School Setup
The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > School Setup.
On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
Click School. The School Setup page appears.
Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldNames | Length | Used in these Reports |
Entering Attendance CodesAttendance: Attendance Codes | ||||
Code | Enter the attendance code abbreviation. | [Attendance_Code]Att_Code | N/A | Enrollment |
Description | Enter the attendance code description. | [Attendance_Code]Description | N/A | Not Required |
Presence Status | Select Present or Absent as the presence status. Note: For the Attendance and Tracking Notification function, you must set up attendance codes to track unexcused absences. Attendance codes must be marked Absent in order to be included in the unexcused absence calculation for the Enrollment report. | [Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD | N/A | Enrollment |
Code Categories | Select the checkbox for the appropriate attendance code categories. Note: Attendance codes must be associated with the Unexcused attendance code category to be included in the unexcused absence calculation for the Enrollment report. See the section on ATN setup for a detailed description of setting up Attendance Tracking and Notification. | [Att_Code_Code_Entity]Code_EntityID | N/A | Enrollment |
Points | Enter the number of points associated with the attendance code – can be used to withhold credit when awarding grades. | [Attendance_Code]Course_Credit_Points | N/A | Not Required |
Teacher can assign | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to determine whether the teacher can assign the attendance code. | [Attendance_Code]Assignment_Filter_YN | N/A | Not Required |
This attendance code is considered in ADA calculations | Select whether the attendance code affects attendance calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADA_YN | N/A | Enrollment |
This attendance code counts towards membership | Select whether the attendance code affects membership calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADM_YN | N/A | Enrollment |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the code displays on the page. | [Attendance_Code]SortOrder | N/A | Not Required |
Entering Attendance Code CategoriesAttendance: Attendance Code Categories Note: Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year. | ||||
Code | Enter the attendance code category abbreviation. Note: For the Attendance Tracking and Notification function, you must set up an attendance code category for Unexcused absences. The Student Record-Enrollment report uses attendance codes associated with the Unexcused attendance code category to calculate unexcused absences. | [Code_Entity]CE_Code | N/A | Enrollment |
Name | Enter the name of the attendance code category. Note: The name Unexcused is not required, but the name chosen is used later with Attendance Codes and Unexcused Tracking Categories. | [Code_Entity]External_Name | N/A | Required Setup |
Description | Enter a description for the attendance code category. | [Code_Entity]Description | N/A | Not Required |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the attendance code category displays on the page. | [Code_Entity]SortOrder | N/A | Not Required |
Entering Attendance ConversionsAttendance: Attendance Conversions | ||||
Name | Enter the attendance conversion name. | [Attendance_Conversion]Name | N/A | Enrollment |
Entering Period-To-Day ConversionsAttendance: Attendance Conversions > [None/Defined] > Period-To-Day Attendance Conversion | ||||
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for the period-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. Note: Either Meeting: Period-to-Day, Meeting: Time-to-Day, Daily: Code-to-Day or Daily: Time-to-Day can be used to calculate unexcused absences for the Enrollment report. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=periodday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value | N/A | Enrollment |
Entering Code-To-Day ConversionsAttendance: Attendance Conversions > [None/Defined] > Code-To-Day Attendance Conversion | ||||
Code | The code for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Input_Value Note: The value in the Input_Value field is the ID of an attendance code in the [Attendance_Code] table. | N/A | Enrollment |
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. Note: Either Daily: Code-to-Day, Daily: Time-to-Day, Meeting: Period-to-Day, or Meeting: Time-to-Day can be used to calculate unexcused absences for the Enrollment report. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value | N/A | Enrollment |
Entering TimeAttendance: Attendance Conversions > [None/Defined] > Time | ||||
Minutes Present | Enter the minutes present for the time-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. Note: Minutes Present should have only one conversion for any given number of minutes. For example, 180 minutes cannot have a Daily Attendance Value of .75 and a second entry for 180 minutes with a Daily Attendance Value of .50; having two entries for 180 minutes will negatively impact state reporting. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=timeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Input_Value | N/A | Enrollment |
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for the time attendance conversion for the FTE. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=timeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value | N/A | Enrollment |
Editing Attendance ModeAttendance: Attendance Tracking and Notification > Attendance Mode Setup Note: Attendance Tracking and Notification values should not be changed during the school year. It is recommended to wait until the end of the school year to make any necessary changes.Attendance tracking and notification functionality requires PowerSchool or later. | ||||
Attendance Mode Value | Choose the attendance mode used as the default for your school:
For Georgia state reporting, ITVL is not valid. | [Gen]Value=MPTD, MTTD, DCTD, DTTD, or ITVL [Gen]Name=UEAT_Mode [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Editing Unexcused TrackingAttendance: Attendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Tracking Setup Note: Attendance Tracking and Notification values should not be changed during the school year. It is recommended to wait until the end of the school year to make any necessary changes. | ||||
Tracking Category | The page displays Unexcused to indicate that the attendance code category will track unexcused absences or tardies. Note: Choose the Att Category named earlier as the Attendance Code Category, usually Unexcused. | N/A | N/A | Enrollment |
Attendance Category | Choose the attendance code category dedicated to tracking unexcused absences or tardies from the pop-up menu. Attendance code categories can only be used once, so the pop-up menu displays all attendance code categories set up for your school, except for those already associated with an unexcused reporting category. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Name=UEAT_Category [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Status | Select the radio button for: Absent – This indicates that this unexcused tracking category is used to track absences. | [Gen]Value2=Absent or Tardy [Gen]Name=UEAT_Category [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Enrollment |
Entering FTE InformationAttendance: Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) | ||||
Name | Enter the FTE name. | [FTE]Name | N/A | Enrollment |
Default Attendance Mode | Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE from the pop-up menu. | [FTE]Dflt_Att_Mode_Code | N/A | Enrollment |
Default Attendance Conversion | Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE from the pop-up menu. | [FTE]Dflt_Conversion_Mode_Code | N/A | Enrollment |
Setting Attendance PreferencesAttendance: Preferences (General Attendance) | ||||
Attendance Recording Methods | Select the Meeting checkbox to enable meeting attendance. Select the Daily checkbox to enable daily attendance. Select the Time checkbox to enable time attendance. Select the Interval checkbox to enable interval attendance. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ATT_RecordModeMeeting [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ATT_RecordModeDaily | N/A | Enrollment |
Calculation accuracy | Enter the number of decimal places to use for attendance calculation results. Note: Recommended value is 2. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name= att_calcaccuracydecimalplaces | N/A | Enrollment |
Count these codes for period conversion | Choose [Absences/Presents] from the count these codes for period conversion pop-up menu. Note: This option determines whether or not to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ATT_CalcCntPresentsAbsences | N/A | Enrollment |
Editing Bell SchedulesCalendaring: Bell Schedules | ||||
Name | Enter the bell schedule name. | [Bell_Schedule]Name | N/A | Enrollment |
Attendance Conversion Method | Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule from the pop-up menu. | [Bell_Schedule]Attendance_Conversion_ID | N/A | Enrollment |
Calendaring: Bell Schedules > Edit Bell Schedules | ||||
Period | Choose the appropriate period from the pop-up menu. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]Period_ID | N/A | Enrollment |
Start time | Enter the start time for the bell schedule item. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]Start_Time | N/A | FTE 1 Enrollment |
End time | Enter the end time for the bell schedule item. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time | N/A | FTE 1 Enrollment |
Counts for ADA | Select the checkbox to include the bell schedule item in ADA calculations. Note: When using Daily attendance modes only one bell schedule item may be marked as Counts for ADA. Having more than one period marked as Counts for ADA will negatively impact state reporting. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]ADA_Code | N/A | Enrollment |
Use For Daily Attendance | Select the checkbox to use this bell schedule item for daily attendance. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]Daily_Attendance_Code | N/A | Enrollment |
Default Time In | Enter the default time in if the bell schedule item is used for daily attendance. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]Daily_Time_In_Default | N/A | Enrollment |
Default Time Out | Enter the default time out if the bell schedule item is used for daily attendance. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]Daily_Time_Out_Default | N/A | Enrollment |
Setting Up the School CalendarCalendaring: Calendar Setup Note: Correct calendar setup affects all state reports for determination of GA DOE element Fiscal Year. | ||||
Date | The date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date of current school year. | [Calendar_Day]Date | N/A | All reports |
Day | Choose the appropriate cycle day from the pop-up menu. | [Calendar_Day]Cycle_Day_ID | N/A | All reports |
Schedule | Choose the appropriate bell schedule from the pop-up menu. | [Calendar_Day]Bell_Schedule_ID | N/A | All reports |
Tracks | Select the appropriate tracks. | [Calendar_Day]A, B, C, D, E, F | N/A | Not Required |
In Sess | Select the checkbox to count the calendar day in attendance calculation. | [Calendar_Day]InSession | N/A | All reports |
Member Value | Enter the membership value for the calendar day to use when calculating membership. Note: The value is normally 1 for each In Session day, versus zero (0) for non-In Session days. | [Calendar_Day]MembershipValue | N/A | All reports |
Type | Choose the appropriate calendar membership type from the pop-up menu. | [Calendar_Day]Type | N/A | Not Required |
Note | Enter a note to describe the calendar day. | [Calendar_Day]Note | N/A | Not Required |
Editing Cycle Days InformationScheduling: Days | ||||
Day Letter | The day letter is view-only on this page. To edit the number of days associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year. | [Cycle_Day]Letter | N/A | Enrollment |
Day Abbreviation | Enter the day abbreviation. | [Cycle_Day]Abbreviation | N/A | Not Required |
Day Name | Enter the day name. | [Cycle_Day]Day_Name | N/A | Not Required |
Adding Graduation SetsScheduling: Graduation Sets | ||||
Name | Enter a name for the graduation set. Note: Required for students in grade levels 9-12 included in the Student report who entered 9th grade prior to FY2009. It is necessary to set up graduation sets with state defined names. See the Appendix for a list of valid graduation set names. GaFutures requires for all students. | [GradReqSets]Name | Max 3 | Student GaFutures |
Editing Graduation RequirementsScheduling: Graduation Sets > Edit Requirements | ||||
Subject Area | Enter a subject area for the courses associated with this graduation requirement. This field is for informational use only. | [GradReq]SubjectArea | N/A | Not Required |
Requirement Name | Enter the name of the graduation requirement. | [GradReq]Name | N/A | Not Required |
Prerequisite Hours | Enter the number of credit hours that the student must earn in order to satisfy this requirement. | [GradReq]ReqCrHrs | N/A | Not Required |
Prerequisite Courses | Use one of the four options to associate courses with the graduation requirement: Course numbers - Enter a comma-separated list of course numbers. Credit types. Course groups - A useful tool for assigning multiple courses to a graduation requirement. Any course completed by the student. | [GradReq]CourseSource [GradReq]CourseListT [GradReq]CreditType [GradReq]CourseGroup | N/A | Not Required |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order for the graduation requirement. This setting may be used for state reporting purposes. Otherwise, the sort order is used for display purposes only. | [GradReq]SortOrder | N/A | Not Required |
Entering PeriodsScheduling: Periods | ||||
Period Number | The period number is view-only on this page. To edit the number of periods associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year. Note: Valid period numbers are 01 – 99. | [Period]Period_Number | 2 | FTE 1 FTE 3 Refresh FTE Courses Enrollment |
Period Abbreviation | Enter the period abbreviation. | [Period]Abbreviation | Max 3 | Courses |
Period Name | Enter the period name. | [Period]Name | Max 80 | Not Required |
Defining Course SectionsScheduling: Sections Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section Note: The Student Learning Objectives (SLO) data elements report as blank for the Student Class Layout for 2016-2017; however, the fields and logic remain in PowerSchool and you can continue to use the PowerSchool SLO solution locally for “student progress measures”. Existing data entry remains intact. For data extraction, use Enterprise Reporting or Data Export Manager. | ||||
Course Number | Enter the course number for the section. Note: The Student Class and Courses reports exclude any courses with a course number that starts with 00, unless the report expressly has an option to include the 00 course numbers. | [Sections]Course_Number | 9 | PreID Courses Fgram Stu Class |
Term | Choose the term for the section from the pop-up menu. | [Sections]TermID | 2 | PreID Courses |
Schedule | Select the meeting schedule for the section. | [Sections]Expression [Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID | N/A | FTE 1 FTE 3 Refresh FTE PreID Courses Stu Class |
Teacher | Choose the teacher for the section from the pop-up menu. Note: Click the Note button in the Action column to view the 90% Attendance values for each teacher. | [Sections]Teacher | N/A | Stu Class Courses PreID |
Course Teacher Code 90% Attendance | Field will auto-populate based on Attendance Calculation to Yes or No to indicate whether the instructor taught the course for at least 90% of the class instructional days. Field is read-only. Note:
Course Teacher Code 90% Attendance Override Value | Select Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the instructor taught the course for at least 90% of the class instructional days. This field will override Course Teacher Code 90% Attendance. | [S_GA_SEC_X]CRSTCHCD90PERATTOVERRIDE [S_GA_SEC_X]ADDCRSTCHCD90PERATTOVERRIDE | 1 | Stu Class |
Teachers/Staff - Additional | Add additional teachers or staff associated with the section. Note: Click the Note button in the Action column to view the 90% Attendance values for each teacher. | [SectionTeacher]sectionid [SectionTeacher]Teacherid | N/A | Stu Class |
Section Number | Enter the section number. Note: Section number has a maximum length of 3 alphanumeric characters for Student Record reporting, | [Sections]Section_Number | 10 | PreID Courses Fgram Stu Class |
Grade Level | Enter the grade level associated with the section. If the grade level is blank, K is extracted. | [Sections]Grade_Level | 2 | Not Required |
Current Enrollment | This field is view-only. The page displays the number of students enrolled in the section. | [Sections]No_of_students | 3 | N/A |
Program | Choose a special program to associate with this section. Note: The Alternate School Code and Alternate System Code from a special program enrollment will only be reported in the Student Class report when the program is selected here. | [Sections] ProgramID | 10 | Stu Class |
Entering GA Specific InformationScheduling: Sections > Edit Section: GA Specific Information | ||||
Number of Paraprofessionals in the Classroom | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. Valid values: 1 through 4 | [Sections]GA_ParaPro | 1 | Stu Class |
Override Teacher SSN | The SSN for the instructor enrolled at a GNET campus. If this field is populated, the teacher at the GNET campus will be reported as part of the home school. | [S_GA_SEC_X]Teacher_SSN_Override | 9 | Stu Class |
Override Teacher First Name | The first name of the instructor enrolled at a GNET campus. If this field is populated, the teacher at the GNET campus will be reported as part of the home school. Note: If Override Teacher SSN is populated, this field must be populated. | [S_GA_SEC_X]Teacher_FirstName_Override | 30 | Stu Class |
Override Teacher Last Name | The last name of the instructor enrolled at a GNET campus. If this field is populated, the teacher at the GNET campus will be reported as part of the home school. Note: If Override Teacher SSN is populated, this field must be populated. | [S_GA_SEC_X]Teacher_LastName_Override | 30 | Stu Class |
PSO Institution Code | If students are taking MOWR Courses taught by your school's high school teacher, enter the 4 digit College Code. This code ise reported as the ALT SCHOOL CODE on the Student Class (2019-20) Report. | [S_GA_SEC_X]PSO_Institution_Code | 4 | Stu Class |
Charter Waiver Code (CHW CODE) | Valid Values:
| S_GA_SEC_X.CHW_CODE | 6 | Stu Class |
Entering Course Data OverridesScheduling: Sections > Edit Section: Course Data Overrides Note: These fields override the corresponding values on the courses page. Values set to blank or "Same As Course" will be set to the course values. | ||||
EIP Delivery Model | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_GA_SEC_X]EIPDelivery [S_GA_CRS_X]EIPDelivery | 1 | Stu Class |
ESOL Delivery Model | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_GA_SEC_X]ESOLDelivery [S_GA_CRS_X]ESOLDelivery | 1 | Courses Stu Class |
Immersion Language | Required when ESOL Delivery Model = 9 Choose the appropriate immersion language from the pop-up menu. See the Language Codes for valid values. | [S_GA_SEC_X]ImmersionLanguage | 2 | Courses |
Special Education Delivery Model | Indicates the Special Education delivery model used in this section. See Special Education Delivery Model for valid values. | [S_GA_SEC_X]SPED_Delivery_Model [S_GA_CRS_X]SPED_Delivery_Model | 1 | |
Special Education Program Primary Area | Choose the primary area served in this section. See Special Education Primary Area for valid values. | [S_GA_SEC_X]SpEd_PrimaryArea [S_GA_CRS_X]SpEd_PrimaryArea | 1 | |
Gifted Delivery Model | Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list. Refer to Gifted Delivery Model for valid values: Note: If Gifted Delivery Model is 1, then Gifted Content Area of Curriculum must be 01. If Gifted Delivery Model is 7, then Gifted Content Area of Curriculum must be blank. If Program Code is I, then Gifted Delivery Model is required. | [S_GA_SEC_X]GiftedDelivery [S_GA_CRS_X]GiftedDelivery | 1 | Courses Stu Class |
Gifted Content Area of Curriculum | Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
Note: If this field is populated, then Gifted Delivery Model must be populated. | [S_GA_SEC_X]GiftedContentArea [S_GA_CRS_X]GiftedContentArea | 2 | Courses |
Section Credit Qualifier | Enter the appropriate section credit qualifier. Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. In the report output the Section level value overrides the Course level value. The course value is displayed above of the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. Note: Credit Qualifier must be alphanumeric. Special characters are not allowed. | [S_GA_SEC_X]CreditQualifier Also see [S_GA_CRS_X]CreditQualifier | Max 10 | GaFutures |
Section Weighting Indicator | Enter the appropriate section weighting indicator. Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. In the report output the Section level value overrides the Course level value. The course value is displayed above the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. Note: Weighting Indicator must be alphanumeric. Special characters are not allowed. | [S_GA_SEC_X]WeightingInd Also see [S_GA_CRS_X]WeightingInd | Max 15 | GaFutures |
Online Course | Select this checkbox if students can take this section or course online. Note: The Online Course will display Y in reports when:
| [S_GA_SEC_X]OnlineCourse [S_GA_CRS_X]OnlineCourse | 1 | Stu Class |
No Grade Expected | Select the checkbox to indicate that no grade is expected from this course. When selected, the Student Class report will extract a value of Z for this section. Note: Student level, Section level, and Course level data entry is available. In the report output, the Student level value overrides the Section level and the Section level value overrides the Course level value. | [S_GA_SEC_X]NoGradeExpected [S_GA_CRS_X]NoGradeExpected | 1 | Stu Class |
Inclusion Code | Indicates the inclusion code to be applied to all students enrolled in this section. Note: Section level, Course level, and Student-level data entry are available. In the report output, the Section level values override the Course level values, and the Student level values override the Section level. Valid Values:
| [S_GA_SEC_X]InclusionCode Also see [S_GA_CRS_X]InclusionCode | 1 | Stu Class Refresh FTE Teacher Class |
MOWR: Location of Enrollment: Section | Choose the location of the dual enrollment services. Indicates course taken on the K-12 campus, USG campus, TCSG campus or via online course. Valid values:
Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. In the report output, the Section level values override the Course level values. The course value is displayed above the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. Note: Location of Enrollment must be set for the FTE Package to calculate Program Codes of 6 or 7. Student Class evaluates online courses using LOE of 4. | [S_GA_SEC_X]LocEnroll Also see [S_GA_CRS_X]LocEnroll | N/A | Refresh FTE Stu Class Course |
This is EOC Testing Course | Select the checkbox to indicate that the section should be included in the PreID report when the Georgia MileStones EOC (12) test code is chosen on the PreID Labels run reports page. The student enrollment in this section will be included in the PreID Labels report output. Valid values: 1 - checkbox is selected | [S_GA_SEC_X]EOCT_Course | 1 | PreID |
EOC Online Indicator | Select the checkbox to indicate that the EOC Test for this section is being taken online. Valid values: 1 - checkbox is selected Note: Selecting this checkbox indicates students will take the test online. The default is unchecked which indicates students will not take the test online. | [S_GA_SEC_X]EOCT_OnlineInd | 1 | PreID |
Purpose for taking EOC | Choose the reason a student would take an EOC test. Choose to use the same value as the course or select a different value for the section. Valid values:
Note: This field cannot be blank if the Test ID is 12. | [S_GA_SEC_X]EOC_Purpose Also see [S_GA_CRS_X]EOC_Purpose | 1 | PreID Labels |
EOG EOC ELA | Choose to use the same value as the course or select a different value for the section. Valid values:
EOG EOC Math | Choose to use the same value as the course or select a different value for the section. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]EOG_EOC_Math [S_GA_SEC_X]EOG_EOC_Math | 1 | |
EOG EOC Science | Choose to use the same value as the course or select a different value for the section. Valid values:
| [S_GA_CRS_X]EOG_EOC_Science [S_GA_SEC_X]EOG_EOC_Science | 1 | |
Category of WBL Program | Indicates if student is in a work-based learning program and what type of program if in one. Valid values:
Note: Must be indicated for students who are enrolled in WBL courses. | [S_GA_CRS_X]Category_of_WBL_Program [S_GA_SEC_X]Category_of_WBL_Program | 1 | |
Credit Recovery Indicator | Select the checkbox to indicate that the section is being taken for credit recovery purposes. Valid values: 1 - checkbox is selected Note: Selecting this checkbox indicates this is a credit recovery class for all students enrolled in the section. | [S_GA_SEC_X]CreditRecovery | 1 | Course Stu Class FTE 1 FTE 3 |
Section This is an SLO Course | Select the checkbox to indicate that the section has defined Student Learning Objectives (SLO). Valid values: 1 - checkbox is selected Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. The course value is displayed above the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. | [S_GA_SEC_X]SLOCourse | 1 | Sys Crs |
Section SLO Measure Type | Choose the type of SLO measure type associated with the section. Valid values:
Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. The course value is displayed above the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. | [S_GA_SEC_X]SLOMeasureType | 1 | Sys Crs |
Section SLO Target | When the SLO Measure Type is selected, indicate the SLO Target to be used for the section. Note: SLO Target data entry is done via the District Setup > SLO Targets link. The course value is displayed above the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. | [S_GA_SEC_X]SLOMeasureType | 40 | Not Required |
SLO Pre-measure Exemption Code | Exemption code to use in place of SLO Pre-measure scores for this section. This code applies to all students in the section. Valid values:
| [S_GA_SEC_X]SLOPreExemption | 3 | Not Required |
SLO Post-measure Exemption Code | Exemption code to use in place of SLO Post-measure scores for this section. This code applies to all students in the section. Valid values: See SLO Pre-measure Exemption Code. | [S_GA_SEC_X]SLOPostExemption | 3 | Not Required |
Section Approved for High School Credit | Select the checkbox to indicate that the section has been approved for middle school students (grade 6-8) to receive high school credit. Valid values: 1 - checkbox is selected Note: Historical Grade Earned Credit Hours required for state reporting. Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. In the report output the Section level value overrides the Course level value. The course value is displayed above the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. | [S_GA_SEC_X]HSCreditApproved see also [S_GA_CRS_X]HSCreditApproved | 1 | Stu Class |
Section does not provide opportunity to learn entire content (Content Completer = N) | Select the checkbox to indicate that the section is always associated with a Content Completer value of N. Valid values: 1- checkbox is selected Note: Both Section level and Course level data entry is available. In the report output the Section level value overrides the Course level value. The course value is displayed above the data entry field. If the section value is set to blank, it will be changed to match the course value. FY16: Content Completer is only required for grades 1-8. | [S_GA_SEC_X]NotContentCompleter | 1 | Stu Class |
Editing Student Class InformationScheduling: Sections > Edit Section: Student Class Information | ||||
The Teacher 90% Attendance fields are now located in the Teacher-Section Lead and Teachers/Staff - Additional tables above. Click the Note button in the Action column to view the 90% Attendance values for each teacher. | ||||
Entering CRDC InformationScheduling: Sections > Edit Section: Student Class Information > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > See CRDC School Setup (2020-2021) | ||||
Entering Years & TermsScheduling: Years & Terms > Edit/New Terms | ||||
Name | Enter the name of the term. | [Terms]Name | N/A | Not Required |
Abbreviation | Enter an abbreviation for the term. | [Terms]Abbreviation | Max 60 | GaFutures |
First Day of Term | Enter the first day of the term. | [Terms]FirstDay | N/A | All reports |
Last Day of Term | Enter the last day of the term. | [Terms]LastDay | N/A | All reports |
What portion of the school year does this term represent? | Choose the appropriate portion from the pop-up menu. Note: The Course Profile and Courses reports use the term portion field to determine the marking period for the course. Valid values for GA DOE Marking Periods:
| [Terms]Portion = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 | 2 | Courses Stu Class |