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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-22837010/30 Day - By Class Report - Update

The 10/30 Day report is updated to pull students who were marked absent on any Count Date regardless of minutes attended.

PSSR-22298210/30 Day - By Period Report - UpdateThe 10/30 Day report is updated to pull students who were marked absent on any Count Date regardless of minutes attended.
PSSR-225427Ed-Fi: Assessments Producing Dependency on LEA/School

When publishing Assessments, an invalid dependency on LEA/School is displayed. The underlying cause of the dependency is corrected and additional information is added to the Assessments publishing. Assessments now publish correctly.

PSSR-225428Ed-Fi: Special Education Records with Staff Record Dependency

SPED records show an invalid dependency on a missing Staff Record. However, SPED records are not associated with staff. This issue is resolved, and SPED records will now publish correctly without having any dependency on staff records.

PSSR-225429Ed-Fi: SPED Exit Reason with Invalid Descriptor

In SPED records, if there is an exit value, the incorrect ReasonExitedDescriptor is published. This issue is resolved and now the valid ReasonExitedDescriptor is published.
Note: Descriptors should be re-downloaded to ensure all valid descriptors are present in the system.

PSSR-226865Ed-Fi: Exclude from Ed-Fi Option Is Not Working for Staff Members

Staff records will not be published if the option Excluded from Ed-Fi is selected.

PSSR-212962Ed-FI: Unable to Resolve Value "Regular" to an Existing OperationalStatusType When Publishing Organizational Setup

OperationalStatusType now publishes using the Codeset Mapping (Other) > Operational Status. These values are based per year. If no value is selected and there are sections for the year at the school, then Active is published. If no value is selected and there are no sections for the year, then Inactive is published.

PSSR-224644General / SRM Report - Update

The report is updated so that the attendance is only included for inactive students as of the count day.

PSSR-227253SCED 6 - Update

SCED 6 Subject Area Code (2020-2021 forward) is updated as follows:

  • 18 - Agriculture-Food-Natural Resources
PSSR-228543Seclusion and Restraint Tab - Update

The Seclusion and Restraint tab validation errors are updated.

PSSR-226516Seclusion and Restraint Tab - Update

This page is updated to allow a student to have different types of restraints without triggering an error.


Spring General Collection - UpdateDocumentation is updated to "Spring General Collection 2019-2020”.
PSSR-226913Staff Information Page - Update

A spelling error is corrected on the Staff Information page.

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