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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259043All States/Provinces: Health & Attendance Report Names Displaying in html Update

The Health and Attendance report titles and descriptions are updated and will now display correctly.

PSSR-28332575% Membership Report - Alphabetic Order Update

75% Membership Report: Version 2.1

The report was printing the ‘Total Schools’ data as part of the alphabetical order of the schools. This is fixed and the ‘Total Schools’ data now appears at the end of the report.

PSSR-28102275% Membership Report - Wrong School Name in Report Title

75% Membership Report: Version 2.1

At the school level, when the ‘Select schools to export’ parameter did not have a school selected, the report inaccurately returned the wrong school name on the report title. This is corrected and the report lists the correct school.

PSSR-284492Digital Equity and Learning Preference Default Option

A Learning Preference default option is added to the Schools/Schools Info page to allow districts to set a Learning Preference default at the school level.

PSSR-278874Ed-Fi: Error Processing Cohort Data

The Oracle error, 'ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long' appearing in logs while publishing COHORT resource is now fixed.

PSSR-279654 Ed-Fi: RelationshipNote on Student Contact Association Incorrect

The RelationshipNote on Student Contact Association could cause an error when publishing. This has been corrected so that records are published.

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