coordinate efforts to comply with laws against students and others on the basis of race/color/national origin? | CRDC_Coordinator_Race_YN |
HASDistanceEDStudents | Does the LEA have any students enrolled in any distance educational courses? | CRDC_DistanceEdEnrolled_YN |
HASHarassBullyingPolicy | Does the LEA have a written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability? | CRDC_HarassmentBullyingPolicy_YN |
HASHarassBullyingPolicyURL | Does the LEA have a web link to its written policy prohibiting discriminatory harassment of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability? | CRDC_HarassmentBullyingPolicyURL_YN |
HASHarassPolicyURLGI | Does the LEA have a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Gender Identity? | CRDC_HarassmentWrittenPolicy_GI |
HASHarassPolicyURLREL | Does the LEA have a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Religion? | CRDC_HarassmentWebPolicy_Rel |
HASHarassPolicyURLSO | Does the LEA have a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Sexual Orientation? | CRDC_HarassmentWebPolicy_SO |
HASHarassWrittenPolicyGI | Does the LEA have a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Gender Identity? | CRDC_HarassmentBullyingPolicy_YN |
HASHarassWrittenPolicyREL | Does the LEA have a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Religion? | CRDC_HarassmentWrittenPolicy_Rel |
HASHarassWrittenPolicySO | Does the LEA have a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of Sexual Orientation? | CRDC_HarassmentWrittenPolicy_SO |
KGFullDayCost | Is there a cost associated with full-day kindergarten? | CRDC_KGFullDayCost |
KGPartDayCost | Is there a cost associated with part-day kindergarten? | CRDC_KGPartDayCost |
LeaName | CRDC LEA NAME | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name =Districtname |
NonBinary | Does the LEA report non-binary gender information for students? | CRDC_NonBinary_YN |
NonBinaryLeastUCount | Count of Non Binary students in LEA |
PreKGAge0TO2 | Does the LEA provide Early Childhood services to children birth through age 2 | CRDC_PreKGAge0to2_YN |
PreKGAge3TO5 | Does the LEA provide preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5? | CRDC_PreKGAge3to5_YN |
PreKGAgeNonIdea0TO2 | Does the LEA provide Early Childhood services to non-IDEA children birth through age 2? | CRDC_PreKGAgeNonIDEA0to2_YN |
PreKGAgeNonIdea3 | Does the LEA provide preschool to students age 3? | CRDC_PreKGAgeNonIDEA3_YN |
PreKGAgeNonIdea4_5 | Does the LEA provide preschool to students age 4 and 5? | CRDC_PreKGAgeNonIDEA4_5_YN |
PreKGEligall | Does the LEA offer its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children? | CRDC_PreKGEligAll_YN |
PreKGEligIdea | Does the LEA provide preschool to students with disabilities (IDEA)? | CRDC_PreKGEligIDEA_YN |
PreKGEligLowIncome | Does the LEA provide preschool to students from low income families? | CRDC_PreKGEligLowIncome_YN |
PreKGEligTitleI | Does the LEA provide preschool to students in Title I schools? | CRDC_PreKGEligTitleI_YN |
PreKGFullDayCost | Is there a cost associated with full-day preschool? | CRDC_PreKGFullDayCost |
PreKGPartDayCost | Is there a cost associated with part-day preschool? | CRDC_PreKGPartDayCost |
ProvidesGEDPrepProg | Did this LEA operate a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program for students aged 16-19? | CRDC_GEDPrepProgram_YN |
ProvidesKGAny | Does the LEA provide one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students? | CRDC_ProvidesKGAny_YN |
ProvidesKGFullDay | Does this LEA provide full-day kindergarten? | CRDC_ProvidesKGFullDay_YN |
ProvidesKGPartDay | Does this LEA provide part-day kindergarten? | CRDC_ProvidesKGPartDay_YN |
ProvidesPreKGFullDay | Does this LEA provide full-day preschool? | CRDC_ProvidesPreKGFullDay_YN |
ProvidesPreKGPartDay | Does this LEA provide part-day preschool? | CRDC_ProvidesPreKGPartDay_YN |
TOTNonLeaFacilitiesMBRSHIP | Total Non LEA Facilities Membership |
TOTPreSCHChildren2YRS | Total PreSchool Children at 2years |
TOTPreSCHChildren3YRS | Total PreSchool Children at 3years |
TOTPreSCHChildren4YRS | Total PreSchool Children at 4years |
TOTPreSCHChildren5YRS | Total PreSchool Children at 5years |
TOTPublicSchoolMBRSHIP | Total Public School Membership |
TOTPublicSchools | Total Public Schools | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]SCH_ID |