Special Education Import Template
The Special Education Import Template enables you to import FTE/Special Education data from GoIEP into PowerSchool.This import processes a file with the specified format, updating the Special Education data for the corresponding students. Students are identified by the GTID (State Student Number). If there are no students with the imported GTID, no rows are updated.
Using the Import Template
These changes are permanent. Verify that the file format is correct and that the information to be imported is valid. PowerSchool strongly recommends creating a backup of your data before importing your file in case there is an issue with the importing process or the data being imported.
To use the import template:
Create and save a .txt import file in ASCII format using the template below
Note: The length and order of the fields in the import file should match the template below, with no separators.Navigate to Start Page > System Reports > State tab > Special Education Import Template.
Click Choose File, and select the saved import file you created in step 1.
Click Import. The import process results page appears and indicates whether the import was successful for all records.
Verify that imported data is accurate by navigating to Start Page> select student > State/Province - GA > Georgia Special Education Information (for information about data entry, see Defining Special Education Information).
An error message appears if the file type being imported is not .txt or the GTID in the import file does not match the GTID in PowerSchool.
Import Template
Each row in the import file represents a single student and contains all of the data available to import for that student.
Element | Data Type | Expected Format/Value | Length | Start Position | End Position |
System | CHAR | District Number Ignored during import. | 3 | 1 | 3 |
Fiscal Year | CHAR | YY (Example for Year 2023, the value is 23) Ignored during import. | 2 | 4 | 5 |
Total Service Minutes | Number | Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 5 | 6 | 10 |
ReportType | CHAR | Ignored during import. | 1 | 11 | 11 |
Hours per week Mild Intellectual Disability-P | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N | 1 | 12 | 12 |
Moderate Intellectual Disability-Q | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N | 1 | 13 | 13 |
Severe Intellectual Disability-R | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N | 1 | 14 | 14 |
Profound Intellectual Disability-S | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N | 1 | 15 | 15 |
Emotional/ Behavioral Disorder-T | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N | 1 | 16 | 16 |
Specific Learning Disability-U | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 17 | 17 |
Orthopedic Impairment-V | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 18 | 18 |
Hearing Impairment-W | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 19 | 19 |
Deaf-X | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 20 | 20 |
Other Health Impairment-Y | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 21 | 21 |
Visual Impairment-Z | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 22 | 22 |
Blind - 1 | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 23 | 23 |
Deaf and Blind-2 | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 24 | 24 |
Speech/ Language Impairment-3 | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 25 | 25 |
Autism-6 | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 26 | 26 |
Traumatic Brain Injury-7 | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 27 | 27 |
Preschool Special Education/SDD-8 | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 28 | 28 |
Primary Area | CHAR | P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 | 1 | 29 | 29 |
Adapted PE-A | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 30 | 30 |
Audiology-B | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 31 | 31 |
Counseling-C | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 32 | 32 |
Diagnostic services-D | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 33 | 33 |
Occupational Therapy-E | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 34 | 34 |
Physical Therapy-F | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 35 | 35 |
Psychological services-G | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 36 | 36 |
Interpreter-H | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 37 | 37 |
School Health/Nursing-I | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 38 | 38 |
School Social Work-J | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 39 | 39 |
Special Transportation-K | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 40 | 40 |
Orientation and Mobility-L | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or N. | 1 | 41 | 41 |
ALL SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES | CHAR | Y, N, S Not imported if import file value is blank. | 1 | 42 | 42 |
Special ED ENVIRONMENT | CHAR | Age > 5 as of count date: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 Age > 5 as of count date: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J Not imported if import file value is blank. | 1 | 43 | 43 |
GTID - State Student ID | CHAR | Identifies student. Not imported. | 10 | 44 | 53 |
Event code | CHAR | 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 2 | 54 | 55 |
Event Date | DATE | YYYYMMDD Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 8 | 56 | 63 |
GAA flag | NUMBER | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 1 | 64 | 64 |
Program Code | CHAR | P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 1 | 65 | 65 |
School Code | NUMBER | [Schools]School_Number Ignored during import. | 4 | 66 | 69 |
Related Service of Speech. (Speech therapy M) | CHAR | Y, N Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 1 | 70 | 70 |
GAA Entered Date | DATE | YYYYMMDD Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 8 | 71 | 78 |
GA Exited Date | DATE | YYYYMMDD Not imported if import file value is blank or null. | 8 | 79 | 86 |
Import Details
The following table provides details about the PowerSchool user-interface field and database field into which each state element data is imported.
State Element | PowerSchool UI Field Name | [Table]FieldName |
System | Ignored during import | N/A |
Fiscal Year | Ignored during import | N/A |
Total Service Minutes | Imported into State/Province - GA > Georgia Special Education Information: Total Service Minutes | [S_GA_STU_SPECED_X]SpedSvcMin |
ReportType | Ignored during import | N/A |
Imported into State/Province - GA > FTE Special Education Information > Hours Student is Served Per Week for each Special Education Program Area: | ||
Hours per week Mild Intellectual Disability-P | (P) Mild Intellectual Disability | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWP |
Moderate Intellectual Disability-Q | (Q) Moderate Intellectual Disability | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWQ |
Severe Intellectual Disability-R | (R) Severe Intellectual Disability | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWR |
Profound Intellectual Disability-S | (S) Profound Intellectual Disability | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWS |
Emotional/ Behavioral Disorder-T | (T) Emotional/Behavioral Disorder | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]]HPWT |
Specific Learning Disability-U | (U) Specific Learning Disability | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWU |
Orthopedic Impairment-V | (V) Orthopedic Impairment | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWV |
Hearing Impairment-W | (W) Hearing Impairment | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWW |
Deaf-X | (X) Deaf | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWX |
Other Health Impairment-Y | (Y) Other Health Impairment | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWY |
Visual Impairment-Z | (Z) Visual Impairment | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWZ |
Blind - 1 | (1) Blind | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW1 |
Deaf and Blind-2 | (2) Deaf and Blind | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW2 |
Speech/ Language Impairment-3 | (3) Speech/Language Impairment | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW3 |
Autism-6 | (6) Autism | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW6 |
Traumatic Brain Injury-7 | (7) Traumatic Brain Injury | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW7 |
Preschool Special Education/SDD-8 | (8) Preschool Special Education/SSD | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW8 |
Primary Area | Imported into State/Province - GA > Georgia Special Education Information: Special Education Program Primary Area | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]PAE |
Imported into State/Province - GA > FTE Special Education Information > Hours Student is Served Per Week for each Related Service: | ||
Adapted PE-A | (A) Direct Adapted PE services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursA |
Audiology-B | (B) Audiology services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursB |
Counseling-C | (C) Counseling | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursC |
Diagnostic services-D | (D) Diagnostic services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursD |
Occupational Therapy-E | (E) Occupational Therapy services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursE |
Physical Therapy-F | (F) Physical Therapy services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursF |
Psychological services-G | (G) Psychological services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursG |
Interpreter-H | (H) Interpreter services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursH |
School Health/Nursing-I | (I) School Health/Nursing services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursI |
School Social Work-J | (J) School Social Work services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursJ |
Special Transportation-K | (K) Special Transportation services | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursK |
Orientation and Mobility-L | (L) Orientation and Mobility | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursL |
Imported into State/Province - GA > Georgia Special Education Information: | ||
Special ED ENVIRONMENT | Special ED Environment | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]Environment |
GTID | Imported into State/Province - GA > Georgia Student Information Education Information: Student Number | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
Imported into State/Province - GA > Georgia Special Education Information: | ||
Event code | Special Educ Exit Code | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]ExitCode |
Event Date | Spec Educ Exit Date | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]ExitDate |
GAA flag | GAA Flag | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]GAA_Flag |
Program Code | Program Code | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]SEGMENT_FTE |
School Code | Ignored during import | N/A |
Related Service of Speech. (Speech therapy M) | (M) Speech Therapy | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]RelHoursM |
GAAEnteredDate | GAA Eligibility Start Date | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]GaaEligibilityStartDate |
GAExitedDate | GAA Eligibility End Date | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]GaaEligibilityEndDate |
If the upload file has invalid values, you can click on a link to view the validation errors. The following are examples of errors you may encounter:
Last Name. First Name, GTID, Acknowledgement
Abdelmalik, Carleigh, 4469788503, Invalid GAA Flag
Abdelmalik, Carleigh, 4469788503, Invalid FTE Program