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MI Official Enrollment Student Roster


This will create the MI Official Enrollment Student Roster report. Use this report to list official student enrollment information for students that were active on the entered Count Date in the report parameters.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records based on the following criteria:

  • The Student was active on the entered Count Date in the report parameters. ([Students]EntryDate<=Count Date) and ([Students]ExitDate>Count Date) and the student fits the selection criteria based on the Report Type parameter of: 
    • General Collection/SRM - Selection Criteria:
      • The student is not enrolled at a school that is excluded from state reporting.
      • The student is in Grade Level ([Students]Grade_Level) or Student Grade or Setting ([Students.S_MI_STU_GC_X]EducSetting of 0-12 or 14 or any of the following are true:
        • The student is in grade level ([Students]Grade_Level) 13 or
          • Although this is not an accepted grade level in MSDS, the grade is included for those districts that mark their EMC students as Grade 13 and manipulate the file to change the grade level before uploading to MSDS. If this grade level is used for students who should not be in the General or SRM collections, the Exclude Student from MSDS Reporting should be selected for those students.
        • The student is in any grade level ([Students]Grade_Level) and the Include Early On Data in MSDS Reporting flag is selected. 
        • The student is in any grade level ([Students]Grade_Level) and the Include Special Education Data in MSDS Reporting flag is selected. 
        • The student is in any grade level ([Students]Grade_Level) and the Initial IEP > Determination Date is within the report parameters and:
          • The Timeliness of Initial IEP = 22 or
          • The Date of Parental Consent is not blank.
    • Early Childhood - Selection Criteria:
      • The student is not enrolled at a school that is excluded from state reporting.

      • The student’s Entry Date and Exit Date are not the same date.

      • The student is in Grade Level ([Students]Grade_Level) 30 OR the Early Childhood Programs > Student Grade or Setting ([Students.S_MI_STU_GC_X]EducSetting) is (30) Early Childhood/Early On and:

        • The student’s Early Childhood Programs enrollment is within the report parameter dates and:

          • Early Childhood Program is not blank.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Select whether to run the export file for the selected number of students or for all students.

Count Date

Enter the count date.

Report Type

Select the students to list from the following reports:

  • General Collection/SRM
  • Early Childhood
Report Students at

Select 'School of Enrollment' or 'MSDS School Facility Number Override'

  • If the report is run from a school the default option will be 'School of Enrollment' and all students will be reported by their school of enrollment.
  • When ‘School of Enrollment’ is selected, the student will report in their school of enrollment regardless of the data in the student’s ‘MSDS School Facility Number Override' field.

  • ‘MSDS School Facility Number Override’ is only available at the district level and selected students will report as follows:

    • If the student has a number identified in Student > State/Province > School Demographic > 'MSDS School Facility Number Override’ field, and that number is identified as the 'MSDS School Facility Number' in any of the schools on the  Schools/School Info page, the student will report in the school associated with the  'MSDS School Facility Number Override’ of that student. 

    • If the student has a number identified in Student > State/Province > School Demographic > 'MSDS School Facility Number Override’ field, and that number is not identified as the 'MSDS School Facility Number' in any of the schools on the  Schools/School Info page, the student will report in their school of enrollment.
    • If there is not a number in the Student > State/Province > School Demographic > 'MSDS School Facility Number Override’ field, the student will report in their school of enrollment.

The 'MSDS School Facility Number Override' option is only available when generating the report from the district office.

Sort Option

Select the sort option.

The report is an HTML report, but it will generate with page breaks at the School and Grade Level when the report is saved or printed as a PDF and those options are selected.

Select schools to export.

Select which schools to export if applicable.

When a district uses the same MSDS School Facility Number for multiple schools and the report is being run with the MSDS School Facility Number Override option, all schools with the same MSDS School Facility Number must be selected to report the correct students.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element




School Name

The 'Students Report at' parameter identifies what prints for the school name.

If School of Enrollment option, the school name is printed.

If MSDS School Facility Number Override option, the school name is: MSDS School Facility Number - 'XXXXX'.

  • ‘XXXXX’ is the number entered in the School Info > MSDS School Facility Number field.




Student Name

This contains the student's name.




This contains the student's grade level.




This contains the student's gender.

Note: The Legal Gender is the Gender used for State Reporting when the Preferred Gender is something other than M or F.




Student Street Address

This contains the student's street address.

Note: The student can report multiple addresses, but the address identified as the Address Type of Physical is the address that prints on this report.




Student City

This contains the name of the city where the student's street address is located.

Note: The student can report multiple addresses, but the address identified as the Address Type of Physical is the address that prints on this report.




Student State

This contains the name of the state where the student's street address is located.

Note: The student can report multiple addresses, but the address identified as the Address Type of Physical is the address that prints on this report.




Student Zip

This contains the zip code for the student's street address.

Note: The student can report multiple addresses, but the address identified as the Address Type of Physical is the address that prints on this report.




Birth Date

This contains the student's date of birth.



Absent on Count Date

If the student is absent for the full day on the date entered in the Count Date report parameter, a Y will display in this column.




This contains the student's Unique Identification Code (UIC).



Entry Date

This contains the date the student entered the district.

If the district entry date field is blank, the entry date from the student's enrollment record will be displayed.





Resident Code

This contains the code that describes the student's residency or non-residency status for membership.



Resident Dist

This contains the state-assigned, five-digit code for the district in which the student resides.





This contains the student's General Education FTE percentage.




This contains the student's Section 52 FTE percentage.




This contains the student's Section 53 FTE percentage.




This is a sum of the student's General Education and Special Education FTEs.


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