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GKIDS Report (2021-2022)


This extract creates the GKIDS file for student assessments in the proper format and layout for submission. When the report is run the results go directly to the report queue; when saved from the queue the file name will be (schoolnumber)GKIDS.txt

Selection Criteria

This  report can be run for all active students or for a selection of students; the report will evaluate students per GA DOE rules, such as grade level, and only create an output record for those students who qualify for the particular test or tests. Students who qualify for multiple selected tests will return a record for each qualifying test.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Current Selection Students

Run the report for the current selection of students or all students.

Select Only Students in These Grades

Select the student grade levels to include in the report. Only students in these grade levels are included in the report output.

Report Period

Select the report period from the pop up menu. The choice will output the value of 1, 2, or 3 in the extract.

Select Period

The period is used to determine the teachers’ name to be included in each student’s record. The extract output is not sorted by teacher. The vendor will sort the labels by teacher name, and then student name.

Note: If no period is selected, the labels will not be sorted by teacher.

Term List

Select the term(s) from the pop-up menu. The choice will determine which course enrollments will be considered for EOCT labels. The term list will be ignored for tests other than EOCT.

Field Delimiter


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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Data Type

System Code

The 3 Digit System Code

Must match a valid district in GKIDS Database

It must match the district registered for the client uploading the roster file




School Code

It is a 4 Digit School Code

It must match active school in GKIDS Database




Grade Level 

Grade level of the student




Student GTID

it is a 10 Digit Georgia Student ID Number

It has no leading 0



Student First Name

Student's legal first name.




Student Middle Initial 

Student's Middle Initial - One character only


Student Last Name

Student's legal las name.





Legal Gender of the student





Date of Birth

Date of birth in YYYYMMDD format.



SRC Code

Valid values:
P - Mild Intellectual Disability
Q - Moderate Intellectual Disability
R - Severe Intellectual Disability
S - Profound Intellectual Disability
T - Emotional/Behavioral Disorder
U - Specific Learning Disability
V - Orthopedic Impairment
W - Hearing Impairment
X - Deaf
Y - Other Health Impairment
Z - Visual Impairment
1 - Blind
2 - Deaf and Blind
3 - Speech/Language Impairment
6 - Autism
7 - Traumatic Brain Injury
8 - Significant Developmental Delay
Leave BLANK for students without disabilities.



English Learner 

Valid values

Y=Yes, student has limited English proficiency
1=First year out of EL program; monitored year one
2=Second year out of EL program; monitored year two
3=No longer EL; no longer monitored; tested out of EL 3 years ago
4=No longer EL; no longer monitored; tested out of EL 4 years ago
F=Former EL student; tested out of EL 5 or more years ago
I=Student incorrectly reported as EL
N=No, student is not EL



Section 504





C=Continuation of services 



Ethnic Hispanic

Must be one of the following letters:
H = Hispanic
N = Not Hispanic



Race Indian

Must be one of the following letters:
I = American Indian or Alaskan Native
N = Not this race




Race Asian

Must be one of the following letters:
S = Asian
N = Not this race




Race Black

Must be one of the following letters:
B = Black or African American
N = Not this race




Race Pacific

Must be one of the following letters:
P = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
N = Not this race




Race White

Must be one of the following letters:
W = White
N = Not this race




Teacher Last Name

A-Z, embedded blanks (space), hyphen, apostrophe, period


[SchoolStaff]ID = [Sections]Teacher


Teacher First Name

A-Z, embedded blanks (space), hyphen, apostrophe, period


[SchoolStaff]ID = [Sections]Teacher


Teacher Email Address

Valid email address for a teacher 



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