Snack-Pack is part of the portable student record service that provides a small set of critical student data to help schools and districts provide students with services in a timely manner. Snack-Pack contains targeted data so educational staff know what services students are eligible for upon enrollment in the school district. This information is pulled from the most recently published data in the MI Data Hub.
To update Snack-Pack information:
- Navigate to Start > [student selection] > State/Province - MI > MI Data Hub
- Select Request Snack-Pack. This pulls the most recently reported data from the MI Data Hub.
Use the Snack-Pack information to manually update the student's record.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName |
Last Refreshed Date | The date Snack-Pack data was last retrieved. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]RefreshDate |
MI Data As of Date | The date student record was updated in MI data hub. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]StudentRecordAsOfDate |
Previous School District | The four-digit LEA number of the previous school district. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]PreviousSchoolDistrict |
Previous School was CEP | The previous school in CEP. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]PreviousSchoolInCEP |
Grade Level | The student's grade level. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]GradeLevel |
Entry Type | The student's entry code and description. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]EntryTypeCode [S_STU_SNACK_X]EntryTypeDescription |
Exit Type | The student's exit code and description. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]ExitTypeCode [S_STU_SNACK_X]ExitTypeDescription |
Total Days of Attendance | The total days the student attended. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]TotalDaysAttended |
Total Possible Days of Attendance | The total possible days of attendance. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]TotalDaysPossibleAttendance |
Economic Disadvantaged | An indicator that the student is economic disadvantaged. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]EconomicDisadvantaged |
Homeless | An indicator that the student is homeless. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]Homeless |
Foster Care | An indicator that the student is in foster care. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]FosterCare |
Migrant | An indicator that the student is a migrant. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]Migrant |
Primary Disability | The student's primary disability code and description. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]StuSpecEdPriDisCode |
Plan Date | The student's SPED plan date. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]StudentSpecEdPlanDate |
Program Service Code(s) Description(s) | The student's SPED program code and description. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]StuSpecEdPriProgServCode1 [S_STU_SNACK_X]StuSpecEdPriProgServCode2 [S_STU_SNACK_X]StuSpecEdPriProgServCode3 |
English Learner Eligible | An indicator that the student is LEP eligible. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]EnglishLearnerEligible |
LEP Instructional Program Description | The student's LEP instructional program code and description. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]EngLangInstProgramCode |
Program Eligibility Participation | The programs in which the student eligible for. | [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppAlternateEd9220 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppAtRisk3060 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppEarlyCollege3500 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppDevKinder9230 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppImmmigrant9130 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppInternational9120 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppMilitaryConn9140 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppOutOfState9110 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppPupilCountExcp9222 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppSeatTimeWaiver922 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppSection5049210 [S_STU_SNACK_X]ppTitle16010 |