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Ethnic Code

You must define the following Racial/Ethnic codes for the district.
The Racial/Ethnic Code is a six-digit number that is comprised of two parts:

  • Position— the position of the numeric value in the Racial/Ethnic code identifies the student's ethnicity.
  • Priority— the numeric value assigned to the position identifies the racial/ethnic choice, where 1 represents the primary choice, 2 represents to secondary choice, and so on. Each numeric value corresponds to the six ethnicity fields on the state pages.

For example, a student whose primary racial/ethnic choice is Black or African American is assigned a racial/ethnic code 001000. If the student is also of Hispanic origin, the student is assigned a racial/ethnic code of 001002.




American Indian or Alaskan Native (first position)


Asian American (second position)


Black or African American (third position)


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (fourth position)


White (fifth position)


Hispanic or Latino (sixth position)

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