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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


NCEA Diocese and School Summary PDF Updates

NCEA Diocese Summary: Version 23.10.2

NCEA School Summary: Version 23.10.2

The Diocese and School Summary PDF forms are updated to remove references to specific school years for the principal and teacher retention questions. This is a cosmetic update only with no changes to the report logic.

  • Diocese Information for NCEA Reporting > Principal Retention

    • Number of principals who were employed during the last school year

    • Number of principals who did not return for the current school year

  • School Information for NCEA Reporting > Teacher Retention

    • Number of teachers who were employed during the last school year

    • Number of teachers who did not return for the current school year


New value "(L) Alternate Diploma” is added under Diploma Type drop-down

A new Diploma Type value is now available in the drop-down list on the General Info and Historical Info pages. A new heading “Entered 9th Grade FY2021 or later” has been added at the top of the list and under this text line, the value of “(L) Alternate Diploma” is available.


Updated values under Gifted Eligibility Code drop-down

  • A new option “(6) Established Using An Alternative Method This Year” is added.

  • The option “(5) Established Using An Alternative Method This Year” is disabled and moved under the Obsolete section of the list.

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