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Georgia Reports in PowerSchool

The reports included in this section are listed in the following table. This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool on the report generation page. The abbreviated report name is listed in parenthesis; the abbreviated report name is used in the column labeled "Used in these Reports" within the setup section of the report.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Student Record Reports

The section consists of the reports listed below.

A01 - System Level (2018-19) - Legacy

District level PowerSchool data. One record is transmitted for each system. The System Level-A01 report includes Psychological Services information.

See Student Record.

A02 - System Level

District level PowerSchool data. One record is transmitted for each system. The System Level-A02 report includes Title I information.

See Student Record.

B01 - School Level (2018-19)School level PowerSchool data. One record is transmitted for each school in the system. The School Level report includes Title I, Social Work, and Unsafe Schools. Use this report for SY 2018-19.See Student Record.
C01 - Student Level (2018-19) - LegacyStudent level demographic, enrollment and program participation data for 2018-19. One record is transmitted for each student at each school in the system. Students may have multiple student level records, but not more than one at the same school. Use this report for SY 2018-19.See Student Record.

E01 - Student Safety

Discipline incident data. One record is transmitted for each event that occurs during the school year, regardless of whether the student is active at the end of the school year.

See Student Record.

F01 - Enrollment Level

Student school enrollment and attendance data. One record is transmitted for every student enrollment. If there is no withdrawal date, the student is considered active. Students may have more than one enrollment record if the student withdrew and re-enrolled during the school year. Each enrollment record must correspond to a student level record. Students reported as a no-show in FTE Cycle 1 and FTE Cycle 3 should not have an enrollment record.

See Student Record.

G01 - Special Education Level

Student special education data. One record is transmitted for every student for each Special Education Event during the fiscal year. A student can have multiple records within the same school and fiscal year.

See Student Record.

H01 - Student AddressStudent residential address data. One record is transmitted for each student at each school in the system.See Student Record.

K01 - Student Programs

Student Alternative Education program data. One record is transmitted for every student for each program activity. A student can have multiple records for different assignments within the same school and fiscal year.

See Student Record.

End of Pathway Assessment

Student pathway assessment results file. One record is transmitted for each student taking an End of Pathway Assessment. Record includes pass/fail indicator.

Due week after Student Record closes.

Student and Teacher Class Reports

The section consists of the reports listed below.

P01 - Student Class

The Student Class layout contains basic information found in a student’s schedule such as the course, section, class period, class start and end dates for each student, and the teacher assignments. In addition, the layout collects program information that will allow schools to better describe the types of instructional services students receive in a given class. Use this report for SY 2019-20.

Open submission window as SCP.

Also required in September, October, February, and March.

FTE Reports

The Quality Basic Education (QBE) Act requires local school systems to report student enrollment in terms of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) students. State funding for the operation of instructional programs are generated from FTE data reported by local school systems.

The following reports are used for FTE reporting.

Refresh FTE Segments Report

This report uses the Georgia FTE package to calculate Program Codes, Gifted Delivery Model, Transported Segment, Supplemental Speech Segment, Itinerant Teacher Segment, Inclusion Segment, and Location of Enrollment values.

The resulting detail is viewed on the student's State/Province-GA > FTE Segments Information page.

Run before FTE October Cycle 1 and FTE March Cycle 3 reports to refresh the student level information.

FTE October March Report (2019-20) - Legacy

The FTE October/March report is primarily for funding and enrollment count. The FTE October/March report includes the option to run for either October or March submissions. When run for October (Cycle 1) the report includes information for the federal December 1 count of students with disabilities, indicated by their Primary Area of Exceptionality (PAE).

The students included in the report are as follows:

  • October report

1)     All students enrolled on the day of the current FTE count.

2)     All students who completed High School since the previous October FTE count day.

3)     All students who withdrew from school after the previous October FTE count day and did not re-enroll in the same district by the current FTE count day.

  • March report

All students enrolled on the day of the current FTE count.

October Report:

Transmission Begins: First Tuesday of October

Deadline for Initial Transmission: Friday after Transmission Begins

Deadline for correcting duplicate student ID errors: Within one week of Initial Transmission

Deadline for final transmission and superintendent sign-off: Last Tuesday of October

March Report:

Transmission Begins: First Thursday of March

Deadline for initial transmission: Tuesday after Transmission Begins

Deadline for correcting duplicate student ID errors: Within one week of Initial Transmission

Deadline for final transmission and superintendent sign-off: Last Thursday of March

FTE Segment Category Counts

This report returns a count of FTE Program Codes. The codes for each student may be viewed on the student's State/Province-GA > FTE Segments Information page.

Used locally; not submitted to GA DOE.

Refresh FTE Support

This report returns the data used in the ‘GA FTE Method’.
The information may then be used to troubleshoot the FTE Procedure.

Used upon request from PowerSchool Support.

Miscellaneous Reports

The following are miscellaneous state reports.

Access for ELLsThis Report is used to generate the Georgia ACCESS for ELLs file to send to PearsonAccessNext(PAN).As needed.

GUIDE Extract

The GUIDE Extract report is used to send student records to the GUIDE application for ID assignment and/or student information updates. The report selects students in the district who need a state ID (GTID) -or- all active students in the district (with and without GTID).

As needed.

PreID Labels 2019-20

The PreID Labels report is used to send student records in order to receive assessment test labels.

The PreID Labels report generates a single label per student who qualifies, usually based on grade level. The EOC test will generate multiple EOC labels per student.

The PreID Labels report can be run at either the school or district level, for all active students or for a selection of students; the report will evaluate students per GA DOE rules, such as grade level, and only create an output record for those students who qualify for the selected test or tests. When run for EOC, courses must be marked to indicate that it is an EOC Course. An EOC Online checkbox is used to indicate students will take the test online.

The tests are identified at run time by choosing the appropriate value or values from the “Test to be administered” pop-up menu. The test ID values must be entered under district setup. Valid GA DOE Test ID values potentially change each year.

The testing cycle is identified at run time by choosing the appropriate value from the “Report Period” pop-up menu.

Use this report for SY 2018-19.

Cycle One - August

Transmission begins: Second Wednesday of August

Deadline (no sign-off): Third Friday of August

Cycle Two - September

  • Georgia Milestones End of Course (students in grades 7-12)

Transmission begins: Second Tuesday of September

Deadline (no sign-off): Fourth Wednesday of September

Cycle Three - January

  • Georgia Milestones Milestones End of Course (students in grades 7-12)
  • Georgia Milestones EOG (students in grade 3-8)

Transmission Begins: Second Tuesday of January

Deadline (no sign-off): Fourth Wednesday of January


The GaFutures report includes school and student demographics, academic session, course, college entrance tests, and immunization information.

The output is submitted to the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC). GSFC collects the data for the GaFutures HOPE Scholarship program and the state Transcript Exchange. This report is for high school grades only (grades 9 and above).

The GaFutures report is available in two processing options: State Report or State Reporting Platform (SRP).

Mid-February – Preliminary submission

End of June – Recommended final submission

End of August – Final submission deadline

Early Care and Learning PK Extract

The Early Care and Leaning report includes pre-kindergarten student information including name, socio-economic category, ethnicity, dual language learner indicator and waiver reason code.

Districts can generate the needed Pre-K roster extract file as needed, to be used by the Pre-K Director for uploading their students onto Roster 1 in the Bright From The Start (BFTS) Pre-K Roster System known as PANDA.

The output is submitted to the Bright From the Start -Department of Early Care and Learning.

As needed.

FGRAM Fitness Extract (FitnessGram)

The Fitnessgram 9 Extract report includes student, teacher, and class information.

The output is submitted to Human Kinetics, the student fitness assessment vendor for GA DOE.

As needed.

Student Programs (ESOL, EIP, Gifted, 504) Fix

This extract gives you the ability to review and clear duplicate records for ESOL, EIP, Gifted and 504 Programs and review any other anomalies present.

Report Modes:

  • Review duplicate ESOL/Gifted/504/EIP records
  • Review and clear ESOL/Gifted/504/EIP duplicate records
  • Review ESOL/Gifted/504/EIP records that needs attention
As needed.


The following are legacy state reports.

A01 - System Level - Legacy

District level PowerSchool data. One record is transmitted for each system. The System Level-A01 report includes Psychological Services information.

B01 - School Level - LegacyExtracts school level PowerSchool data. One record is transmitted for each school in the system.
C01 - Student Level - LegacyExtracts student level demographic, enrollment, and program participation data. One record is transmitted for each student at each school in the system. Students may have multiple student level records, but not more than one at the same school.
D01 - Course Level - LegacyExtracts completed course or content area data for students in grade levels kindergarten-12. One record is transmitted for every student for each course or content area completed, including courses the student did not pass.
P01 - Student Class (2018-2019) - LegacyThe Student Class layout contains basic information found in a student’s schedule such as the course, section, class period, class start and end dates for each student, and the teacher assignments. In addition, the layout collects program information that will allow schools to better describe the types of instructional services students receive in a given class. Use this report for SY 2018-19.

FTE October March Report (2018-19) - Legacy

The FTE October/March report is primarily for funding and enrollment count. The FTE October/March report includes the option to run for either October or March submissions. When run for October (Cycle 1) the report includes information for the federal December 1 count of students with disabilities, indicated by their Primary Area of Exceptionality (PAE).

The students included in the report are as follows:

  • October report

1)     All students enrolled on the day of the current FTE count.

2)     All students who completed High School since the previous October FTE count day.

3)     All students who withdrew from school after the previous October FTE count day and did not re-enroll in the same district by the current FTE count day.

  • March report

All students enrolled on the day of the current FTE count.

October Report:

Transmission Begins: First Tuesday of October

Deadline for Initial Transmission: Friday after Transmission Begins

Deadline for correcting duplicate student ID errors: Within one week of Initial Transmission

Deadline for final transmission and superintendent sign-off: Last Tuesday of October

March Report:

Transmission Begins: First Thursday of March

Deadline for initial transmission: Tuesday after Transmission Begins

Deadline for correcting duplicate student ID errors: Within one week of Initial Transmission

Deadline for final transmission and superintendent sign-off: Last Thursday of March

T01 - Teacher Class - Legacy

The Teacher Class layout contains basic information about a teacher’s schedule such as the course, section, class period, and class start and end dates.

PreID Labels 2018-19 - Legacy

The PreID Labels report is used to send student records in order to receive assessment test labels.

The PreID Labels report generates a single label per student who qualifies, usually based on grade level. The EOC test will generate multiple EOC labels per student.

The PreID Labels report can be run at either the school or district level, for all active students or for a selection of students; the report will evaluate students per GA DOE rules, such as grade level, and only create an output record for those students who qualify for the selected test or tests. When run for EOC, courses must be marked to indicate that it is an EOC Course. An EOC Online checkbox is used to indicate students will take the test online.

The tests are identified at run time by choosing the appropriate value or values from the “Test to be administered” pop-up menu. The test ID values must be entered under district setup. Valid GA DOE Test ID values potentially change each year.

The testing cycle is identified at run time by choosing the appropriate value from the “Report Period” pop-up menu.

Use this report for SY 2018-19.

Cycle One - August

Transmission begins: Second Wednesday of August

Deadline (no sign-off): Third Friday of August

Cycle Two - September

  • Georgia Milestones End of Course (students in grades 7-12)

Transmission begins: Second Tuesday of September

Deadline (no sign-off): Fourth Wednesday of September

Cycle Three - January

  • Georgia Milestones Milestones End of Course (students in grades 7-12)
  • Georgia Milestones EOG (students in grade 3-8)

Transmission Begins: Second Tuesday of January

Deadline (no sign-off): Fourth Wednesday of January

2020-04-07_21-07-17_C01 - Student Level

Student level demographic, enrollment and program participation data. One record is transmitted for each student at each school in the system. Students may have multiple student level records, but not more than one at the same school.

D01 - Course Level - Legacy

Completed course or content area data for students in grades 6-12. One record is transmitted for every student for each course or content area completed; including courses the student did not pass. Active, full-time students must report at least four courses, regardless of their status at the end of the year. Active students enrolled in special education or part-time regular education must report at least one course. Summer school courses are not included. Do not submit multiple course records for the same course and section for the student.


The section consists of the import reports available.

Student GTID Import

This import will process a file with the specified format, updating the GTID for the corresponding students. Students are identified by the local student ID (Student Number) and updated with the value in the GTID field.

As needed.

SLDS CC Import TemplateThis import will process a file with the specified format, updating the Career Aptitude Inventory 8th Grade,Career Interest & Aptitude Inventory 10th Grade,Career Interest Inventories (MS),Individual Graduation Plan (MS) for the corresponding students. 
As needed.

System Reports

The following reports are used by Attendance Tracking and Notification (ATN) to support state reporting. These reports are located at System Reports > System tab.

Refresh Attendance Tracking Data

This report locates attendance qualified for tracking and notification, and stores the information in the database. With this data stored, the performance of reports using attendance tracking and notification (ATN) data is improved by eliminating the need to calculate in real-time.

Student Record-Enrollment (Fnn) uses ATN data.

Run before Student Record-Enrollment report.

Truancy and Attendance Letters (View Only)

This report must be run at the school level. The “View Only” version produces a list of students who meet a specified threshold for an attendance tracking level, such as unexcused absences. This output includes the ability to immediately access a student in the list by clicking the student's name.

The Refresh Attendance Tracking Data report (found at Reports > System) should have been run previously, as the Truancy and Attendance Letters report does not calculate attendance. The report references records in the [UnexcusedHistorical] and [UnexcusedNotify] tables associated with the student, trigger, and attendance tracking level selected at report runtime. The report returns records located for the student at any school.

As needed.

Truancy and Attendance Letters (Extract)

Use this report to set the date extracted (the date the report completes, usually the current date) for each attendance notification record, stored in [UnexcusedNotify]DateExtract. The date extracted represents the date that the attendance letter was printed and sent to the student's parents or guardians. Setting the date extracted cannot be reversed, so it is recommended to verify data using the ‘View Only’ version before running the Extract version.

You must run the Refresh Attendance Tracking Data report (found at Reports > System) before the Truancy and Attendance Letters extract as the Truancy and Attendance Letters report does not calculate attendance. The report references records in the [UnexcusedHistorical] and [UnexcusedNotify] tables associated with the student, trigger, and attendance tracking level selected at report runtime. The report returns records located for the student at any school.

As needed.

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