LEA File
LEA (District)
Element | Description | [Table]Fields | Flat File Elements |
[S_SBD_CRDC_X]Lea_ID | LEA_ID | ||
SSPR-1 | Count of Students (***NOTE: USE SNAPSHOT DATE***) | [S_CRDC_Students_S]IncludeInSnapshot | LEA_ENR |
SSPR-2 | Count of Students Served in Non-LEA Facilities | [S_CRDC_Students_S]ServedInLEA | LEA_ENR_NONLEAFAC |
SSPR-3 | Count of Schools | [S_CRDC_Schools_S]SchoolID | LEA_SCHOOLS |
SSPR-4 | Early Childhood Program Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]CRDC_PreKgAge0to2_YN | LEA_ECE_IND |
SSPR-5 | Early Childhood Program for Non-IDEA Children | [S_CRDC_Schools_S]PreKgAgeNonIDEA0TO2 | LEA_ECE_NONIDEA |
SSPR-6 | Preschool Program Provided by the LEA Indicator | [S_CRDC_Schools_S]PreKgElIgAll | LEA_PS_IND |
SSPR-7 | Preschool Daily Length and Cost | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]ProvidesPreKgFullDay | LEA_PS_FULLDAYFREE |
SSPR-8 | Preschool Eligibility - All Children | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]PreKgEligAll | LEA_PSELIG_ALL |
SSPR-9 | Preschool Eligibility – Student Groups | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]PreKgEligIDEA | LEA_PSELIG_IDEA |
SSPR-10 | Preschool Children Served | [S_CRDC_Students_S]AgeAsOfSnapshotDate | LEA_PSENR_A3 |
SSPR-11 | Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]PreKgAgeNonIDEA3 | LEA_PSENR_NONIDEA_A3 |
SSPR-12 | Kindergarten Program Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]ProvidesKGAny | LEA_KG_IND |
SSPR-13 | Kindergarten Daily Length and Cost | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]ProvidesKgFullDay | LEA_KG_FULLDAYFREE |
CRCO-1 | Civil Rights Coordinators Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HasCoordinatorDisability | LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_IND |
CRCO-2 | Civil Right Coordinators Contact Information | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]CoordinatorGenderFirstName | LEA_CRCOORD_SEX_FN |
CRCO-3 | Desegregation Order or Plan | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]DesegorderOrPlan | LEA_DESEGPLAN |
HIBD-1 | Harassment or Bullying Policy Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HasHarassBullyingPolicy | LEA_HBPOLICY_IND |
HIBD-2 | Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HasHarassBullyingPolicyURL | LEA_HBPOLICYURL_IND |
HIBD-3 | Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HasHarassBullyingPolicyURL | LEA_HBPOLICY_URL |
HIBD-4 | Harassment or Bullying Policy (other categories) | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HasHarassWrittenPolicySO | LEA_HBPOLICY_SO_IND |
HIBD-5 | Harassment or Bullying Policy (other categories) Web Link Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HasHarassPolicyURLSO | LEA_HBPOLICYSO_URL_IND |
HIBD-6 | Harassment or Bullying Policy (other categories) web link | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HarassPolicyURLSO | LEA_HBPOLICY_SO_URL |
NBIN-1 | Non-Binary Student Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]NonBinary | LEA_NBS_IND |
DSED-1 | Distance Education Enrollment Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]HasDistanceEdStudents | LEA_DISTED_IND |
DSED-2 | Distance Education Enrollment | [S_CRDC_Students_S]DistanceEdCourses | LEA_DISTEDENR_HI_M |
HSEE-1 | High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Program Provided by the LEA Indicator | [S_CRDC_LEA_S]ProvidesGedPrepProg | LEA_HSE_IND |
HSEE-2 | High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Program Student Participation | [S_CRDC_Students_S]GEDPrepProg | LEA_HSEPART_HI_M |