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Michigan Reports in PowerSchool

The following reports are included in this section.
The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Michigan Data Collections

MI Early Roster/Nonpublic School Student Roster

This will create the Early Roster Collection XML export file used for submission to the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS).

Refer to the following link for due dates and submission cycles:,4546,7-113-72089---,00.html

Refer to the following link for additional information on the Early Roster Collection:,4546,7-113-986_50502_53551---,00.html

MI General / SRM / Early Childhood

This will create either the General Collection XML export file, the Student Record Maintenance (SRM) Collection XML export file, or the Early Childhood Collection XML export file used for submission to the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS).

Refer to the following link for due dates and submission cycles:,4546,7-113-72089---,00.html

Refer to the following link for additional information on the General Collection:,4546,7-113-986_50502_53580---,00.html

Refer to the following link for additional information on the Student Record Maintenance (SRM) Collection:,4546,7-113-986_50502_53650---,00.html

Refer to the following link for additional information on the Early Childhood Collection:,4546,7-113-986_50502_52382---,00.html

MI Request for UIC

This will create the Request for UIC Collection XML export file used for submission to the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS).

Refer to the following link for due dates and submission cycles:,4546,7-113-72089---,00.html

Refer to the following link for additional information on the Request for UIC Collection:,4546,7-113-986_50502_52376---,00.html

MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)

This will create the Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Collection XML export file used for submission to the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS).

Refer to the following link for due dates and submission cycles:,4546,7-113-72089---,00.html

Refer to the following link for additional information on the Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Collection:,4546,7-113-986_50502_57560---,00.html

Michigan Reports

MI 10/30 Day – By Class

This will create the MI 10/30 Day – By Class report. Use this report if you school runs a rotation schedule (ie: A Day/B Day).
This report will show students that were absent on count day and whether they returned within the required amount of days as per the pupil accounting requirements.

As required

MI 10/30 Day – By Period

This will create the MI 10/30 Day – By Period report. Use this report if you school runs a regular single day rotation or if your school changed terms within the count day tracking period.
This report will show students that were absent on count day and whether they returned within the required amount of days as per the pupil accounting requirements.

As required

MI 4061 FTE

This will create the MI 4061 FTE report. Use this report to display FTE information Special Education, General Education, and Aduld Education students.

As required

MI 75% Membership

This will create the MI 75% Membership report. Use this report to verify that the selected school had a minimum of 75% of students in attendance.
This report will display a row for each in session date of the selected school's calendar. Each row will display the number of students enrolled, absent, and present, along with a percentage of students that were in attendance on that specific date.

As required

MI Attendance for Transcript

This will create the MI Attendance for Transcript CSV export file. Use this report to export school year specific attendance data for the selected students.
This data can be re-imported into PowerSchool for historical tracking. This report calculates attendance using the rules that the state uses in calculating days attended/days enrolled.

As required

MI Civil Rights Data Collection

This will create the MI Civil Rights Data Collection report. Use this report to calculate totals for student related data.
This report can be used to assist in entering the data into the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) website.
Other information that is required that is not available within PowerSchool will be denoted with a manual entry required pencil icon.

Refer to the following links for additional information on the Civil Rights Data Collection:

MI Discipline

This will create the MI Discipline report. Use this report to display any state reporting discipline information.

As required

MI Monthly Exit/Transfer-In

This will create the MI Monthly Exit/Transfer-In report. Use this report to generate a listing of students who have transferred-in or exited the district/school during the selected time frame.

As required

MI MSDS Attendance Component Data

This will create the MI MSDS Attendance Component Data report.
This report calculates attendance using the rules that the state uses in calculating days attended/days enrolled.

As required

MI Official Enrollment Student Roster

This will create the MI Official Enrollment Student Roster report. Use this report to verify official student enrollment as of the date specified.

As required

MI Worksheet A

This will create the MI Worksheet A report. Use this report to determine Full Time Equivalency (FTE) membership section 53 assigned to Basic Classroom Programs as well as a total count of handicapped students by program category and by grade.

As required

MI Worksheet B

This will create the MI Worksheet B report. Use this report to determine Full Time Equivalency (FTE) membership assigned to Basic Classroom Programs as well as a total count of handicapped students by program category and by grade.

As required

Michigan Validation Reports

MI MSDS Setup Validation

This will create the MI MSDS Setup Validation report. Use this report to validate state setup requirements.

As required

MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Validation

This will create the MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Validation report. Use this report to validate TSDL state setup reqirements.
This report will extract the same data that is generated with the MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) collection in a readable CSV format.

As required

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