State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
PSSR-273780 | Ed-Fi Framework: UI Performance Issue | The UI to get the Ed-Fi profiles has been optimized to not cause performance issues. |
PSSR-266585 | General/SRM/Early Childhood Fall Update and New Legal Gender Override | General/SRM/Early Childhood: Version 4.2 The following updates are made: - The address and phone number fields have been removed from the Personal Demographics component.
- The parent address and parent phone number fields have been removed from the Part B Referral component.
- A new Contacts component is added.
- The Primary Educational Setting has a new code of ‘14 - Transitional Program’.
- Federal Poverty Level ranges added for the 20-21 school year were reverted back to original FPL levels.
- The Third Grade Retention Decision component is submitted in the Fall General and SRM reports when the student’s ‘Include Third Grade Retention Data in MSDS Reporting?’ flag ([S_MI_STU_GC_X]flag3grdRetention) is 1.
- The Major Version on all three collections is updated from “2020-2021” to “2021-2022”.
- The Collection ID is updated:
- Fall General Collection: From “222” to “240”
- SRM Collection: From “223” to “241”
- Fall Early Childhood Collection: From “224” to “242”
- If the student’s Preferred Gender is not M or F, the Legal Gender is reported.
PSSR-268150 | Request for UIC Schema Update and New Legal Gender Override | Request for UIC: Version 1.7 The following updates are made: - Minor Version is updated to '4’.
- Collection ID is updated to ‘245’.
- The position order in the component list is updated.
- The Student’s Legal Gender will be reported when the student’s Preferred Gender is not M or F.
PSSR-272343 | State/Province - MI Page Updates | The following updates are made on the State/Province - MI page: - A new Contacts tab is added on the All, Early Childhood, General Collection, Request for UIC, and Student Record Maintenance tabs.
- The address fields and phone number fields are removed from the Personal Demographics tab on the All, Early Childhood, General Collection, Request for UIC, and Student Record Maintenance tabs.
- The Part B Referral tab on the All, General Collection, and Student Record Maintenance tabs indicates that address fields are now part of the Contacts component of State Reporting.
- A new Primary Education Setting code’14 - Transitional Program' is added to the Special Education tab on the All, General Collection, Request for UIC, and Student Record Maintenance tabs.
- The Federal Poverty Level is updated to include code ‘(07) 201% FPL and Above’ on the All and Early Childhood Programs tabs.
PSSR-268146 | Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Update - Schema Update and Legal Gender Override | Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL): Version 2.3 The following updates are made: - Major Version is updated to '2021-2022’.
- General TSDL Collection ID is updated to ‘243’.
- Migrant TSDL Collection ID is updated to ‘239’.
- Academic Year Allowable Values are updated to “2020-2021”, “2021-2022”.
- If the student’s Preferred Gender is not M or F, the Legal Gender is reported.
PSSR-274401 | Unique ID Check Security Update | The Unique ID Check functionality has been updated for security purposes. |