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MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)

This will create the MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) export file. Use this to export out all information that is required for the Teacher Student Data Link submission to the state.

The TSDL collection is used to report links between students and the teacher(s) who provide instruction to them. Data reported in the collection reflect the student's performance in classes taken throughout the current academic year and the status of his/her academic report at the end of the school year.

Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, the TSDL Migrant Collection is now an ongoing collection. Districts must submit student course data for migrant-eligible students within ten days of the student enrolling in the district and within ten days of the student exiting the district. Migrant-eligible students are reported to the Migrant Education Data System (MEDS) by districts' migrant liaisons. The MSDS receives nightly updates from MEDS indicating which students are migrant-eligible. MSDS system reports will be available when the collection opens to assist districts with this collection.

The Teacher Student Data Link collection must be run prior to completing the PowerSchool End of Year Process to ensure that students are reported in the proper grade and building. As well, the Teacher Student Data Link Collection cannot be certified until after the EOY General Collection has been certified.

Refer to Michigan's CEPI website for information on the Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Collection.

Selection Criteria

Beginning with the 2021-2022, a new Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) report was created to address additional needs of the districts based on state changes in the report. The State now expects all students to be reported in the TSDL file. For the 2021-2022 year both the old MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) report and the new MI Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) report are available for districts to use. The new report addresses the following issues:

  • Report multiple store codes in a single section.

  • Report remote enrollment courses.

  • Report Grade 30 students.

  • Allow additional Teacher of Records at the student level (All Enrollments screen).

  • Report historical grades that are not in the student’s schedule.

  • Allow the option to report a completion status code on a dropped course with a historical grade instead of a Withdrawal Status (i.e. credit recovery or virtual class that the student finishes before the end of term).

This page is the information for the old report.

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

Student records are selected based on the following criteria:

  • The student is in Grade 0-12 or Grade 14. ([Students]Grade_Level)
  • If the student is Grade 14 the Education Setting should be 14. ([S_MI_STU_GC_X]educSetting)
  • The student's Education Setting cannot be 20, or 30. ([S_MI_STU_GC_X]educSetting)
  • The student is enrolled in one or more courses in the course selection.

The student age limit of 21 is no longer applicable.

Course Selection

Course records are selected based on the following criteria:

  • The student has a CC record in which they were enrolled based on the to and from dates used on the report.
  • The Date Enrolled in the student's CC record is less than the last day of the term for the section. ([CC]DateEnrolled<[Terms]LastDay)
  • The Date Left in the student's CC record is after the first day of the term for the section. ([CC]DateLeft>[Terms]FirstDay)
  • The Exclude from TSDL report is not selected ([S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X]excludeTSDL, [S_MI_CC_TSDL_X]excludeTSDL, [S_MI_SCH_TSDL_X]excludeTSDL, [S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X]excludeTSDL, [S_MI_SEC_TSDL_X]excludeTSDL)
  • The course teacher has a PIC number ([S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X]repPIC), unless the course SCED 6 Subject Area Code is 00 ([S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X]SCEDsubjectCode) or the Course Type is 07 ([S_MI_CRS_TSDL_X]courseType).

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Select whether to run the export file for the selected number of students or for all students.


Select whether to run the export file for migrant students or general students.

Limit to Virtual, DE, EMC, AP, IB studentsSelect to limit the general collections to students in virtual, DE, EMC, AP, and IB courses (Applies only to General Collection)

Elementary Ungraded Withdrawal

Select the value for the export file to use for elementary students that were withdrawn from a section and were also ungraded.

Entity Type Code

Select the entity type code.

Entity Code

Enter the entity code.

Reporting District's State Assigned 5-digit District Number

Enter the reporting district's state-assigned, 5-digit district number.

First Day of School

Enter the date of the first day of school.

Date From

Enter the date from (start date) for the date range.

Date To

Enter the date to (end date) for the date range.

Select schools to export.

Select which schools to export if applicable.

Exclude Classes Days

Exclude student section enrollments where their enrollment in the section was less than the value entered.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element






This contains the submitting entity type code value selected on the report interface.




This contains the submitting entity code value entered on the report interface.





This contains the student's Unique Identification Code (UIC).




This contains the student's last name.




This contains the student's first name.




This contains the student's middle name.




This contains the student's suffix.




This contains the student's date of birth.




This identifies the birth order of the student if the student is part of a multiple birth.




This contains the student's gender code.

Note: If the student's preferred gender is not M or F, the legal gender is reported.






This contains the Operating ISD/ESA number assigned to the district in which this student is enrolled.






This contains the operating district number value entered on the report interface.




This contains the school or facility number for the student's school.





This contains the PowerSchool student ID number.




This contains the grade level in which the student is enrolled.





This contains the school or relationship code (Educational Entity Master S2E2 code) for the student.




This is the five-digit code that represents the school or facility building where the student would otherwise attend as specified in Sec. 104b (16).





This contains the two-digit Subject Area Code.

Refer to the following link for additional information:




This contains the three-digit Course Identifier Code.

Refer to the following link for additional information:




This contains the course number for the course.




This contains the course name for the course.




This contains the section number for the course the student was enrolled in.



This characteristic is required when reporting migrant students by educating entities when
the Local Course ID cannot uniquely identify a given course.

  • 01 - Full Year
  • 02 - Section A - The first of two equal segments into which the course is divided.
  • 03 - Section B - The second of two equal segments into which the course is divided.





This contains the code that best represents the level and rigor of the course.



This contains the course funding program code.

Note: If Course and Section are set to blank this characteristic will not populate in the TSDL file.





This contains the academic year in which the student was enrolled in the course (e.g. 2010-2011).




This contains the number of credits granted to the student.




This contains the grade the student received for completing the course.




This contains the completion status code identifying the student's course completion status.

Note: The Completion Status can be overridden by going to Student > All Enrollments > Click Edit of the section enrollment that needs a completion status override. Select the Completion Status.

Calculated: There are many rules to the Completion Status, the rules are as follows:

The completion status is populated from the grade scale that is associated to the section enrollment when the following is true:

      • The student must have a grade in their historical grades, and that grade must be associated to a section enrollment in the student's schedule (cc table).

If the student's section enrollment DateLeft is less than the end date of the section term the 'TSDL Withdraw Status' associated to the grade in the grade scale will be the completion status populated.

If the student's section enrollment DateLeft is after the end date of the section term the 'TSDL Completion Status' associated to the grade in the grade scale will be the completion status populated.

If the student's section enrollment DateLeft is less than the end date of the section term and there is no stored grade associated to the section enrollment the completion status will be 'WE'.

If the student is in grade level KG(0) - 8 and there is no stored grade the completion status will default to 'CP' and will need to be changed in the Student All Enrollments page if another status is needed.

If the student's Student Grade or Setting is 14, and the Course Subject Area Code is 23 and the course Identifier Code is 012, the completion status will default to 'CS'.

If there is no completion status on a section enrollment, the most likely reason is because the student is in grade level 9-12 and the section enrollment does not have a stored grade, or the stored grade is blank or an invalid grade not in the associated grade scale.

OR if overriding the Completion Status Calculation: [S_MI_CC_TSDL_X]completionStatus

30<MSIXClockHoursThe number of clock hours to date that the student has completed must be reported. This characteristic is required for migrant students whose courses have not been completed (or credit granted).





This contains the college credits.







This contains the Personnel Identification Code (PIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP), for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of this course.






This identifies the virtual delivery method of the section.






This contains the Personnel Identification Code (PIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP), for each teacher responsible for mentoring this course.





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