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MI Two-Way Missing/Incomplete Records Report


This report creates a list of two-way communication logs that are missing Response Dates or a list of students that do not have the minimum number of two-way communication logs. This report can be created in the Administrator and Teacher Portal.

Selection Criteria

Records are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Administrator Portal: If using a current student selection, only the students in that selection will be included in the report output.

  • Teacher Portal: If selecting the Classes parameter, this report lists the Missing Records or Incomplete Records for the selected classes only.

  • Teacher Portal: If selecting the Include Entries by Other Teachers parameter, this report lists Missing or Incomplete two-way communication logs of all the teachers for all teachers of the student(s) in the selected classes.

  • If selecting the Missing Records parameter this report lists students missing the number of two-way communication logs set in the Occurrences parameter and within the One Week or Date Range selected. When the Teacher/Mentor is blank that indicates there are no two-way communications log entries for the student within the One Week or Date Range selected.
  • If selecting the Incomplete Reports parameter this report lists two-way communication logs that do not have a Response Date within the One Week or Date Range selected.

  • If selecting the One Week parameter, this report lists missing or incomplete two-way communication logs on the Start Date and six calendar days after.
  • If selecting the Date Range, this report lists missing or incomplete two-way communication logs that are within the date range.
  • For the student to show on this report, the student cannot be set to be excluded from State Reporting.
  • For the student to show on the report, the student must be enrolled in a course during the date range selected.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

Teacher Portal only: ClassesSelect whether to run all classes or selected classes.
Teacher Portal only: Include Entries by Other TeachersSelect whether to include two-way communication logs created by the teacher creating the report or to see the two-way communication logs created by all teachers of the students this teacher has access to.
Administrator Portal only: Select SchoolsSelect which schools to report. When a user has school-specific access the report can only be run for that school.
Administrator Portal only: Select StudentsSelect whether to run the report for the selected number of students or for all students.
Reporting TypeSelect Missing Records or Incomplete Records.
OccurrencesSelect the number of occurrences to be counted to determine the missing records. This parameter is not used when Reporting Type has the Incomplete Records as the selection.
Date PickerSelect One Week or Date Range.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

A report is generated for Missing Records, or Incomplete Records. Reports can be printed, exported to CSV, or viewed in PowerSchool. Click the name of a column to sort by that column in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order

Missing Records List

Item #Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
1Student NameThis contains the student's name.[Students]LastFirst
2Student NumberThis contains the PowerSchool student ID number.[Students]Student_Number
3Grade LevelThis contains the grade level in which the student is enrolled.[Students]Grade_Level
4Number of Records MissingThis contains the number of records the student is missing.N/A
5Teacher/Mentor for Existing RecordsThis contains the name of the teacher with the missing record.


Incomplete Records

Item #Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
1Student NameThis contains the student's name.
2Student NumberThis contains the PowerSchool student ID number.
3Grade LevelThis contains the grade level in which the student is enrolled.[Students]Grade_Level
4Contact Date of Incomplete RecordThis contains the Contact Date of two-way communications log that does not have a valid date in the Response Date within the date selection.[S_MI_STU_VLMC_C]ContactDate
5Teacher/MentorThis contains the name of the teacher with the incomplete record.[Users]LastFirst
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