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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-261917All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.0
Attendance Change History Report is a new System report that lists the students with attendance changes during the selected period.

PSSR-267750All States/Provinces: Edit School Page - Security updates

Implemented Security updates on the Edit School page.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-269275All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.3

The Health report is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-252074All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Code Updates

The following updates are made to the Learning Preference Code definition page:

  • The Alternative Report Code and Set as Default fields are now editable
  • The Edit & New Digital Equity & Learning Preference record page is now updated to honor the Learning Preference Set as Default setting.
PSSR-267527All States/Provinces: Teacher Portal - All Students Page - Security Updates

Implemented Security updates on the All Students page in the Teacher Portal.

PSSR-265894All States/Provinces: tlist_sql/table_info tag Use Update

The improper use of tlist_sql/table_info tags, related to Prefs, has been fixed on the following page:


PSSR-269123All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Administration Record Update

Yearly Medication Administration Record: Version1.3

The Yearly Medication Administration Record is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-257496All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.1

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated, and it runs (and completes) as expected for medications with “Received”.

PSSR-267869Ed-Fi: Add Economic Disadvantaged to Student Education Organization Association

Michigan EdFi StudentEducationOrganization

Description: Economic Disadvantaged has been added to the StudentEducationOrganization resource. If a student has a lunch status of F, R, FDC, or RDC, the “Economic Disadvantaged” descriptor displays in the studentCharacteristics section.

PSSR-267108Ed-Fi: Dependencies on Attendance - Dependency on Session (Term)

An errant dependency is showing for StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent which displays with a message “Dependency on Session (Term) Record” even when there should be no dependency. This issue has been corrected.

PSSR-255408Ed-Fi: Move Staff Classification Code Set Mapping to the Standard Codeset Mapping

The Codeset “Staff Classifications” under Code Set Mappings (Other) has been moved under Code Set Mappings and the values remain the same.

This requires that all Staff Classifications are remapped.

PSSR-263189Ed-Fi: Publish Assessments at the District Office

Ed-Fi: Assessments
Description: Under certain circumstances when Assessments are using (18) Other or (F) Other and the comments entered are exactly the same as other previously entered comments, some of the Assessment records are not being generated and a duplicate key error appears in the logs. This issue has been fixed to prevent the error and allow duplicate Other comments to be reported.

PSSR-266350Ed-Fi: S2E2 LEA Publishing with the Same Number as a School

When a student has an S2E2 code that is the same as one of the school's school number/alternate school numbers, the S2E2 district record generates an error when publishing for the Organization Setup. This has been corrected to not publish the S2E2 record as it is not needed.

PSSR-263190Ed-Fi: Update Student Assessments to Publish Based on the Correct Assessment

When publishing the Assessment category, Student Assessments publish successfully without any errors.

PSSR-261393KRA Prior Care - Update

A new Previous School Year Mode of Learning (Pandemic Considerations) field is added to the Student > State/Province - MI > KRA tab with the following options:

  • I = In person
  • V = Virtual/Online
  • H = Hybrid
  • NA = Did not attend due to pandemic

The Kindergarten Classroom Type select list is updated to include ‘03 Virtual Classroom'.

PSSR-268667New MI KRA Export Report

MI KRA Enrollment Export Report: Version 1.0

A new report is created to generate a CVS export file for the purpose of importing student enrollment information into the KReady Online system for the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA).

PSSR-268660New MI KRA Student Export Report

MI KRA Student Export Report: Version 1.0

A new report is created to generate a CVS export file for the purpose of importing student information into the KReady Online system for the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA).

PSSR-268261New MI KRA Teacher Export Report

MI KRA Teacher Export Report: Version 1.0

A new report is created to generate a CVS export file for the purpose of importing teachers into the KReady Online system for the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA).

PSSR-266831Unable To 'Request SnackPack' When User's Name Has An Apostrophe

The users with an apostrophe in their name can now Request SnackPack data.

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