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D01 - Course Level - Legacy


The D01 - Course Level report extracts completed course or content area data for students in grade levels kindergarten-12. One record is transmitted for every student for each course or content area completed, including courses the student did not pass. Active, full-time students must report at least four courses, regardless of their status at the end of the year. Active students enrolled in special education or part-time regular education must report at least one course. Summer school courses are not included. Does not submit multiple course records for the same course and section for the student.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student's school enrollment entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
  • The student's school enrollment exit date must occur on or after the report start date.
  • The student's school enrollment must be associated with the school included in the report.
  • The student's grade level must be greater than or equal to 0 (kindergarten) and less than or equal to 12.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

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Stored Grades Selection

The report selects records from the [StoredGrades] table based on the following criteria:

  • The grade record must be associated with the schools included in the report.
  • The grade level associated with the grade record must be greater than or equal to 0 (kindergarten) and less than or equal to 12.
  • The grade record must be associated with a student that meets the criteria listed above.
  • The grade must not be associated with a course marked "Exclude Course from State Reporting".

Stored Grades Note: Stored grades without an attached section will return the store code entered on the historical grade screen; these grades will not default to 'Y1'. All stored grades which do not have an associated section will appear on the report. There is an assumption that only final grades are being manually entered via the Historical Grades page. This means if multiple historical grades need to be entered for a course without all the grades being reported, the grades must be associated to a section.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included. Select schools to include in the report
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Current Selection Students

Run the report for the current selection of students or all students.

Report Start Date

Enter the start date of the report.

Note: Enter the date in a format of MM/DD/YYYY.

Report End Date

Enter the end date of the report.

Note: Enter the date in a format of MM/DD/YYYY.

Value for Numeric Grade

Choose which field is used to populate the percent field of the report. The default value for the field is to use Percent.

Content Completer for 1-8

Choose which value to use to populate the content completer field of the report. The default value is Set all to P.

File Path and File Suffix

The File Path and File Suffix must both be valid in order to save the results to a location on the server. The File Name will be the district number, date, and time, in the format dddYYYYMMDDHHmi, followed by the provided file suffix. For example a report run at district 999 on August 1, 2014 at 9:15 AM with a suffix of _AAA.txt will save the results to a file named 999201408010915_AAA.txt in the provided location. If no path is given, or if PowerSchool is unable to write to the given folder, the report will run but will not be saved to the server.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.


Data Element





Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the record.

The report extracts the year based on the last day in the current school calendar.





The reporting period.

Always 1.




System Code

The school system code. This is the district number in PowerSchool.





School Code

The school code.

Note: If the HomeSchool Override Number is set up, it will be used. If not, the alternate school number is reported if populated. Otherwise, the school number is reported.












Record Type

Identifies the record layout.

The report extracts Dnn where nn is a number from 01-75, used to sequentially number the stored grade records reported for each student.




Course Number

The 9-digit number designating an official course as specified in SBOE Rule 160-4-2-.03.

Note: The Course_Number is formatted with a decimal in the third position.




Course Section Number

A unique alpha-numeric sequence, which identifies the particular section of a course.









Course Credit Hours Earned

The number of Carnegie Units the high school student earned for the course.




ESOL Delivery Model

The ESOL Delivery Model that represents the method used to deliver language services.

Note: The report extracts this value for the section if the student is marked Y for ELL.






Course Teacher Code

Identifies the teacher of the course.

Note: If the Override Teacher SSN is set up, it will be extracted.


[Sections]Teacher = [Teachers]ID







Gifted Delivery Model

The Gifted Delivery Model that represents the method used to deliver gifted services.

Note: Student’s Gifted Withdrawal Date is checked to verify the student is still active in the gifted program.




Gifted Content Area of Curriculum

The Gifted Content Area of Curriculum for the delivery model.

Note: Student’s Gifted Withdrawal Date is checked to verify the student is still active in the gifted program.





Marking Period

The length of the course for which the final grade is awarded.

The report refers to the term associated with the stored grade and uses the term portion field to determine the marking period. The term portion is set when creating terms for the school year via School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit Terms.

[Terms]Portion = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6

[StoredGrades]TermID = [Terms]ID



Numeric Grade

The numerical final grade for the marking period.

The report rounds partial percentage grades to whole numbers.

Examples: 87.49 or less becomes 87; 86.5 or greater becomes 87.

Note: If the Alpha Grade (D016) is ‘P’ (Pass) and the Numeric Grade is 0 the Numeric Grade will be reported as blank.

Note: There is a run time option to control the data of this field. See run time option information above.




Alpha Grade

The letter final grade for the marking period.





The identification number assigned to each student to uniquely identify the student throughout his/her public education years in the Georgia public school system.




Credit Recovery Flag

Flag to indicate that the course reported is a Credit Recovery course. Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’.

When at least one of the listed flags are selected the report returns ‘Y’.








Additional Teacher Code 1

Identifies the Additional Teacher Code 1 of the teacher assigned to assist this student in this course.




Additional Teacher Code 2

Identifies the Additional Teacher Code 2 of the teacher assigned to assist this student in this course.




Additional Teacher Code 3

Identifies the Additional Teacher Code 3 of the teacher assigned to assist this student in this course.




Content Completer

Indicates whether the student had the opportunity to learn the entire course content.





Credit in lieu of course

Indicates whether the credit hours earned for a course was based on CREDIT IN LIEU of taking the course in GRADE LEVEL ’07’ – ‘12’.





Online Course

Indicates whether the student is taking this course online. (Y/N) flag.

Logic for Online Course and MOWR: Location of Enrollment:

The Online Course column displays Y:

  • when Online Course is selected ([S_GA_CRS_X]OnlineCourse or [S_GA_SEC_X]OnlineCourse is set to 1), even if the MOWR: Location of Enrollment ([S_GA_CRS_X]LocEnroll or [S_GA_SEC_X]LocEnroll) has a value other than 4.


  • when the Online Course is NOT selected ([S_GA_CRS_X]OnlineCourse or [S_GA_SEC_X]OnlineCourse is NOT set to 1) but the MOWR: Location of Enrollment ([S_GA_CRS_X]LocEnroll or [S_GA_SEC_X]LocEnroll) has a value of 4.










D024Immersion Language

The language taught in the student's dual language immersion course.









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