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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-266190All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile (System Report) Update

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.1
The Attendance Profile report PDF library is updated and the pagination from ‘Page X of Y’ to ‘Page X’.

Additionally, due to the large PDF size that can result if the report is run for a large selection of students, a validation is added to the report page to restrict the number of students to 200.

PSSR-265130All States/Provinces: DBMS_UTILITY.compile_schema Update

The RecompilePSSchema.sql files for all states are updated with the compile_all => FALSE constraint, in the DBMS_UTILITY function.

PSSR-265823All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Page Keeps Loading

Digital Equity and Learning Preferences page is updated to show the data while editing, even if there are special characters inside the data.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-258088Ed-Fi Framework Update: Attendance

On the StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent resource, the EventDuration was published as 1.00 for Calendar days that only have 0.50 Membership when a student is absent for that day.
This issue is now fixed and the EventDuration publishes as 0.50 (or whatever apportionment) when a student is absent on the partial Calendar day.

PSSR-263212Ed-Fi: Add Dependency On StudentEducationOrganizationAssocation

When a student has a Section 52 FTE and Section 53 FTE combined being > 1, then a dependency occurs stating: “Student’s Section 52 FTE + Section 53 FTE should not exceed 1.0”. This is to help prevent errors from the state that are difficult to determine the source.

PSSR-265383Ed-Fi: New Checkbox for 2021-2022 School Year added

New Checkbox for 2021-2022 School Year has been added to Ed-Fi Profile.

PSSR-264790Ed-Fi: Remove Dependency for Section to PeriodID

Ed-Fi Organization Schedules - Sections
Description: Currently, if a section does not have a period, the Section record will go into dependency stating Missing Section Meeting Record. This dependency has been removed as the period is not currently published on sections and this is an invalid dependency.

PSSR-263591Ed-Fi: Student Teacher Sections Dependency on Missing Section Meeting Record

When a teacher is assigned as a co-teacher or virtual teacher to a section, the Staff Section Association record was previously being held in dependency for Missing Section Meeting Record. This has been corrected and the records now publish successfully.

PSSR-260545Ed-Fi: Year Long GradingPeriods and Sessions Publishing Incorrectly

When publishing GradingPeriods and Sessions for the full year, they use the value of 01 for the gradingPeriod descriptor and the composite key shows 01 for the value.

PSSR-251945New - Alert for incomplete Sub-District Configuration

Sub-District functionality has been updated and now end users will be alerted if Sub-District functionality is enabled but the following setup steps have not been completed:

  • No Sub-Districts have been defined.
  • One or more schools have not been assigned to a Sub-District. This logic does not apply to schools that are excluded from state reporting.

In either case, the following message will display:

'Sub-District functionality is enabled but setup is incomplete. All schools not excluded from state reporting must be assigned to a sub-district.'

PSSR-26655975% Two-Way/Attendance Participation Report Update

75% Two-Way/Attendance Participation Report Update: Version 1.21

The How the Students are Selected section on the Report page is updated to include: 'When using Default Blank Attendance Codes the student must have an FTE that has the Default Attendance Mode set to Meeting.’ to the description of the report.

PSSR-225391MI CRDC 2020-21 Data Collection Changes

The following new data collection and updates for the 20-21 submission are added to the Michigan CRDC pages:

  • Michigan-specific Student CRDC page data is updated to align with current coding standards, integrating Michigan-specific fields onto the Common CRDC screen as page insertions.

  • Collection year is removed from Michigan CRDC pages.

  • Student Log page updates:

    • CRDC OFFN-1. Offense Category items no longer collected are disabled (no longer selectable).

    • New field added: Perceived Religions Affiliation (Optional for the 2020-2021 collection).

      • The new field is displayed when the Religion bullying reason is selected.

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