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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-267391All States/Provinces: Office Visit Stats Health Report Update

Office Visit Stats Report: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Stats report is updated to include the Office Visit records that do not have an Outcome selected.

PSSR-275154Ed-Fi: Publish the CPEI Fields under the Personal Curriculum Tab for studentSchoolAssociations

Publish Personal Curriculum Type and Personal Curriculum Credit Modification in the Student School Associations Resource.

PSSR-275584Ed-Fi: Update URL for Unique ID

The value used for the Unique ID URL has been updated to be consistent with the state requirements.

PSSR-279716General/SRM/Early Childhood Spring 2021-2022 Update

General/SRM/Early Childhood: Version 4.4

The following updates are made:

  • The Major Version on the Spring General and Spring Early Childhood collections are updated from ‘2020-2021’ to ‘2021-2022’.
  • The Collection ID is updated:
    • Spring General Collection: From “231” to “249”
    • Spring Early Childhood Collection: From “233” to “250”
  • A new ‘Additional Graduation Award’ characteristic is added to the Enrollment Component of the Spring General Collection.
PSSR-277876State/Province - MI Page Updates

The following updates are made:

  • A new ‘Additional Graduation Award’ characteristic is added to the Enrollment tab.
  • The ‘Student Grade or Setting’ is added to the Early Childhood Programs tab.
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