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Special Education Primary Area

The following codes indicate the special education area served.


(B)Grades 1-3

Grades 4-5

(D)Grades 9-12
(E)Kindergarten EIP (Early Intervention Program)
(F)Primary Grades EIP
(G)4th and 5th Grade EIP
(H)Middle School Program (Grades 6-8)


(J)Remedial Education
(K) Vocational H.S. Lab
(N) Study Hall
(O)Other, non-State-funded
(P)Mild Intellectual Disability
(Q)Moderate Intellectual Disability

Severe Intellectual Disability

(S)Profound Intellectual Disability
(T)Emotional/Behavioral Disorder
(U) Specific Learning Disability
(V)Orthopedic Impairment
(W) Hearing Impairment
(X) Deaf
(Y) Other Health Impairment

Visual Impairment

(2)Deaf and Blind
(3) Speech/Language Impairment
(4) GNETS (Psycho-Ed Program)
(6) Move on When Ready (General Ed)

Move on When Ready (Voc Ed)

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