The following table provides information about the source table/field names corresponding to the fields in the S_CRDC_School_S table.
Field | Description | Source [Table]Field |
schoolId | CRDC School ID | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]SCH_ID |
schoolName | School Name | [Schools]Name |
fullyVirtualSchInd | Fully Virtual School Indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]VirtualInstructOnly_YN |
justiceFacilityInd | Justice Facility Indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacility_YN |
InstructionType | Instruction Type | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InstructionType |
VirtualInstructionType | Remote Instruction | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]VirtualInstructionType |
VirtualInstructionAmount | Remote Instruction Amount | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]VirtualInstructionAmount |
RemInstructStuPercentage | Remote Instruction Percentage | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]RemInstructSTUPercentage |
preKGAgeNonIDEA3 | Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children - Children age 3 years | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]PreKgAgeNonIDEA3_YN |
preKGAgeNonIDEA4_5 | Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children - Children ages 4 and 5 years | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]PreKgAgeNonIDEA4_5_YN |
providesPreKG | Grades with Students Enrolled - Preschool | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesKG | Grades with Students Enrolled - Kindergarten | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade1 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 1 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade2 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 2 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade3 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 3 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade4 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 4 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade5 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 5 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade6 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 6 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade7 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 7 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade8 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 8 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade9 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 9 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade10 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 10 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade11 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 11 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesGrade12 | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grade 12 | [Schools]Low_Grade |
providesUngraded | Grades with Students Enrolled - Grades with Students Enrolled - Ungraded | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]ProvidesUngraded_YN |
ungradedDetail | Ungraded Detail | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]UngradedDetail |
forStudentDisabilities | Is this school a special education school? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]ForDisabilities_YN |
magnetSchoolOrProgram | Is this school either a magnet school or a school operating a magnet program within the school? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]MagnetSchoolOrProgram_YN) |
charterSchool | Is this school a charter school? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]CharterSchool_YN |
alternativeSchool | Is this school an alternative school? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]AlternativeSchool_YN |
allMagnetOnly | Magnet School Detail | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]AllMagnetOnly_YN |
alternativeSchoolAcademic | Alternative School Academic | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]AlternativeSchoolAcademic_TF |
alternativeSchDisc | Alternative School Discipline | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]AlternativeSchoolDiscipline_TF |
schHasNonBinaryStudents | Whether the school has Non Binary Students |
hasGiftedTalentedStudents | Gifted and Talented Programs Indicator |
hasDualEnrollment | Dual Enrollment Program Indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]DualEnrollment_YN |
hasStuWithCreditRecovery | Credit Recovery Program Indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]CreditRecovery_YN |
numStuCreditRecovery | Credit Recovery Program Student Participation | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]CreditRecovery_YN |
numClassesAlgebraIMiddle | Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes | [S_SEC_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAlgebraI_YN |
hasAlgebraIGrd7Students | Grade 7 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAlgebraI_YN |
hasAlgebraIGrd8Students | Grade 8 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAlgebraI_YN |
stuEnrGrd7And8AlgebraI | Algebra I Middle School Student Enrollment | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAlgebraI_YN |
numStuGrd7And8PassedAlgI | Num Middle School Students Passed Algebra I | [GradeScaleItem]GraduationCredit |
hasGeometryGrd8Students | Geometry Grade 8 Students Indicator | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeGeometry_YN [S_SEC_CRDC_X]CourseTypeGeometry_YN |
studentEnrGrd8Geometry | Geometry Grade 8 Student Enrollment | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeGeometry_YN [S_SEC_CRDC_X]CourseTypeGeometry_YN |
numClassesAlgebraIHigh | Num of Classes High School Algebra I | [S_SEC_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAlgebraI_YN |
numClassesGeometryHigh | Num of Classes High School Geometry | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeGeometry_YN [S_SEC_CRDC_X]CourseTypeGeometry_YN |
numClassesAlgebraIIHigh | Num of Classes High School Algebra II | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAlgebraII |
numClassesAdvMathHigh | Num of Classes High School Advance Maths | [S_SEC_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAdvMath_YN |
numClassesCalculusHigh | Num of Classes High School Calculus | [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeCalculus_YN |
numClassesBiologyHigh | Num of Classes High School Biology | [Schools]NumClassesBiologyHigh |
numClassesChemistryHigh | Num of Classes High School Chemistry | [Schools]NumClassesBiologyHigh |
numClassesPhysicsHigh | Num of Classes High School Physics | [Schools]NumClassesBiologyHigh |
hasSingleSexClasses | Single-Sex Classes Indicator | [Schools]HasSingleSexClasses |
numClassesCompSci | Num of Classes Computer Science | [Schools]NumClassesCompSci |
numClassesDataSci | Num of Classes Data Science | [Schools]NumClassesDataSci |
hasIBDiplomaProgramStu | IB Diploma Program Students Indicator | [Schools]HasIBDiplomaProgramStu |
hasAPStudents | Advanced Placement (AP) Program Indicator | [Schools]HasAPStudents |
numCoursesAP | Different Advanced Placement (AP) Courses( | [Schools]NumCoursesAP |
selfParticipateAP | Advanced Placement (AP) Course Self-Selection | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]APSelfParticipate_YN |
hasAPMathStudents | Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Enrollment Indicator | [Schools]HasAPMathStudents |
hasAPScienceStudents | Advanced Placement (AP) Science Enrollment Indicator | [Schools]HasAPScienceStudents |
hasAPCompSciStudents | Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Enrollment Indicator | [Schools]HasAPCompSciStudents |
hasAPOtherStudents | Advanced Placement (AP) Other Subjects Enrollment Indicator | [Schools]HasAPOtherStudents |
totFTETeachersAll | Total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachers |
totFTETeachersCert | Number of FTE teachers who are certified | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersCert |
totFTETeachersNotCert | Number of FTE teachers who are not certified | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersNotCert |
totFTEMathsTeachers | Number of FTE teachers—mathematics | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersMaths |
totFTEScienceTeachers | Number of FTE teachers—science | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersScience |
totFTEEnglishTeachers | Number of FTE teachers—English as a Second Language | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersEnglish |
totFTESpecEduTeachers | Number of FTE teachers—special education | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersSpecEdu |
totFTETeachersFirstYear | Number of FTE teachers in their first year of teaching | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersFirstYear |
totFTETeachersSecYear | Number of FTE teachers in their second year of teaching | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersSecYear |
totFTETeachersAbsent | Number of FTE teachers who were absent more than 10 school days | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTETeachersAbsent |
numPrevSchYrTchrs | Number of teachers who were employed at school for both current year and the previous year |
totFTECounselors | Number of FTE school counselors | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTECounselors |
totFTENurses | Number of FTE nurses | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTENurses |
totFTEPsychologists | Number of FTE psychologists | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTEPsychologists |
totFTESocWorkers | Number of FTE social workers | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTESocWorkers |
totFTELawEnforcement | Number of FTE law enforcement officers | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTELawEnforcement |
totFTESecurityGuards | Number of FTE security guards | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfFTESecGuards |
providesInterSchAthletics | Interscholastic Athletics Indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchParticipantsM |
numInterSchSportsMaleOnly | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of sports - Male | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchSportsM |
numInterSchSportsFemaleOnly | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of sports - Female | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NumInterSchSportsFemaleOnly |
numInterSchSportsAll | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of sports - All Students | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchSportsAllStudents |
numInterSchSportsTotal | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of sports - Total | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchSportsM |
numInterSchTeamsMaleOnly | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of teams - Male | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchTeamsM |
numInterSchTeamsFemaleOnly | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of teams - Female | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchTeamsF |
numInterSchTeamsAll | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of teams - All Students | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchTeamsAllStudents |
numInterSchTeamsTotal | Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams - Number of teams - Total | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchTeamsM |
numInterSchPrtcptsMaleOnly | Number of Interscholastic Athletics Participants - Male | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchParticipantsM |
numInterSchPrtcptsFemOnly | Number of Interscholastic Athletics Participants - Female | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchParticipantsF |
numInterSchPrtcptsNBOnly | Number of Interscholastic Athletics Participants - Non Binary | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchParticipantsX |
numInterSchPrtcptsTotal | Number of Interscholastic Athletics Participants - Total | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]InterSchParticipantsM |
hasPreSchCorpPunishment | Preschool Corporal Punishment Indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]PreSchCorpPunishment_YN |
numPreSchCorpPunishAll | Number of instances of corporal punishment - All Preschool Children |
numPreSchCorpPunishInst | Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - Preschool Children without Disabilities | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]CorporalPunishment |
numPreSchCorpPunishIDEAInst | Number of instances of corporal punishment - Preschool Children with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numPSCorpPunish504IDEAInst | Number of instances of corporal punishment - Preschool Children with Disabilities (IDEA and Section 504) |
hasPreSchStudentsOSS | Preschool Students out-of-school suspension indicator |
numPreSchOSSAll | Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - All Preschool Children |
numPreSchOSSInst | Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - Preschool Children without Disabilities |
numPreSchOSSIDEAInst | Number of instances of out-of-school suspension - Preschool Children with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numPreSchOSS504Inst | Number of instances of out-of-school suspension -Preschool Children with Disabilities (Section 504 only) |
hasStudentsCorpPunishment | Corporal Punishment Indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]CorpPunishment_YN |
numNonDisabldCorpPunishInst | Number of instances of corporal punishment - Students without Disabilities |
numDisabledCorpPunishInst | Number of instances of corporal punishment - Students with Disabilities(IDEA and Section 504) |
hasStudentsOSS | Students out-of-school suspension indicator |
numNonDisabledOSSInst | Number of instances of out-of-school suspensions - Students without Disabilities |
numDisabledOSSIDEAInst | Number of instances of out-of-school suspensions - Students with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numDisabledOSSSec504Inst | Number of instances of out-of-school suspensions - Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) |
incRape | Number of offenses that occurred at school - Rape or attempted rape | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffRape, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffResignOrRetdRape, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdRespRape, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdNotRespRape, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdPendRape, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDutyReasgmntRape |
incSexualAssltNonRape | Number of offenses that occurred at school - Sexual assault (other than rape) | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffSexAsslt, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffResgnOrRetdSexAsslt, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdRespSexAsslt, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdNotRespSexAsslt, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdPendSexAsslt, [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDutyReasgmntSexAslt |
incRobberyWeapon | Number of Incidents - Robbery with a weapon |
incRobberyNoWeapon | Number of Incidents - Robbery without a weapon |
incPhysAttackWeapon | Number of Incidents - Physical attack or fight with a weapon |
incPhysAttackNoWeapon | Number of Incidents - Physical attack or fight without a weapon |
incThreatAttackWeapon | Number of Incidents - Threats of physical attack with a weapon |
incThreatAttackNoWeapon | Number of Incidents - Threats of physical attack without a weapon |
incPossFirearmExpl | Number of Incidents - Possession of a firearm or explosive device |
hasShootingInc | Shooting offenses indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]FireArmUse_YN |
hasHomicideInc | Homicide offenses indicator | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]Homicide_YN |
NoOfIncShooting | Number of Incidents - Shooting | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfIncShooting |
NoOfIncHomicide | Number of Incidents - Homicide | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfIncHomicide |
IncStudentRape | Number of offenses committed by a student - Rape or attempted rape |
IncStudentSexAsslt | Number of offenses committed by a student - Sexual assault (other than rape) |
IncStaffRape | Number of offenses committed by a school staff - Rape or attempted rape | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffRape |
IncStaffSexAsslt | Number of offenses committed by a school staff - Sexual assault (other than rape) | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffSexAsslt |
IncStaffResignOrRetdRape | Allegations Against School Staff (Resignation or Retirement) - Rape or attempted rape | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffResignOrRetdRape |
IncStaffResgnOrRetdSexAsslt | Allegations Against School Staff (Resignation or Retirement) -Sexual assault (other than rape) | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffResgnOrRetdSexAsslt |
IncStaffDetdRespRape | Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Responsible) - Rape or attempted rape | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdRespRape |
IncStaffDetdRespSexAsslt | Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Responsible) - Sexual assault (other than rape) | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdRespSexAsslt |
IncStaffDetdNotRespRape | Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Not Responsible) - Rape or attempted rape | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdNotRespRape |
IncStaffDetdNotRespSexAsslt | Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Not Responsible) - Sexual assault (other than rape) | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdNotRespSexAsslt |
IncStaffDetdPendRape | Allegations Against School Staff (Determination Pending) - Rape or attempted rape | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdPendRape |
IncStaffDetdPendSexAsslt | Allegations Against School Staff (Determination Pending) - Sexual assault (other than rape) | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDetdPendSexAsslt |
IncStaffDutyReasgmntRape | Allegations Against School Staff (Duty Reassignment) - Rape or attempted rape | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDutyReasgmntRape |
IncStaffDutyReasgmntSexAslt | Allegations Against School Staff (Duty Reassignment) - Sexual assault (other than rape) | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]IncStaffDutyReasgmntSexAslt |
numAllegHarassSex | Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex |
numAllegHarassRaceColorNatl | Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin |
numAllegHarassDisability | Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability |
numAllegHarassSexualOrient | Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation |
numAllegHarassReligion | Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion |
numAllegHarassGenIdentity | Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of gender identity | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfAllegHarassGenIdnty |
allegHarassReligionAtheist | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Atheist/Agnostic |
allegHarassReligionBuddhist | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Buddhist |
allegHarassReligionCatholic | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Catholic |
allegHarassReligionEastOrto | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other) |
allegHarassReligionHindu | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Hindu |
allegHarassReligionIslamic | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Islamic (Muslim) |
allegHarassReligionJehovahs | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Jehovah’s Witness |
allegHarassReligionJewish | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Jewish (Judaism) |
allegHarassReligionMornmon | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Mormon (Latter-day Saint) |
allegHarassReligionMultiple | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Multiple Religions, Group |
allegHarassReligionOtherChs | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Other Christian |
allegHarassReligionOther | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Other Religions |
allegHarassReligionProstsnt | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Protestant |
allegHarassReligionSikh | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type - Sikh |
numIDEAMechRestr | Number of instances of mechanical restraint - Students with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numIDEAPhysRestr | Number of instances of physical restraint - Students with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numIDEASeclusion | Number of instances of seclusion - Students with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numSec504MechRestr | Number of instances of mechanical restraint - Students with Disabilities(Section 504 only) |
numSec504PhysRestr | Number of instances of physical restraint - Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) |
numSec504Seclusion | Number of instances of seclusion - Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) |
numNonDisableMechRestr | Number of instances of mechanical restraint - Students without Disabilities |
numNonDisablePhysRestr | Number of instances of physical restraint - Students without Disabilities |
numNonDisableSeclusion | Number of instances of seclusion - Students without Disabilities |
justiceFacilityType | Justice Facility Type | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityType |
justiceFacilityDays | Days in Regular School Year at Justice Facility | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityDays |
justiceFacilityHours | Justice Facility Educational Program Hours per Week | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityHours |
justiceFacEdPartLT15 | Justice Facility Educational Program Participants - Less than 15 days | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityType, [PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL]StudentID, |
justiceFacEdPart15to30 | Justice Facility Educational Program Participants - 15 days to 30 days | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityType, [PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL]StudentID, |
justiceFacEdPart31to90 | Justice Facility Educational Program Participants - 31 days to 90 days | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityType |
justiceFacEdPart91to180 | Justice Facility Educational Program Participants - 91 days to 180 days | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityType, [PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL]StudentID, |
justiceFacEdPartMT180 | Justice Facility Educational Program Participants - More than 180 days | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]JusticeFacilityType, [PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL]StudentID, |
isFiberOpInetConnected | Is this school connected to the Internet through a fiber-optic connection? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetFiber_YN, [PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL]StudentID, |
hasWifiEveryClassroom | Does this school have Wi-Fi access in every classroom? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetWiFi_YN, [PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL]StudentID, |
allowInetDevicesTakeHome | Does this school allow students to take home school-issued devices that can be used to access the Internet for student learning? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetSchDev_YN |
allowInetDevicesBringToSch | Does this school allow students to bring to school student-owned devices that can be used to access the Internet for classroom or student learning? | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]SchInternetStuDev_YN |
numWifiDevicesProvidedToStu | Number of Wi-Fi enabled devices provided by the school to students | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]WiFiEnabledDevices |
numStuNeedWifiDevices | Number of Wi-Fi enabled devices needed | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfStuNeedWifiDevices |
numStuReceivedWifiDevices | Number of Wi-Fi enabled devices received | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfStuReceivedWifiDevices |
numStuNeedWifiHotspot | Number of Wi-Fi hotspot needed | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfStuNeedWifiHotspot |
numStuReceivedWifiHotspot | Number of Wi-Fi hotspot received | [S_SCH_CRDC_X]NoOfStuReceivedWifiHotspot |
hasRetainedInGradeKG | Student Retention Indicator - Kindergarten | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade1 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 1 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade2 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 2 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade3 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 3 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade4 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 4 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade5 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 5 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade6 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 6 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade7 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 7 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade8 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 8 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade9 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 9 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade10 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 10 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade11 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 11 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
hasRetainedInGrade12 | Student Retention Indicator - Grade 12 | [Students]Grade_Level, |
nonBinary | Does the LEA report non-binary gender information for students? | prefs |
hasStudentsLawEnf | Instances of referrals to law enforcement Indicator |
numLawEnfInst | Instances of Referrals to Law Enforcement - Students without Disabilities |
numLawEnfIDEAInst | Instances of Referrals to Law Enforcement - Students with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numLawEnfSec504Inst | Instances of Referrals to Law Enforcement - Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) |
hasStudentsArrests | Instances of School-Related Arrests Indicator |
numArrestInst | Instances of School-Related Arrests - Students without Disabilities |
numArrestIDEAInst | Instances of School-Related Arrests - Students with Disabilities (IDEA) |
numArrestSec504Inst | Instances of School-Related Arrests - Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) |