How To Indicate End of Grade (EOG) Testing Will Be Taken Online
End of Grade (EOG) testing is given to students in grades 3 through 8. There is a student-level EOG Online Indicator on the student Course Enrollment Data page. EOG Online Indicator is not available via Courses or Sections.
EOG Online testing can be marked in three different ways. Only one method is required but combinations of the three can be used depending on local preference. Here are the three ways:
- Mark the student for EOG Online Testing on the student Course Enrollment Data Page.
- Make a selection of students and use the Student Field Value feature to set the [S_GA_STU_X.OnlineEOGTest] field to a value of 1.
- Import using Data Import Manager into the [S_GA_STU_X.OnlineEOGTest] field. Set the field to a value of 1.